When the laughter had died down the girls noticed a large looking woman walking, well stomping down the corridor towards them, "ooooo she seems angry for some reason" whispered Blue, Tash chuckled "sshhhhhhhh" hissed Emily.Tash looked at Blue with a raised eye brow, "errrmmmmmmm......Emily are you ok??????" Blue asked, they could feel the waves of anger and frustration coming out of Emily and they heard whimpers and howls over and over again in their heads, but before Emily could answer the woman was upon them......
"right my name Hilda I am Omega in pack, I show you rooms now" Hilda had a thick accent, but Blue couldn't place it, "hi Hilda it's nice to meet..." before Blue could carry on Hilda interrupted her with a hand over her mouth "no talking I show room now" and with that she turned on her heels and stomped off.
"what the.........quick girls she moves fast...." Tash said whilst grabbing hold of Blue and Emily by the arms and yanking them after Hilda.
Hilda took them through the corridor, and up some stairs through another corridor, through some doors, she turned right, left, right then another right......" oh my god, where the hell are these rooms bloody Blackpool...." Tash said whilst smirking at Blue, "what's a Black.... pool" asked Emily with a confused look on her face. Both Tash and Blue laughed "never mind" they both said in unison.
Finally Hilda stopped in front of some large wooden double doors, "here we go, you stay here, this is room" she opened the double doors and stepped inside, the girls opened their mouths "wow" they all said in unison, the room was large, really large it was a lot bigger than any of the flats they had ever had, thought Tash. There was a settee and an arm chair in the middle of the room with a coffee table, some book cases and a couple of different doors spread around the room.
Hilda started pointing to the different doors, "their room, their room and their room, you have bathroom their and places to put clothing their......" Tash and Blue had to turn around as they couldn't stop the smirks on their faces and Emily looked like she was about to kill them, "shut up and stop messing around" she hissed. What on earth is wrong with her thought Blue.
Hilda said her warm good byes, well she turned and walked out of the room without actually saying good bye or anything "wow what a lady" said Blue.
"so now we are here and alone, is everyone ok???" Tash looked at Emily "mmmmm well Emily mmmmmm" Blue said folding her arms and looking at Emily as well.
Emily looked at both girls "what, I'm fine thank you just fine....so which room do you want" she asked trying to change the subject.
"Emily we can feel how you feel remember and we can hear your thoughts as well" said Blue, "oh I forgot we could do that" she sighed.
"what's wrong Em," Blue reached for Emily's hand "come on we are your sisters Em, if you can't tell us then who can you..." Tash reached for her other hand.
Emily sighed again "it's my wolf Caeli, she's so nervous lately, she can't settle, it's hard to keep her under control, ever since she heard the word Mates, she's been pacing in my mind its driving me crazy"
"and making you cranky" chuckled Tash, "Tash..." Blue hissed "maybe it's because your mate is around oooooo remember what Mercy said, they could be anyone and they could be anywhere..." Blue wiggled her eye brows making Emily laugh. Tash just rolled her eyes. They all burst out laughing.
A knock on the door brought them out of their laughing fit, "come in" shouted Emily, the door opened and the Luna Isabella stood in the door way smiling brightly, "Luna" they all said together and bowed. "please girls call me Isabella, I don't really go for formalities" the girls all nodded their heads.
"is there something you wanted Lun...I mean Isabella" said Tash
"well since we are having a party well I was wondering.....well since you have no bags, I assumed that well.....that you haven't got any clothes and well....I was wondering whether you wanted to come shopping tomorrow with me for some clothes and maybe a dress for the party???...." oh nooooo thought Tash she said the S word.
"ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy ggggggggoooooooodddddddd SHOPPING BLOODY YES 100 TIMES YES YES YES YES WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Blue screamed at the top if her lungs and launched herself at Isabella, her knees buckled and they both landed on the floor with a thwack.
"oh my god are you ok?" Tash ran over with Emily to try and help the Luna up, but when they got their both where in a heap on the floor laughing, Tash sighed and rolled her eyes as did Emily, "I think tomorrow Emily is going to be a long day".
They helped the Luna up and Blue sprung to her feet, "thank you for inviting us tomorrow Lun...I mean Isabella" Emily said with a smile.
"right well I will leave you girls to it, oh and I will have some food sent up for you, we have put some clothes in the wardrobe hopefully they will fit, I will see you bright and early tomorrow" and with that she turned and headed out of the door, the next minute a small lady came in with a tray of food, "the Luna said that you might be a little hungry" she placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the settee, bowed and then left.
All the girls looked at each other their stomachs growled, "wow I didn't realise how hungry I was" Blue said whilst lifting the covers off the plates, "oooooooo that looks sooooo good, spaghetti and meatballs mmmmm my fave" Blues mouth watered, "right lets dig in girls" Tash said with gusto.
The girls all sat and ate, slurps and moans echoed round the room, when the girls had finished Tash opened the wardrobe to see what options they had for bed, "wow, there are a lot of clothes in here" she chose a big t shirt and grey sweatpants, she turned to the girls "right I'm off for a shower, your turn to look" with that she sauntered through a door at the far end of the room, she then came out again "that's a bedroom" she chose another door and came out again "that's a bedroom too" she signed, at this point Blue was half in half out of the wardrobe laughing, Emily was on her back laughing loud.
"third times the charm" she went through another door "JACKPOT" with that the door closed, they could hear the shower turn on, Blue turned to Emily "how you feeling Em?"
"better thanks Blue, Caeli is calming down I think the food helped" Emily smiled at Blue
"being hangry is never good, especially when you're a wolf" Blue giggled.
Emily turned her head to the side, which Blue thought made her look like a cute pup.
"what's Hangry....?????"
"oh I've got a lot to teach you my sista, A LOT......" Blue said whilst rubbing her hands together with a glint in her eyes....
"A LOT...."
I hope everyone is enjoying the book so far, I loved writing Hildas character, she's amazing and made me laugh a lot 😂, don't forget to vote and comment luv ya mi peeps xxxxxx

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...