When the noise had calmed down and the ringing in Tash's ears had stopped, they stepped into a room which the Alpha had pointed to, Mercy closed the door, Blue, Tash and Emily all picked up some chairs that were stacked on top of one another, this must be the storeroom, thought Blue.
"right ladies take a seat, I think we need to chat" Mercy took a seat and the girls sat in front of her in a half circle.
"what do you need to talk to us about" asked Tash.
Mercy started to speak "I think I need to start from the beginning.........
"in the beginning there were three sisters, Merida was the eldest, Mercy was the middle child and Mary was the youngest. All three sisters were very close and grew up in the same house in the middle of a deep forest, the one thing you need to know girls is that they were witches, very powerful witches. Blue your mother was Mary, she was mine and Merida's younger sister" Mercy paused whilst Blue took in the information she had just told her.
"Mary...my mother's name is Mary...so you are my Auntie......oh and so is Merida......" Blues shoulders drooped at the realisation that Merida that horrid cow was related to her.
Mercy continued "yes Blue Mary was your mother and myself and Merida are your Aunt's"
"you said 'was'" said Tash glancing at Blue then back to Mercy.
"yes, I will get to that sad part in a moment, in the beginning we three sisters were very close, but as we all grew up we started to drift apart, I wanted to become a healer and so became an apprentice to a healer witch in the village, Merida on the other hand wanted power, she went down the dark magic route, much to my disgust and worry, she also wanted Mary to follow her, but her heart wasn't so easily corrupted, all Mary ever wanted was love.
Whilst out foraging one day she came across an injured male wolf, he had been caught in one of Merida's traps, she managed to get the trap off the wolf and brought it to me to try and heal. He changed from a wolf into a young boy, this boy happed to be the then Alpha's youngest son, when she took him back to his pack it turned out that Mary was the mate of the Alpha's eldest son, your father Blue."
Mercy paused again, "what was my father's name?" asked Blue
"Justin......he was the next in line to be Alpha of the Silvermoon pack, this pack, the now Alpha, Alpha Ramone was the young boy that your mother saved, he was Justin's younger brother and your Uncle Blue." Blue gasped "does he know he's my uncle?" she looked at Mercy.
"no, I'm afraid not and this is the way it has to stay Blue, for now, I know it's confusing, but trust me it's for the best, ok?" Mercy knew that this would be hard for Blue, she would want to ask a lot of questions and she believed that the Alpha would be too overwhelmed with it and may turn the girls away, she needed him to protect the girls until they learned about who they are and how to use their abilities.
Blue brought her out of her thoughts "I won't say anything Auntie I promise, I trust you".
"thank you Blue, now where was I.......errrmmmm ah yes well Mary and Justin where mates, this is quite a rare thing, to be honest not many wolves find theirs and for it to be a witch as well is extremely rare, what you girls need to understand is that a mate to a wolf is the other half of their soul, humans call this soul mates, male werewolves especial need to seek out their mates as their wolf will not settle until their mate is found, if their true mate cannot be found they will choose a mate and hope that over time their wolf will accept them. Male wolves have known to become feral and go mad without their mates and Alpha's, Beta's, Delta's and Gamma's are especially to this. So, for your father and mother to find each other was a miracle and their union was celebrated by the whole pack, but their joy was short lived for as soon as Merida found out about the union, she went mad and I mean thunder cracking, volcano erupting MAD...."
Mercy paused again and let the information sink in for a beat, "Merida swore she would find a way to rip them apart, but that rage turned to fury and she decided that all wolves needed to be destroyed. She researched a way and found the legend of the fifth elemental....the ultimate being, the combination of the four elements, Earth, Fire, Air and Water, she tried to summon the fifth elemental using the elements, but something went wrong, in order for the process to work, the elements needed hosts, when Merida chanted the spell the elements rose up and flew off into different directions and found their hosts themselves....."
"us they found us" whispered Tash "yes Tash they found you, you, Blue and Emily where born around the same time and as such you were chosen as hosts"
"what about the fourth element, where did that go" asked Emily
"that I don't know Emily" said Mercy "that is why I need to go, I need to try and locate the fourth before Merida does, there is someone I can contact, but I need to go alone, I will come back when I locate the fourth and then we can go together to find her, I can find the whereabouts, but I will need you all to sense precisely where she is" she looked at Tash who was deep in thought.
"Tash what is wrong" asked Mercy "what happened to my parents you talk about Blue's, but what about mine, you said I look like my dad and have my mums eyes, what happened to them Mercy" tears welled up in Tash's eyes, Blue and Emily scooted their chairs towards Tash, Emily held her hand whilst Blue rubbed circles in her back, that usually calmed her down.
Mercy sighed "this is the hard part, your parents Tash were full wolves, they were warriors the best warriors, your father was known for his fiery temper and your mother was a very calculating she wolf, it all happened one night, Merida had been gathering Rogues, rogues are wolves that have been banished from their packs, or have gone mad from not finding their mates or there mates have died, she was hunting the elementals, the pack was attacked, both your parents knew what Merida wanted so they gave you Tash and you Blue to me, they loved you girls soooo much, but they couldn't allow Merida to get her hands on you, the best thing they could do was to give you to me to hide and the best place to hide you was in the human world, I'm sorry girls, but your parents died whilst protecting you......"
At this point both Tash and Blue where crying with Emily holding both girls, rubbing circles in their backs to try and sooth them. Once they had calmed down Mercy continued "whilst I am away you all need to train, ask the Alpha whether this can happen, you need to prepare, get to know your wolves and learn how to use your abilities, your wolves should know how to do this, listen to them they are exceptional and their knowledge is priceless, do you have any questions for me..."
Blue looked at Mercy "can we transform into wolves like David?" "I never have" Emily sadly said.
"I'm afraid not, elementals are the exception and they cannot change into wolves, that explains why you have never been able to change Emily, but your wolves can take over your bodies, your eyes will change, and your voices too, you can let your wolf take over it will feel strange at first....."
"it's like you're watching a film in a cinema..." said Tash
"so, I believe" chuckled Mercy
"anything else girls???" asked Mercy
"what about Mates?" Emily asked in a low voice, "what about them" said Mercy looking puzzled, "I mean can we have mates if we can't turn into wolves???"
"that doesn't matter and yes you can have mates and you never know who they are or where they are" Mercy smiled and winked at them all "good luck girls"
Mercy got up and hugged each one of them, "please be safe" Blue said hugging her one last time, "I have only just found you and I don't want to lose you" Mercy backed away from the hug "I will try, don't worry I will return" she said as she turned around and headed for the door.
They all headed into the hall where the Alpha and Luna where sat talking with another man and woman and Emily's parents too, "everything sorted" asked Alpha Ramone.
Mercy bowed "yes Alpha, thank you again for offering to protect them whilst I am away, I will take my leave now" she bowed again "I will show you out, in the meantime, I will get one of the omegas to show you girls to your rooms" they all bowed "thank you alpha" they all said in unison.
Mercy walked out of the hall, before she disappeared down the corridor she turned and shouted "BEHAVE GIRLS" with a wink she was gone.
Tash turned to Blue and Emily "what does she mean by BEHAVE GIRLS" she raised an eyebrow and they all burst out laughing.

Lupita - The Beginning
Lupi mannariTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...