It was the night of the party to welcome the Beta and the Delta back to the pack, also to introduce Tash and Blue to the pack and also to introduce Emily and her Mate Freyja to the pack too, "I haven't seen Emily since the whole incident with her mate yesterday have you Blue?" she looked at Blue as she was staring out of the window in their room.
"Blue....... Blue, earth to Blue come in Blue...." Tash walked up to Blue and put her hand on her shoulder, this made Blue jump a bit "Blue what's wrong talk to me Eh"
"I don't know what's wrong with me, I feel weird Tash.... I don't know what's wrong" she sighed.
Tash gave her a hug, "don't worry mate, I know how you feel Ember has been pacing in my head all day, she's really nervous about tonight, I tried to calm her down, but she's having none of it" she gave Blue another squeeze, just then there was a knock at the door and Emily's head popped in.
"AYE AYE.... HERE SHE IS YOU DIRTY LITTLE STOP OUT" Tash shouted at Emily wiggling her eye brows and smirking.
Emily walked into the room with a massive smile on her face.
"Em where have you been..." suddenly Blue's hand went up to her mouth and she gasped and pointed at Emily, Emily looked shocked and spun round to see what was wrong. "what Blue" Emily said confused.
"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ON YOUR NECK" Tash pointed to a rather large bruise at the base of Emily's neck, it looked really sore, it was all the colours of the rainbow, she burst out laughing, Emily went a shade of red even the girls hadn't seen before.
"errmmmmm well it's my mark and......"
Emily was cut off by a furious Blue "who did this? Oh my god did SHE do this to you? I DON'T CARE IF SHE IS AN AMAZONIAN BLOODY WARRIOR AND SHE COULD PROBABLY KILL ME WITH ONE PINKY, I WILL BLOODY SCRATCH HER EYES OUT, LOOK AT THE STATE OF YOUR NECK, WHERE IS SHEEEEEEEEEEEE......" Blues eyes changed to a blazing green colour, her long blond hair stood on end and looked like it had a life of its own, her teeth where grinding together and the sky outside went black with storm clouds, lights flickered in the room as Blues rage escalated.
"Blue what are you doing, calm down....... Blue calm......" Tash started to rub circles at the bottom of Blues back, quickly Emily came over and started to do the same, they both chanted "Calm Blue......Calm...".
Slowly Blues eyes returned to her natural colour and her hair came down from the ceiling, the clouds parted and the sun shone again, the door swung open and their stood Freyja.
"my love are you ok, I was worried when all the lights started to flicker and the sky went dark", she walked over to Emily, but she was stopped by Blue, she stood in front of her "errrmmmmm Blue I wouldn't do that if I where you..." Emily warned.
Blue put her hand up to silence her friend, "YOU" she spat at Freyja, Freyja's eyes flashed black, but she simply stood back and smiled at Blue.
"yes Blue, what can I do for you" she smiled sweetly.
Freyja looked at Blue she was extremely confused, it was a good job that Blue was Emily's friend otherwise she would have ripped her head off, no one came between her and her mate, but she stood their utterly confused.
Emily came from behind Blue and stood in front of Freyja "Blue this is a mating mark, me and Freyja are mates, full mates" she looked back at Freyja who grinned and winked, she turned back beetroot red again.
"what do you mean" asked Tash
"I mean when you meet your mate you actually have to mate with them, the mark shows that you are theirs, see Freyja has one too", Freyja stepped forward and showed her neck to the girls, suddenly Emily's eyes went black and she grabbed Freyja and attacked her lips, she was moaning and growling and the girls eyes got wider and wider.
Emily pulled away from a shocked Freyja "MINE" Emily growled, Freyja laughed "I know I'm yours, always yours little one, I didn't realise I had such a feisty mate on my hands" she winked at Emily who again went beetroot.
"soooooooooo" Tash looked at Emily to carry on, "errmmm sorry well that's all really, you meet your mate, you mark each other, finish mating and that's it, your together forever.... the end" she shrugged her shoulders.
"what do you mean by finish mating," Blue asked, Tash turned to her friend "well Blue I'm guessing mating is like.... well you know errmmmmm, how do I say this...." Tash was trying to find the words.
"Fucking each other's brains out, that's what it means" Freyja said in a matter of fact type of way.
The girls cleared their throats and looked a bit embarrassed, "Ermmm well now I feel really stupid, sorry Freyja" Blue smiled at Freyja and Emily.
Freyja snaked her arms around Emily's waist, and rested her head on her shoulder "it's ok Blue, I'm actually happy that you are so protective over Emily, but know it is now my job to do that, oh and if you ever step in front of me and my mate again.....I will not be held responsible for what my wolf does, is that clear" Freyja winked at Blue, which earned a growl from Emily "wow little one, possessive much" Freyja chuckled she kissed Emily again "I will go now and let you get ready, see you down stairs" and with that she left.
The girls all looked at each other "oh my god so that is where you have been since yesterday" said Blue.
"welcome to the party" laughed Tash, "how are you really Em" Tash looked at her and took hold of her hand.
"I have never felt like this before, it's weird, I feel happy, scared, possessive, lust A LOT of lust, I just want to jump on her every 2 seconds it's amazing, she looks so scary, but really she's soft and caring and really attentive...." She paused at this and winked
"if you know what I mean" she wiggled her eye brows at Tash who burst out laughing, she laughed so hard she snorted.
Blue nearly peed herself when she heard Tash snort, the whole room was filled with laughter.
All you heard was Tash try to breath "OH MY GOD IM GUNNA PEEEEEEEE".

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...