No no nooooo not again pleeaaasssseee not again, she's going to kill me she is definitely going to kill me. Why do I pick them???? How the HELL do I pick them???? do they pick me??? do I have a tattoo on my forehead that says FUCK ME OVER.
She sighed, Tash is going to kill me she thought. Tears stung her eyes as she made her way towards the flat they were sharing, they had moved there only 3 months prior, they had found jobs, they had started to build a life, why did she always have to spoil everything. She looked up at the window and the light was on, "CRAP" she hissed she was hoping that Tash had gone to bed and she could have snuck in and quietly cleaned herself up before she saw her, she hadn't a choice she had to go in and face her, Blue sighed and squared her shoulders, let's get this over with, she thought.
She slowly opened the door and walked up the stairs, she unlocked the door to their flat and walked inside, they hadn't much furniture as of yet, but it was a decent size, it had a hallway two bedrooms, a small bathroom with a shower and a bath, which both girls loved, they had never had a bath before and they went straight out and bought bath salts, bubble bath and candles, there was a living room with a built in kitchen and a small dining table which came with the flat, also a settee and a fridge with a microwave and cooker, not that they cooked, everything was painted magnolia, magnolia, magnolia bloody everywhere, Blue hated MAGNOLIA grrrrrrr.
She could hear the clinking of plates and instantly knew that Tash was in the kitchen/living room, she took a deep breath and walked into the room, she saw Tash in the kitchen washing the dishes and humming to herself. "hey I'm home" she said as Tash turned briefly and smiled, she then turned back to her dishes and suddenly froze, here we go thought Blue......
She'd got back to the flat early before Blue had returned from her date, god that girl had a lot of dates, they had only been living in this flat and moved to the area 3 months ago, but it didn't really surprise her, she herself had a resting bitch face and a fiery temper so everyone purposely avoided her like the plague, but Blue, GOD, they seemed to swarm around her like bees around honey and she always managed to pick the most rotten bee out of the bunch.
She had, in the beginning, tried to talk Blue around, she shouted, she'd screamed, threatened, even going so far as to threaten the actual rotten bee with death and STILL they hadn't left, and Blue still got hurt time and time again and every time it happened they moved, they were running out of places to move too, but here she was feeling optimistic.
They had moved to Whitby near the sea, both her and Blue loved the sea the smells and scenery really made them both feel calm and the people seemed nice, even the bees buzzing round Blue. But today she felt uneasy, she could sense that something was coming and she didn't know what, the air seemed staler and her heart kept speeding up for no apparent reason. She had finished cleaning and was washing the last of the dishes when she heard the front door go, she sensed Blue behind her "hey, I'm home" she turned briefly and smiled and looked back to the soapy water, she suddenly froze, OH MY GOD she turned around slowly looking Blue straight in her face, her eye was swollen and she had a cut above her lip and bruising on her cheek her right earing was missing too with blood all over the right side of her face. "WHAT THE F BLUE, WHAT HAPPENED" she shouted, she was finding it hard to keep her temper under control, her jaw clenched, her nails dug into her palms as she squeezed her fists tightly together.
"WELL" she shouted, if Blue didn't start talking soon she was going to blow.
"well, errrmmm, well" Blue stuttered she took a deep breath and started "I was at the pub with Anthony and well we went outside to get some fresh air and so Anthony could have a cig and well he bumped into some guys, they smelt really weird like rotten food, like stale smoke, they were bad people Tash and well one of them turned around and threatened Anthony who then laughed and talked back to them and well that's how the fight started......" she looked at Tash who just nodded for her to carry on, she took a deep breath "well then some of his friends grabbed me and I punched one of them in the face, I think I broke his nose, I think and errrmmmm well that's when his other friend punched me in the face and I well fell back and hit my head, when I came round everyone was gone and I was on the floor in between some wooden chairs, I'm sorry Tash honestly I am, but to be honest it really wasn't our fault and well......." Tash put up her hand for Blue to stop, she walked over and gave her best friend a hug, Blue just froze and then hugged her back.
After a second Tash spoke "you are so lucky Blue you could have been seriously hurt and I wasn't around to protect your ass, you can't just keep going round getting into these situations, do you understand" she pulled away and look blue straight into her eyes.
"I understand Tash I'm sorry, but on the plus side at least it wasn't Anthony who hit me" she smiled, Tash just rolled her eyes and then stopped she looked at her friend all bruised and bloodied.
"and what happened to this Anthony, where is he now and why did he leave you on your own UNCONCIOUS ON THE BLOODY FLOOR" her voice raised an octave higher and her anger was right back, how dare he leave Blue, what kind of a man does that??????
"I actually don't know where he is and to be honest, I don't really care" Blue looked down and stared playing with her fingers "Tash do we have to move again???"
Tash shook her head "I don't think so Blue, but I think you need to take me back to where you met these guys, I don't have a good feeling about them and we need to see if Anthony really abandoned you or...."
Blues eyes flashed "or what Tash, do you think something has happened to him" Tash could see tears starting to form in Blues eyes.
Tash couldn't stand to see Blue cry, she hated it, her cold heart thawed a little whenever she saw it. Tash placed her hands on either side of Blues face "I don't know Blue, but we are going to find out, your going to take me back to where you were attacked is it far?"
"no not far at all, it's the pub near the cliff's" Blue stated
Tash's eyes widen "near the cliff's....." she definitely didn't have a good feeling about this.

Lupita - The Beginning
مستذئبTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...