Chapter 25

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Titan looked pissed REALLY PISSED, Tash just put her hands on her hips and turned her head to the side, "really babe you need to calm the hell down, I thought you knew that I was an elemental.."

"no Tash you failed to mention that you are a BLOODY ELEMENTAL AND CAN CONTROL FIRE...." There was a vein in Titans head that looked like it was going to burst. Everyone was staring at Titan, Tash just laughed and sauntered towards Titan she placed her hands on his shoulders, he stiffened at her touch, she then went up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

"calm down love, I am who I am, I know I should have told you, but I honestly thought you knew" she shrugged her shoulders.

Just then Hunter came jogging up to them, Blue stiffened and Jason moved closer to her, which earned a growl off Hunter. Tash glared and moved towards Hunter, he stepped back with his hands up and Titan wrapped his arms around her waist.

"have you come to apologise to Blue, well..." her eyes flashed red and Titan drew her in closer to him. "WELL..." Tash was about to swing at Hunter.

"Tash will you calm down, I've gone around the perimeter and I haven't seen anything nor has the patrols, are you sure you saw someone, he looked over at Blue"

"yes, I did thank you and it wasn't just me it was my wolf too, Terra sense something wrong and she is always right" Blue now had her hands on her waist and glaring at Hunter.

"look we are wasting time we need to try and contact Mercy so we can go and find the fourth elemental" Tash said looking at Blue "can you contact her Blue, she is your Auntie"

Blue thought for a moment, "to be honest I don't know, maybe if I concentrate, I can call her, I will try later" she looked over at Hunter who was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

"why doesn't he want us" Blue said to herself "he does Blue, I've been speaking to his wolf and he is just scared, the whole witch thing is something that you need to talk to him about, you will understand more when you do, please Blue do this before we have to leave.."

"Terra what do you mean leave.."

"we need to leave Blue, we need to try to find my sister, she's in danger" Terra said with a sniff.

"ah Terra don't get upset, we will find her before anything happens I promise" Blue tried to sooth her wolf who was really upset.

Tash and Emily looked over at Blue "what's wrong with Terra , Caeli is really upset" Emily said

"yes, and Ember she keeps howling and saying something to do with Azure....who's Azure?" she looked over at Blue.

"Azure is the fourth sister, our wolf's sister, they are really worried that she's in danger they need us to go and find her, WE need to go and find her" Blue looked to her friends who suddenly realised what they had to do.

Tash winced, "this isn't going to go down well"

Emily nodded "yup"

All three turned around to the mates, who were talking and leaning on trees, Tash cleared her throat, they all turned around with a confused look on their faces.

"errmmmm guys.......we errmmmmm....need to talk and errrmmm, Emily?" Tash pushed Emily forward, she was looking at Freyja.

"baby....errmmmmm, we need to errmmm......BLUE!!!!!" Emily passed it over to Blue.

"right guys, we three are known as elementals, I am earth as you all have witnessed" she winked at Hunter who just grunted. "and Tash is fire and Emily is air, Jason has actually met the fourth, Water and we need to go and find the fourth, now we need to do this before Merida.." upon hearing her name Hunter stood bolt upright as did Freyja and Titan.

"how do you know her.." Titan said through clenched teeth.

Blue continued "unfortunately when we first stumbled into this world we was captured and chained up by her, she unfortunately is my Auntie..." she heard a growl and Hunter walked towards her, "and you wondered why I rejected you" Blue put her hand up "I don't want to talk about that, I'm not my auntie, I am me and I rejected your rejection because I wanted you to know me" she waved her hands.

"anyway as I was saying, Merida held us captive until we managed to get away, we found Emily in the basement and my other Auntie Mercy, who is good" Blue glared at Hunter, who just huffed and continued to lean on the tree, "she helped us to escape and brought us here, but when we were captured, Merida was talking about finding the four elementals and using them to call forth the fifth elemental. Someone or something that can control everything, that can destroy everything...." Blue paused.

"guys we need to go and find the fourth, but we need to go alone.." she looked expectantly at the three in front of her, Freyja was the first to react she walked over to Emily and kissed her on her head.

"is this what you need to do little one, do you need to leave me.." she held Emily's face.

"yes love I'm sorry, but what Blue says is true we need to do this alone, it will take a lot of persuading and I don't think if we come mob handed she will come easily" she smiled at Freyja who just sighed "you will come back to me though"

Emily kissed Freyja's lips "I will always come back to you love" she smiled

Tash walked up to Titan who wrapped his arms around Tash and kissed her head, "if you need to go you need to go, we couldn't come anyway, we have duties here" he kissed the top of her head again" suddenly there was an almighty growl.

Hunter was stood there glaring at Blue his eyes were pitch Black, his canines were showing and his nails had turned into claws.

"hello Max" Blue whispered.

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