Chapter 15

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The Day of the Party

Tash looked at herself in the mirror she did love this dress, her red hair was curled and hung low down her exposed back, she wore minimal makeup just some lipstick and mascara, Blue came up behind her, they both looked in the mirror, "well I think we will do, don't you" Blue smirked with her arm slung around Tash's shoulders.

Tash turned around extended her elbows to Blue and Emily "shall we go ladies" they all giggled and walked out of the door.

They headed towards the sounds of chatter and laughter, they opened the doors to the great hall, it looked very impressive, lights were hung everywhere and gold and red banners were hung from the ceiling, it looked so regal and grand.

The girls walked in and everyone stopped, the Luna came running towards them, "Tash, Blue, Emily follow me, she walked towards the stage that had been erected at the back of the room.


"yes Blue"

"can you feel someone watching us?"

"yes, everyone is" Tash giggled

"no Tash I mean really watching us, Terra is going mental, my head is wrecking me"

"I know Ember has started pacing again, its bad Blue, really bad"

Blue and Tash both felt eyes burning into their skulls.

The girls stood at the edge of the stage, Emily went and stood next to Freyja who had just entered the hall, the Alpha and Luna took their places on the stage.

"also we are happy to have Emily back, as many of you know she was taken from our pack many years ago and was rescued by these two ladies in front of this stage, please may I introduce to you all Jade Bluebell Mellor and Natasha Taylor Temple.." again everyone clapped and cheered. Blue and Tash bowed to everyone.

"oh god he used my full name" Blue said, she hated her middle name and would just rather be called Blue, she sighed.

The Alpha continued "Emily has also found her mate, Freyja she is the second in command to our delta in the royal guards, we are beyond happy to have you join us....." just as the Alpha was about to continue a smell hit Tash's nose, it was amazing, it smelled like freshly baked bread it was one of Tash's most favourite smells, it filled her nose and made her feel calm. She looked around trying to locate the smell....

"can I have Titan Black to the stage please, so he can take the oath and become our Beta officially" the crowds parted and a man came towards the stage.

Tash's breath hitched in her throat her eyes went wide she looked at the man coming towards her, he was tall really tall about 6,2 she thought, he had deep brown eyes, tanned skin and black wavy hair that was messy but it suited him, she could also see a tattoo going from underneath his shirt up to his neck, it looked tribal, she could also see his muscles pushing through his black t-shirt and smart dark jeans, he looked like a bloody god, her heart was coming out of her chest she gripped onto Blue's arm.

Ember was howling and jumping around screaming "Mate Mate Mate"

"Tash what's wrong" Blue asked with concern in her voice.

"wrong why would you think anything was wrong" Tash said nervously giggling

"I know there's something wrong Tash, not think I bloody know, and you know how I know because YOUR CUTTING OFF THE CIRCULATION TO MY PISSIN ARM THAT'S HOW I KNOW" Blue whisper shouted at her now sweating friend.

"Tash calm the hell down", Blue looked over at Emily who mouthed "WHAT THE F IS GOING ON WITH TASH" she could feel the emotions cascading off her.

The Beta, Titan, Tash thought she heard his name being called, came up towards her his eyes never leaving hers, he walked straight passed her and up onto the stage.

Tash blew out a breath she didn't realise she was holding, he just walked passed her, no smile no hi nothing, she suddenly realised that maybe he doesn't want her, he's going to reject her, she turned to Blue "Blue, our Mate is here" she looked at Blue, "mines here too" she looked at Tash.

"I feel sick Blue what do we do...." Tash still had hold of Blues arm, "first we ease of Blues arm as she would like to be able to use it again one day..." she slowly prised Tash's fingers off her arm "now we just chill..."

"CHILL" Tash whisper shouted

"yes, chill Tash, jeez you know play it cool, they don't even exist in our eyes, you got me" she winked at her friend

"I don't think I can do that, how are you so calm, usually it's the other way around, usually you're the mess and it's me chilling" Tash questioned her friend.

"I think you will feel it more because you are a full Wolf, I'm only half remember, oh I feel it trust me Terra is screeching, MATE in my head, it's hilarious she's acting like a love sick puppy" Blue giggled, "but right now I can't see who he is and I'm not stressing, so you calm the f in hell down" she hugged her friend

"your right Blue, what will be will be" she took a deep breath "I'm ok now honest".

Whilst they were having their little confab, Titan had said his vow to protect the pack and to take on the role as Beta. He turned and went to the back of the stage behind the Alpha, Tash could feel his eyes on her staring.

Blue leaned towards her friend "I'm guessing that the Beta, Titan I think his name is, is your mate" Tash just simply nodded "how did you know?"

"well two things really, you said he's here as soon as he walked past you..."

"and the second" Tash whispered

"well he has not stopped staring at you the whole time, its unnerving but hot as hell" she winked at Tash

Tash rolled her eyes, "never mind me what about you, where's yours?"

"I don't know I can feel him staring at me and I can smell him, but I can't see him" she sighed "maybe he took one look at me and didn't like what he saw" she shrugged

"NO BLOODY WAY" Tash screeched, everyone stopped speaking and turned around to look at Tash and Blue

"TASH FOR GODS SAKE" Blue hissed "ermmmm sorry guys she's not had enough sleep today" Blue giggled and held her hands up to everyone, Tash just blushed.

The Alpha cleared his throat "well now I would like everyone to enjoy themselves and have a fantastic night" a cheer went up through the crowd and the Luna and Emily came rushing over to the girls.

"what was that about" asked the Luna wide eyed

"yeah I can feel your emotions guys what's occurred???" Emily asked looking from Tash to Blue

"our mates are here" Blue said

Both the Luna and Emily gasped

"I need some air" Tash whispered "what was that Tash" Blue leaned towards Tash

Tash looked at Emily and Blue "I NEED AIR" Tash screamed in her head.

Both Emily and Blue heard her loud and clear in their heads, "theirs a garden at the back through the double glass doors, come on" they all bowed to the Luna who just look a bit confused, but nodded and walked back to the Alpha.

Emily grabbed Tash and Tash grabbed Blue and they marched towards the doors, they opened the doors and out into the night air they went.

They came out into a small court yard with little fruit trees a seating area and in the middle was a beautiful fountain.

"wow this is cute" said Blue

Tash walked over to the fountain she took a couple of deep breathes, suddenly a voice came from behind them and she froze

"may I have a word with Tash" Titan the beta was stood in the doorway smiling, Emily turned around arms folded blocking his path "and why do you want to talk to Tash?"

"because SHE is my mate" 

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