Chapter 11

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The morning light poked through the curtains and into Tash's bedroom, for a split second she didn't know where she was, she sat up and took in the unfamiliar surroundings, suddenly someone knocked on her door making her jump, Emily's head popped round the door, she looked really sleepy and came in with two cups, she handed Tash one cup and put hers to one side and flopped on the bed, groaning.

Tash looked in the cup and sniffed "mmmmm coffee, thanks Em, you ok?" she looked at the half asleep Emily sprawled on her bed "its way too early and I didn't sleep so good, Caeli was pacing a lot and only settled down at 3 in the CRAPPIN MORNING" she sighed and slammed her head into the pillow.

"Ember you there...?" asked Tash in her head, "always Tash what's wrong??" "Ember do you know what's going on with Caeli? she's making Em's life hell at the moment" Tash looked over at her friend she looked so tired.

"I know she is restless, being the air elemental her smell is heightened she can smell something coming, I wouldn't mention this to Emily, but I think it's their mate, she can smell them approaching, so she is extremely excited and frustrated and scared" Tash felt confused "Ember what do you mean by scared, why is she scared?"

"she is scared to be rejected Tash, if her mate rejects her..." Tash interrupted "how can they reject you and why would they, I thought having a mate was rare, why would they do that???"

"some do not want a mate, some find their mates below them, not strong enough, well anything really, you can even reject someone if you don't like the look of them, that's the scary thing"

Tash looked down, god I hope he doesn't reject her, "wait Ember what happens if you are rejected"

"when a wolf is rejected by their mate the pull is broken, it's like a string snapping, they need to accept the rejection, if they don't accept it then they will still feel all the emotions of their mate, even if they are with another, it will hurt like hell causing pain and suffering, it's a horrid way to live" Tash nodded her head she knew if and it's a big if, they find their mate and they get rejected they must accept it and move on, she knew that is what she had to do.

Emily moaned and took her head off the pillow, she smiled "how's the coffee?", Tash took a sip "mmm actually really good, where did you get it from?" Tash took another swig.

"the lady came by, you know the one that brought the food yesterday, she's really nice, oh and by the way Blues up and she's mega excited, so be prepared, I've come in here to hide" Emily sat up and started sipping her coffee.

"yeah she wouldn't dare come in here, she knows not to speak to me before I've had my morning coffee" she and Emily chuckled quietly so as not to alert Blue to them being awake, Tash leaned back and sighed.

"what's the sigh for" Emily asked whilst yawning

"nothing.... just well, you know if you need anything Em, you know me and Blue are here for you don't you, you know that" Tash looked at Emily

"I know Tash, you and Blue are my sisters I know I can trust you and rely on you for anything and everything, where is this coming from?" she looked at Tash with concern.

"I just wanted you to know that's all" she shrugged her shoulders

Emily was just about to ask something when the door was thrown open and their stood a rather pee'd off Blue, Tash and Emily looked at each other then back at Blue "hey lady whatcha doin" Tash said with a beaming smile.


"Bluuueeeeeeee" Emily whined

"DON'T YOU BLUE ME EMILY, NOW GET UP" with that she turned on her heels and stomped out and into her room.

"oooooohhhhh I think we are in trouble" Emily said.

"nahhhhh lets get dressed and then I will calmly remind Blue that we are going shopping today and she will be fine" she smiled at Emily.

Tash got out of bed and went into the bathroom to have a shower etc., when she came out she swapped with Emily, she went into the wardrobe and found a pair of jeans and a white top, she then put her converse on from yesterday, she tied her hair up and then sauntered over to Blues room, she knocked lightly on the door, as Emily came out of the bathroom already clothed and ready to go, they both knocked on her door.

"Blueeeeee Blueeeee" they both said in unison "GO AWAY" shouted Blue.

Tash rolled her eyes, "watch this oh and stand back" Emily stood back a touch and Tash knocked on Blues door again "soooooo Blue I'm guessing you don't want to come with me, Em and the Luna on our little shopping escapade then??" as soon as the words left her mouth the door was wrenched open and a beaming Blue flew at Tash.

"OH MY GOD I FORGOT ITS SHOOOOPPPPPPIING DAY WOOOOOOOO, LET'S GO LET'S GO" she shouted as she pulled Tash and Emily out of the door, they met the Luna on the way, thank goodness as the girls had forgotten the way back.

They stepped outside the pack house and as the sun's rays hit their skin all the girls sighed, the air smelt fresh and clean, "I could get used to this place" said Blue "me too" said Tash.

"so Isabella where are the shops?" asked an excited Blue, "just down the way there, we can walk from here"

Just as they were about to walk away Alpha Ramone came rushing out of the door, "IZZY WAIT LOVE" he came over to Isabella and wrapped his arms around her waist lifted her up and gave her the biggest and most passionate kiss the girls had ever seen.

"god I feel like I need to lie down after seeing that" Blue said. Tash physically didn't know where to look and Emily just smiled, she really didn't mind it, she remembered her parents being the same way so public displays of affection didn't affect her.

When the Alpha had finally put the Luna down she turned to the girls blushing profusely, "sorry girls he's like a puppy" she cleared her throat "is that all you wanted Ramone" he looked at her his eyes glinting and she blushed even deeper, he chuckled "no my love you forgot the card" he waved the bank card in front of her.

She grabbed it out of his hands and went to turn to go, "the shopping is on us girls please feel free to get whatever you need ok" he smiled brightly as all the girl's mouths fell open.

"oh, he's the BEST" shouted Blue, Luna Isabella turned and smiled "he has his moments".

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