Chapter 5

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She could smell SMOKE..... crap she thought, was something on fire, she tried to move, but something was stopping her, she was pinned to the floor, she strained her neck to look around the room, as the scene became clearer, she realised she was in a large stone room, it looked like a cave, she could see a fire burning with a pot hanging over it, that must have been what she could smell, she saw a table with a large book on a stand, it had a lot of bottles and bowls surrounding it, with what looked like leaves and different coloured powders inside them.

She looked round the other way and saw Blue on the floor next to her still unconscious, she had a bandage on her forehead with some kind of sap underneath it, she looked down and realised that they were both chained to the floor with shackles around their ankles and their wrists held behind their backs.

"Blue.... Blue wake up.... Blue please wake up" her voice came out small and raspy as she pleaded with Blue to wake up, she saw Blue start to move and groan

"oooohhhhhhhh my head, what theee" Blue's eyes suddenly shot open and she thrashed her body as if she was possessed.

"Blue calm down, calm down, you will only hurt yourself...." Blue slowly started to move less she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when her eyes opened, she looked over at Tash.

"hey, whatcha doin???" Tash smiled at her friend

"really Tash" Blue sighed "just doing some Pilates, you???"

both girls looked at each other and smiled, they always knew how to cheer each other up, even if it wasn't the most appropriate time.

"Tash where are we, it smells horrid in hear like rotten food and stale smoke.......wait it smells exactly like those men outside the pub, the ones that started on me and Anthony....Tash we need to get out of here" Blue tried to shake her legs again.

"She's right Tash this place is bad we must get out of here" that voice again, who are you, why do you keep speaking to me "I am the other part of you Tash, I have been asleep for many years, but I was awakened and now here I am, my name is Ember and I'm your wolf..." Tash's eyes grew wide, no you....I.....I can't be a wolf surely I can't be a wolf.....I don't understand "you will Tash I promise you will, but we must get out of here"

Blue was still trying to wiggle her way out of the chains when they both heard a chuckle.

"ahhhh you are both awake, lovely now we can have a little chat"

both girls' heads snapped up to wear the voice came from, their stood a tall woman with long jet-black hair down to the floor, she had long talon like nails that where also black, she wore a long black dress, wow this woman really liked black thought Blue,

"who are you?" asked Blue

"ah my dear Niece, what you don't recognise your Aunty Merida, well I'm hurt" she made a pouty face and then smiled

"what do you want with us" asked Tash

"mmmmmm good question Wolf" she snarled at Tash, Blues face was a picture

"Tash is no wolf we are humans, I don't know who you are, but you are definitely not my aunt, I don't know you, I don't particularly like you right now and to be honest your hole of a home smells like CRAP SO LET US THE HELL GO YOU CRAZY BITCH...."

Blue screamed the last part and Tash was actually impressed, but she swore she saw her eyes flash a different colour, a green maybe, just then Merida slapped Blue hard, a loud growl erupted from the chest of Tash making the walls shake, Merida stopped and looked at Tash with a smirk on her face

"well, well, well the big bad wolf appears, long time no speaky Ember, how's the little nap been mmmmmm"

Tash's eyes flashed red "how do you know my wolf?"

Merida laughed "I have been waiting for the elementals for a very long time, beasty and now I finally have 3 of you, I only need to find the last one and then everything will be mine" Merida let out an almighty laugh "now I need to go and prepare, behave I will be back soon" with a flick of her hair Merida skipped out of the room.

"Tash what did she mean Wolf?" Blue looked over at Tash

"apparently I have a wolf? Her name is Ember, she seems nice, well apart from the beheading fetish......" she could feel Ember roll her eyes and huff

"you can hear her in your head like a voice can't you Tash?" Tash nodded her head at Blue

"me too"

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tash looked at Blue who was looking extremely guilty "what the hell Blue, you tell me this now, when did you hear yours? Why didn't you tell me? What's her name? is it a she ????" Tash wiggled her eyebrows at Blue which made her smile

"well it all started when I looked into the water I heard HER and yes it's a she thank you" she rolled her eyes "it was just a small voice just telling me to calm down that she was there and would help when she could, she only really came aloud when I woke up here, her name is Terra, I didn't say anything because to be honest I didn't really believe it myself, Tash our wolves aren't ordinary wolves, they are special, Terra explained what Merida meant about elementals, there are four elementals, fire, earth, air and water" Blue paused and let Tash catch up.

What am I? Tash silently asked herself "we are fire Tash, we are a powerful being, do not underestimate us" oh it's you again Tash mentally rolled her eyes

"Tash are you ok" Blue was looking at her friend chained to the floor, with dirt and dried blood over her clothes, her face and hair.

"I'm ok Blue just carry on we need to figure this out before that Bitch comes back" with that she let out a growl.

"well you got the growl thing down to a t" smiled Blue, Tash rolled her eyes and smiled, Blue set off again "according to Terra we are Earth, you and Ember are Fire...wait didn't Merida say she had three out of the four... where the hell is the other one???? Tash, we have to get out of here and find the third we have to save her".  

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