Chapter 32

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The morning came and all the girls were in the canteen, including Freyja, they all looked at each other, "your going to be fine" Freyja said smiling.

"how can you be so calm Freyja, I mean your mate is going away and with Damon on the loose..." Blue stopped herself from talking anymore as Emily's eyes were glaring at her.

"it's ok Blue I trust my mate and I have seen how powerful she is, I will miss you my love, but I know you will come back to me, won't you" Freyja rested her head on Emily's shoulder as she sat behind her holding her waist and pulling Emily into her. Emily leaned her head back she sighed.

"I will always come back to you, plus I know you will hunt me down and drag me back by my hair if I don't" she giggled as did everyone.

Titan and Hunter arrived at the table, "right Mercy is waiting are you ready to go" Titan looked at Tash she nodded and got up, she grabbed hold of Titans hand intertwined her fingers with his and then pulled him "come on I wanna say a proper goodbye" and winked, Titan blushed and cleared his throat.

Hunter grinned "don't do anything I wouldn't do" he said whilst wiggling his finger, Titan rolled his eyes and Tash giggled as she pulled him away.

Emily and Freyja excused themselves and so it was just Hunter and Blue, Hunter straddled the bench and pulled Blue to him as she swung her legs over one of his and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent.

"I'm physically not moving until I necessarily have to" he inhaled again.

Blue shivered "I'm really going to miss you, it's taken me so long to find you I don't know if I can leave you.." she said sniffing, she could feel the tears start to flow, Hunter looked up and pulled her into his chest and rested his chin on her head.

"it ok little one, I'm always going to be hear and you will always feel me with you, it will be hard, but you need to do this Blue, not just for yourself, but for your wolf's sister, she needs your help" he rubbed circles in the bottom of her back to try and sooth her.

Blue snuggled deeper into his chest and inhaled his scent, this calmed her and her wolf a lot.

They heard someone clear their throat as they both looked up the Luna was standing looking at them, "I'm so sorry to disturb you both", she said whilst playing with her fingers and looking down.

Hunter smiled "please don't be sorry Luna, sit, are you ok?" he motioned for her to sit.

"I told you Hunter please call me Isabella" she said whilst taking her seat opposite them.

Blue smiled at her "are you ok? I'm so sorry about what happened last night, you must be going through hell"

The Luna sighed "Damon has always been a loose cannon, even when we were young, my mother and father knew something wasn't quite right with him, they even went so far as to ask a witch to see if he was possessed, but she just said his heart was black and that was that"

Blue interrupted "a black heart.... and what did your mum and dad do"

"nothing, there wasn't anything they could do really, my mum always hoped that if she showered him with love and affection, she could change his heart, when that didn't work we all thought that maybe his mate would change him, but that didn't happen" the Luna looked down as she continued playing with her fingers.

Blue leaned over and took the hand of the Luna, she squeezed it.

"I'm not too sure all is lost, I saw how he was in pain when Jason called him ex mate, there's something else inside him I just think its deeply hidden, Luna we can't choose our family, I didn't even know mine, so try and keep the good memory's and try not to be too sad" she squeezed her hand again and the Luna squeezed back and smiled.

"I'm sorry you didn't know who your parents were, can we not find out for you?" the Luna turned around as the Alpha came striding towards their table smiling. He swung his leg over the bench and pulled the Luna to him, burying his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling hard, she giggled "tough morning my love".

He mumbled "damn pups running amuck" he looked up at her "they keep wrecking the play area the Omegas asked me to have a word and as their Alpha I expected them to listen, but the little sods decided to jump on me and play horsey, I've just peeled the last of them off me" he sighed "I'm sending Titan next time" he laughed as did Hunter.

"yup he would love that" he laughed again "oooo can I be there when you tell him" he smiled and the Alpha nodded.

When the laughter died down the Alpha looked at Blue, "are you ok Blue, you are very quiet"

Blue looked at the Alpha, she knew Mercy told her not to say anything, but now she was leaving it couldn't hurt, could it, she took a deep breath.

"Alpha I need to tell you something" she looked at him, he raised an eyebrow "ok Blue what's wrong" he flung his other leg over the bench straightened his back and placed his hands together and rested them in front of him on the table. He looked very authoritative, but he had a softness about his face.

Blue smiled "I need to tell you something, but can you let me finish and not interrupt me until the end and please keep an open mind, is that ok" the Alpha nodded. She could feel Hunters gaze on her as he held her closer to him.

She took another deep breath. "here goes nothing" she whispered

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