The Howls were coming closer, "stay behind me, I will speak to them" Mercy said. Out of the forest came 4 big wolves, all where different colours of brown with glowing yellow eyes, the biggest of the 4 went behind a tree and came forward, completely butt naked, "you are trespassing on the Silvermoon pack lands state your business here"
Mercy spoke up, "we are returning one of your pack members that had been taken prisoner, her name is Emily...." Before she could carry on one of the wolves had gone behind a tree and came forward, Tash looked with astonishment at the two men who were once wolves and who were now walking on two legs COMPLETELY NAKED , Tash averted her eyes and went beetroot red, whilst Blue put her hand to her mouth "helloooooo" she smirked.
" that really you..." one of the wolfmen whispered in complete shock.
Emily looked at the naked man in front of her "David.........oh my god David" she ran to him and they both hugged each other hard, tears where streaming down her face, she turned to the girls "this is my baby brother...."
"OH MY GOD" both girls said in unison.
"now that we have got the family reunion over and done with, please tell your Alpha we wish to see him" Mercy looked straight at the large wolfman dead in the eyes, she saw them change and she knew that he was speaking to his Alpha.
"what's an Alpha?" Blue whispered to Tash.
"I don't know Blue, but I bloody hope HE has clothes on" she winked at her friend, both girls chuckled as the other naked wolfman spoke.
"the Alpha has granted you a meeting, he is very grateful that you rescued David's sister, he has informed their parents and they will meet us at the pack house"
Emily beamed and squeezed her little brother, she had missed her parents so much and she couldn't wait to see them, to hug them, to hear their voices again.
The wolves turned around and the now known David pulled some shorts out from behind a tree and passed a pair to the other wolfman and both put them on and started to walk through the forest behind the other wolves, the girls followed behind, Tash swore she kept seeing flashes of other wolves running through the trees, but maybe she was just seeing things.
They came out of the forest and started to see little houses dotted about, it was like a little village, they walked down passed the houses and in front of them stood a big white building, it was three story's high, it reminded Tash of the Swedish houses she used to see in travel brochures, it looked amazing.
"beautiful" whispered Blue.
"why thank you child, we try..." a man spoke behind them he looked like he was in his mid-thirties, Blue snapped her head around to where the gruff sexy voice came from, Oh My God he was HOT AS HELL, oh what she would do to this man, What. She. Would. Do.
Emily turned around wide eyed while Tash looked at Blue the same way, Blue looked at the two girls in front of her looking at her wide eyed with massive smirks on their faces "What" Blue was so confused. Emily leaned towards Blue at the same time as Tash.
"Blue we can hear your thoughts...." Emily looked at Blue expectantly.
"oooooo the lights are on but nobody's home, I'm guessing" laughed Tash.
"they can hear your thoughts as you can hear theirs Blue, when your emotions are heightened your sisters can feel them and also hear what you say in your mind, you can also talk to each other as well, but that is something you all must work at, it will become stronger when all four are united, but for now you will hear snippets of each other's thoughts" Terra tried to explain to Blue
"OH MY GOD YOU HEARD MEEEEEEE" Blue said out loud and went the colour of a tomato and everyone looked at her including the very handsome man.
He cleared his throat "I am Alpha Ramone Moon, welcome to the Silvermoon pack, please follow me inside"
Mercy bowed and the others followed "why are we bowing" whispered Blue
"the Alpha is the head of the pack what he says goes, everyone respects him and obeys his every word" Emily tried to explain to the girls "he also has a mate the Luna Isabella Moon" she said that part very low and raised her eyebrow at Blue
"oh" lucky bitch thought Blue and yet again Tash and Emily giggled. Blue shook her head "you heard that didn't you" both girls nodded their heads whilst brightly smiling.
They walked inside the big building, the inside matched the outside, it was big and very impressive, they walked down a long corridor and entered an even bigger room it looked like a hall.
"this is where we have all our pack meetings and events, ah I believe you know these people Emily" Alpha Ramone pointed towards an elderly couple at the far side of the room.
"Mum.....Dad..." Emily ran towards her parents tears streaming down her face "EMILY OH MY EMILY" Emily's mum grabbed hold of her and hugged her whilst crying and kissing her head, Emily's parents where obviously bigger than Emily, a lot of things and people where bigger than Emily she was teeny tiny, but she had a heart of gold, Blue knew this even though they hadn't known her for very long.
Emily peeled her mother and father off her and ran at Blue "I feel the same way too sister" she squeezed her tightly.
"ah you heard that too" Blue giggled.
A woman walked into the hall and cleared her throat, she was very beautiful, she had long jet black hair, smooth olive skin, with deep brown eyes, she smiled "I'm so glad you've come back to us Emily, your parents have been so worried about you" Blue felt her compassion come off her in waves, she was genuine and Blue really warmed to her.
"please meet my Mate the Luna Isabella" the Alpha gushed and pulled his mate close to his side.
God, I wish I had that, thought Blue "soon Blue we will have that soon I promise" soothed Terra, what does that mean, Blue thought?????? She shrugged it off.
"you will all stay in the pack house as our guests for as long as you like" stated Alpha Ramone.
"thank you Alpha, but I will be leaving momentarily, I just need to speak with the girls alone and then I need to be off" Mercy looked at the girls "please stay here until I return you will be safe and I trust Alpha Ramone to look after you and protect you"
"when will you return" asked Tash, "soon" that is all Mercy said. Tash didn't like this answer, but she sensed that she was telling the truth.
"Is their somewhere I can talk to the girls alone Alpha Ramone before I leave" she looked at the Alpha expectantly, he nodded towards a door at the far end of the hall, "girls can we talk in their please" all the girls nodded and started to walk towards the door, but before they got to it the Luna stopped them.
"oh girls you've actually come at the right time, we are having a party to celebrate the return of our Beta and Delta, they have been travelling for nearly 2 years and they have decided to return and formally take up their positions in the pack, we are all very excited for their return and we would love it if you all would attend as we could also have it as a way to welcome Emily back and to introduce you Tash and you Blue to the whole pack, oh please say you will attend??" the Luna Isabella looked at the girls with pleading eyes.
It was a no brainer for Blue she loved a party, she looked at Tash mirroring the Luna's eyes and Tash rolled hers "thank you Luna we would love to come and meet your pack" she bowed.
Blue screamed, Emily screamed, the Luna screamed and Tash, well she covered her ears, "why do I feel like I'm going to regret this...." Tash winced as all of them screamed again and started jumping up and down, clapping their hands.

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...