Chapter 33

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Blue took a deep breath and started..

"when I met Mercy my Auntie, she explained to me what happened to myself and Tash, what happened to our parents and why we were taken away from them. She explained that my mother was Mary and she was the youngest sister of 3 witches, she is Merida's and Mercy's sister, Mercy explained that my mother wasn't a bad person, Merida tried to teach her black magic, but my mother wouldn't do it, she was kind and thoughtful. Then my mother met my father Justin..." Blue looked into the Alpha's eyes she didn't think he had twigged that she had just mentioned his brother's name.

She carried on "my father Justin was a full blood werewolf and an Alpha, my mother was his fated mate, but unfortunately Merida didn't take it too well, neither did she take Mercy having a mate well either, Merida killed Mercy's mate.." she heard a gasp from the Luna, but still the Alpha didn't even flinch.

"Mercy banished Merida to the cave where she resides now and she can't leave, but she then grew even darker and was consumed by madness, she was researching into the ultimate power, which she found to be an entity called the fifth elemental, but in order to awaken the fifth elemental she needed the other four, myself, Tash and Emily are three and that is why we are leaving to find the fourth, we need to get their before she's taken. Merida can't get her hands on any of us as she could use one to make the rest co-operate. She tried to conjure the elements, but without knowing that they needed hosts, the elements split to seek out hosts of their own, as Merida couldn't leave the cave, she had to recruit rogues in order to do her bidding, but that took time." She paused giving time for the information to sink in.

She felt Hunter squeeze her waist and he nudged her cheek with his chin, she looked and smiled at him. "I was born at the same time as Tash, Emily and the fourth, but Merida found out and sent her rogues after us, my mother and father entrusted me to Mercy and Tash's parents who were very strong warriors also did the same, I don't know why Emily's parents didn't do anything, they may not have known what their daughter was. Mercy ran and hid us in the human world, but my mother and father and Tash's parents all perished that night trying to distract the rogues, they gave their lives for us."

This bit was what she was dreading "my father, Alpha was your older brother and errrmmm your niece..." Blue paused and looked into her uncles eyes she saw nothing she cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry I never said anything but Mercy wasn't sure how you would react and I didn't want you to see me as a threat or kick us out, it wouldn't be fair on the others, I am sorry though"

The Alpha sighed "did you really think that I wouldn't recognise you, that I wouldn't recognise my niece...." Blue gasped

"you knew who I was" she looked at the Alpha with her mouth wide open.

He chuckled "you look like him, you sound like him, but you act like your mum, you do have some of her features, but I see my brother in you, I'm sorry I couldn't say anything, I was just trying to gauge your character, I'm sorry Blue" he smiled at her.

Blue smiled back "its ok, I've been dying to tell you, I'm glad you knew already, I wanted to say something before we left just so you knew really, I have a lot of questions about my parents, what they were like etc. but time is not on our side, but I hope you will answer my questions when we all get back" she smiled.

The Alpha nodded "I will answer all your questions when you return".

Hunter interrupted "I think it's time, Titans just mind linked me as him and Tash are finished doing, whatever the hell they were doing" he rolled his eyes and laughed.

"yeah we better go meet them at the front of the packhouse" Blue said with a slight sadness to her voice, she really didn't want to leave Hunter, but she knew she had to.

They all rose from the table and headed towards the front of the packhouse to meet the others.

Mercy was waiting for the girls at the front, Emily and Tash were saying bye to Freyja and Titan.

"we ready to go" asked Mercy

Blue looked around "Jason we just need Jason to turn up".

"I haven't seen him since everything happened last night" Hunter looked concerned.

"well can someone mind link him so we can go" Tash said hands on hips

"I've been trying him and I can't get through" Titan said shrugging his shoulders.

Just then Jason walked around the corner of the packhouse, everyone looked at him, he didn't look well at all, his usual bright eyes were dull and he had bags underneath his eyes, his hair was scruffy as if he had only just got out of bed.

"Jason are you ok, we have been trying to contact you" Blue said as she went towards him, he put his hands up.

"I'm sorry guys but after last night I felt horrid, really horrid and guilty, I wish I knew what he was like I would have stopped him or at least tried to stop him...." Jason looked defeated.

The Alpha walked towards Jason and placed his hand on his shoulder, "it's not your fault Jason, he has always been like that and unfortunately not even his mate could stop him from being......well..." he looked back at the Luna as if asking for permission, she smiled and nodded, he nodded back "well evil and crazy".

Jason nodded "thanks Alpha that makes me feel a little better" he smiled weakly.

Mercy clapped her hands together "right are we NOW ready to go"

All the girls looked at each other "yes" they said in unison.

Titan looked at Jason "look after them Jay" Jason nodded "with my life Ti, Hunter, Freyja".

They all hugged each other.

Blue turned to Hunter she stroked his cheek "be good" she winked, he laughed, "always" he winked back.

Jason, Emily, Tash, Blue and Mercy all turned and walked off through the village and up towards the hills.

Tash stopped and turned around she could still see Titan standing outside, she held her hand up and waved, he waved back, "miss you my love" she whispered

"come back to me, my mate" Titan said through their link, Tash smiled.

Blue turned around and held out her hand to Tash.

"you ready Tash" Tash took Blues hand.

"ready as I will ever be" Tash winked.

"TRUE DAT" Emily shouted

They all laughed and carried on walking towards the unknown.


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