Chapter 1

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One more move, just one more thought Blue, then we can hopefully settle and make some sort of a life, with a partner, with kids, with a true family...... Blue wanted this with every fibre of her being, she woke up thinking about this and went to sleep dreaming of it, a family, a family of her own.....

One more bloody move, god this is getting tiresome thought Tash, every time Blue got hurt they had to move, every time Blue fell for the wrong guy and thus ended up getting hurt they had to move, well she had to drag Blue away, every single time.

Tash felt that relationships, family, MEN where nothing but trouble and she intended to stay away from them all, but she could never be mad at Blue for wanting these things, she was an optimist and as such she wanted everything to smell of roses with little tweeting birds and fuzzy animals everywhere, where eyes meet across a crowded room and instantly their lives are intertwined with each other and the deepest love and attraction explodes and envelopes their whole being, nothing and no one can compare.... blehhhh it made Tash sick, she was a more rip the heads off the flea ridden animals, boot the birds and stick your finger up at love kinda girl, but secretly way, way, way, way, deep, deep, deep down hidden away was the longing for someone special, her one and only, her perfect love.

Blue - Jade Bluebell Mellor was 24 years young, she had long blonde wavy hair, the colour of the sun and with her pale skin, piercing grey eyes and curvy body she attracted a fair bit of attention, the wrong attention mostly, she had a laid back attitude and not a lot affected her, but when she lost her temper, which was rare, the whole world shook and it took Tash's voice to sooth and bring her around.

Tash - Natasha Taylor Temple was also 24 years young, she had fiery red hair, deep green eyes, fair skin and a body to die for, she didn't fair too well with the boys her temper always got the better of her, her resting bitch face scared everyone away and no one could handle her, well apart from Blue, she was the only one who could calm her down and basically tell her to chill the F out.

Even though the girls where opposites in every way they were extremely close, they were sisters, not by blood but by spirit, they got on extremely well like two peas in a pod and they would always have each other's back.

The girls never knew who their parents where, no information was left with them, no note, nothing, they weren't even wearing any clothes when they were left, the girls where both swaddled in fabric and both were left outside the same police station at the same time, I mean what was the chances of that, they were always kept together, they lived in the same foster family and even when they were eventually separated into different foster homes, they both ran away and found each other again.

The last time they were separated they were nearing their 18th birthdays and so was just left to fend for themselves. They found themselves a little flat above a chip shop and lived their lives the best they could, they didn't have much, but they had each other.

Blue who was the most sociable out of the two, befriended the chip shop owner's son and so they got free chips whenever they wanted. They got jobs and enjoyed furnishing their first apartment, the fact that they had their own bedroom and their own bed, they made their own food and watched their own TV gave them so much joy, they felt for the first time like their lives where finally starting.

Their lives where filled with love and laughter for a while, it was good, for a while..........

Blue fell for the chip shop owners son, who to be honest was actually a decent lad, Tash thought she may even settle down with him, but then when Blue got a job working at the local pub he didn't last long. Tash felt sorry for him, she actually had to tell him that Blue wasn't interested in him anymore, his face just dropped his head fell and he just turned around and slowly walked away, Tash was a bit of a hard ass, but seeing the poor lad like that actually made her heart ache a little.

Blue then met Bret, who turned out to be a secret alcoholic, Tash hated him, she could feel herself growling every time he came anywhere near her, he stank of booze and seriously she couldn't understand what the hell Blue saw in him, he wasn't even good looking, he wasn't even remotely attractive, HE HAD A BLOODY HUNCH LIKE QUAZI BLOODY MODO FOR CHRIST SAKE and yet Blue was with him, Tash knew he was no good, she tried to warn him off, she tried to warn Blue he was no good, but Blue was oblivious. She knew something bad would happen it was just a matter of time.

Tash came home one day to find Bret passed out on the floor with a very beaten Blue huddled in the corner of their living room, her eye was swollen shut and blood was trickling down her mouth and dripping on the floor.

Tash saw red she kicked ten shades of crap out of Bret, gathered her and Blues things and left that night, they would never return and moved from place to place, each time they tried to settle something would happen mainly with Blue.

The next guy was Tim he was a teeny tiny man with a MASSIVE coke problem, he tried to stab Tash with a pen....they ran as far as they could from him.....

After tiny Tim along came Barry, Barry was a big guy at least 6,4 long black hair that reached down to his massive belly and was as thick as pig crap, he was that thick that he thought that the earth was flat and the moon was made of cheese....

Then along came says it all really...

And last but by no means least along came Tarquin and wow he was the worst...he was tall, blonde and had the bluest of eyes, they looked like you could swim in them they were so blue, he had a smile that made girls swoon and a soft melodious voice....HE turned out to be part of a satanic cult and tried to sacrifice Blue to their god.....that was the last straw, Tash blew up, she didn't remember what happen, but she suddenly came round with her hands dripping in blood, in fact their was blood everywhere, she was in a cave like structure that was beneath a house, there was blood splattered everywhere, she could see body after body littered around her, her eyes widened at the sight that was in front of her.

She then saw Blue, she was tied to a stone table in the middle of the room, she ran over and tried to untie her, Blue looked around wide eyed and when her arms where free she threw them around Tash

"I'm sorry Tash, I'm so sorry, I promise I won't let this happen again...." Tash put her hand up and stopped Blue from continuing.

"you never learn will never more Blue YOU HEAR ME NO MORE..." Tash's eyes flashed a coloured that Blue hadn't seen before, she knew Tash was right she was hopeless she always chose the wrong guy, time after time, she would never learn....

"Tash I promise no more, thank you for saving me...I don't know what happened.....ermmm I just heard a bang and then everything went dark, I could hear screams and a sort of splashing noise......."

Tash paused as she was untying Blues feet, she raised and eye brow "you heard a splashing sound????"

Blue just shrugged and then she noticed the carnage around her...."jeeezzz Tash you went psycho...NICE" Blue smiled at Tash, who simply shook her head.

She freed Blues other foot, "right let's get the hell out of here, quickly"

They ran out of the room and out of the house, they ran back to where they were staying packed their things and ran out into the night.........

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