Chapter 31

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"Blue I don't get a good feeling about him, he's strange, I can smell something on him, I can't quite place it though" Terra said to Blue, she really didn't like Damon.

"it's ok Terra nothing will happen, remember we have Hunter here now, he won't let anything happen to us" she tried to sooth her wolf.

Hunter looked at Blue with his eyebrow raised "what is it little one, your wolf is restless, I can feel her"

"she's uneasy about Damon, she says he smells funny", just then Tash leaned over and whispered "Ember is going mental she says she smells something strange, it reminds her of the cave we were in, where Merida held us captive"

Suddenly Blue looked at Damon she walked forward she sniffed, Damon's eyes flashed black "smell something you like sweet cheeks" he snarled.

Hunter growled and moved forward, Titan put his arm in front of Hunter to stop him from moving, Blue sniffed again, "you smell soooo familiar Damon" she flashed him a smile and looked over at Tash, Tash seemed to know what she wanted her to do, slowly both girls started to circle Damon, his eyes couldn't keep still, he started to sweat.

"hot Damon, you seem rather clammy" Tash exclaimed

"Tash, I was just pointing out to Damon here that he smells sooo familiar, don't you think" Blue smirked at Tash.

"he's the eyes Blue, the ones that were watching us, that day in the forest we sensed him, it was him, I thought I knew that smell from somewhere" Terra was pacing backwards and forwards.

"ahhh so I wasn't seeing things and it was him, why was he spying on us, he's bad Terra definitely bad" Blue needed to find out what this guy was about.

Suddenly the canteen door flew open and in strode Emily "YOU BASTARD..." everyone looked at Emily, Damon nearly wet himself, but then he suddenly became calm, he stood tall and there was an evil glint in his eye, behind Emily came the Alpha and the Luna.

The Luna looked extremely upset "how could you Damon, my own brother, why did you do it?"

Jason was looking wildly around "I don't understand what has he done" he looked really confused.

Damon looked at Jason, Blue swore she saw a slight tinge of hurt and regret in his eyes when he looked at Jason, but that look turned to a sick glare as he looked at the people in front of him, he laughed.

"so you've finally figured it out then, it took you long enough....." Jason still didn't understand.

Emily glared at Damon, "you kidnapped me when I was young and took me to Merida, YOU USED ME YOU SICK BASTARD" she growled loudly, Freyja had appeared and had grabbed Emily round the waist so she couldn't move and do something stupid, although Freyja didn't look happy either, her face was like stone she kept looking at Hunter and Titan, it was like they were having a conversation without uttering a word.

"must be the mind link thing" thought Blue.

"what do you mean he kidnapped you Emily" Jason was glaring at Damon now.

Damon smirked "well I needed a way of getting in with the witch Merida, word was she was stuck in this cave just outside of our borders, but she was looking for these elementals and was offering a massive reward for the location, or the actual elemental themselves, so being the lucky person that I am, I stumbled across little Emily here using her abilities"

"so you took her and gave her to Merida... for what Damon, what was this massive reward" Blue was angry really angry she could feel her eyes flashing green.

"power my dear, real power" Damon sneered at Blue.

The Alpha had had enough of his brother in law, Damon had always been a disruptive person, evil in some ways and he had never liked him, but he tolerated him for his Luna's sake, he could feel her pain through their bond, the hurt, the shame, he could feel how sorry she was "I'm sorry my love" she looked at him "it's all my fault" her head fell and the Alpha snapped..

"ENOUGH" bellowed the Alpha "HUNTER, TITAN escort Damon to our dungeon"

"oh I don't think so dear brother...I've put up with your holier than thou attitude for too long, you think you're a big man, the BIG BAD ALPHA, well you can't be that good can you since I took one of your pack members without you even knowing AND you couldn't even find her" Damon laughed which echoed round the room.

"ENOUGH DAMON" the Luna shouted "I've had enough of you, you disrespected everyone, you are evil and you don't deserve to be part of this pack anymore" the Luna stood tall "I brought you in and now...." Her voice went deep her eyes shone like the sun "I am the one who is kicking you out.." everyone gasped, that is apart from the Alpha, he knew this was hard for his Luna, but he also knew it was only her that could do this.

She breathed "I Isabella Moon, Luna of the Silvermoon pack expel you Damon Malum from this pack, you will from this day forward be a rogue, with no pack of your own and an enemy to me and my family, you are no longer my brother" her voice vibrated through everyone.

Titan, Hunter, Freyja, Jason, the Alpha and Damon all scrunched up their faces as if they were in pain, the girls panicked and tried to sooth their mates, as quick as it started it stopped, they all looked up and at Damon, who was now white as a sheet.

Damon looked at the Luna and growled "you dare do this to me, you will pay, you WILL ALL PAY" and with that there was a white flash the room filled with smoke, everyone was coughing.

"GRAB HIM DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY" the alpha boomed. The smoke cleared and Damon was gone.

A shiver went down Blues spine, she looked over at Tash and Emily "why do I feel that, that won't be the last time we will see him"

Emily and Tash both nodded and said in unison "true dat" 

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