Chapter 4

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Blue and Tash both surfaced splashing and gasping for air, they managed to swim over to the edge of the water, they crawled up on to the land, they both turned over and laid they're on their backs panting and looking up into the cold cloudy night.

Tash was first to speak "well that was fun" she turned to Blue who stared back, both girls started to giggle.

"you and bloody bugs, Blue" Tash smiled at her friend, the clouds parted and a stream of light from the moon fell on the girls.

Tash gasped, Blue looked at her confused "your face Blue..."

Blue touched her face, she didn't feel different, she sat up and looked into the water, she too gasped "my face its healed, the cut above my lip and my eye and cheek, the bruises have all gone" what's going on Blue thought.

Tash stood up and looked around, "I don't know where we are Blue, can you tell?"

Blue also stood up and looked around, she pointed towards a hill, "why don't we climb that, we might be able to get a clue as to where we are"

Tash nodded and they both trudged up the hill, their clothes where sticking to them making it hard for them to move properly. They finally got to the top of the hill and looked over the land, they both gasped, by the light of the full moon they could see for miles and miles, they saw no sea just hills and forests as far as the eye could see.

They froze their mouths wide open, "I don't think we are in Whitby anymore" stated Blue.

"I know, something is wrong here Blue, I feel weird, do you?" Tash turned to Blue.

"I feel like I've been here before Tash, the hills the forests something, something is stirring within me I can feel it, I don't know how else to explain it" Blue sighed the wind blew in from the forest, she closed her eyes and felt the crisp air swirl around her.

"iiii'mmmmmm heeeerrreee ssssiiiisssssttttteeeerrrsssss" both girls looked at each other in complete shock "did you hear that Tash" she nodded.

"it was a whisper in the air, a voice, where did it come from?" Blue was looking towards the forest "down their I think".

"hhhhheeeeellllpppppp meeeeee sssssiiiiiissssstttteeeerrrrssss" there it was again, they both started walking, well sliding down the hill, "it's coming from the forest" Blue stated and pointed towards the tall trees that spread out in front of them, it didn't look inviting, in fact every hair on Blues arm was standing to attention including the ones on the back of her neck, Tash nodded and both girls walked towards the trees.

Just as they were about to enter, Tash held her arm across Blues chest stopping her dead in her tracks "what the hell Tash, what's up?".

Tash simply pointed towards the trees "can you see, Blue, use your eyes, I swear I saw red dots, lots of glowing red dots" Blue looked ahead in confusion, what on earth did Tash mean.

"use your eyes" Tash looked at Blue, "in the tunnel Blue you said you could see, you could see in the dark, look into the trees, I have a bad feeling....".

Just as Blue was about to try, an ear-piercing howl rose up through the trees, the girls froze, "tttttttaaasshhhh what waaassss tttthat" Blue stuttered.

"I don't know Blue, but I'm not hanging around to find out, BLOODY RUN..." and with that the girls turned on their heels and began to sprint towards the hill.

Howls rang up behind them and the ground began to shudder, the girls ran flat out towards the hill breathing heavy, they tried to sprint up the steep hill, but their feet kept slipping, they were scrambling now clawing at the ground with their fingers, grabbing hold of anything that would help them propel upwards.

Blue could feel something coming up behind her, as she turned she saw a huge wolf up in the air, she screamed as it tackled her to the floor, the wolf was huge it's massive mouth and huge teeth where trying to get at Blues throat, it was clawing at her legs and arms, she grabbed hold of the wolfs jaws and pushed them away from her, she didn't know where this strength was coming from, she maneuverer her legs under the stomach of the beast and pushed with all her might, there was a yelp as the wolf was catapulted through the air and smacked on the ground, quite a long way away.

Blue quickly stood up she heard howls, growls, snarls and then screams and whimpers she look over to find Tash standing with a wolfs severed head in her hands, she had blood all over her and she was staring ahead, there were bodies surrounding her and Tash's eye where glowing bright red.....

"TASH, TASH" Blue screamed at her friend, Tash look over at Blue she dropped the wolfs head and her now RED EYES closed and she collapsed, Blue tried to get to her, but just as she did she was tackled to the ground by yet another wolf, she felt her head hit the hard ground below and then nothing, just blackness.


"....BLOODY RUN" Tash screamed to Blue, they had to get the hell out of their before whatever was in the trees came for them, she took off and suddenly she saw Blue out in front of her, wow that girl can run, thought Tash, but she had no time to admire her now sprightly friend, she could hear the howls getting nearer, she kept slipping and started to scramble up the hill, she turned to see a huge wolf, bigger than she had ever seen in her life jump at Blue, she tried to get to her friend, but something jumped on her back, she stumbled forward, she reached up grabbed and threw whatever it was off her back, she tried to stand but it came back at her again, god it was another wolf, she caught it mid-air by the head, it was growling and its teeth were snapping at her face....

Tash suddenly felt very calm, a wave of warmth flooded over her, she felt her grip tighten and a voice, she heard a voice

"it's ok Tash I'm here we can do this, we are strong I'm here don't worry, I will take over, don't be scared"

Suddenly Tash felt as if she was watching a film in a cinema, but through her own eyes, she heard growls, snarls, screams and then whimpers, she saw fur and blood flying everywhere, as quickly as it had started it was over, Tash opened her eyes and saw the carnage surrounding her, she had a wolfs severed head in her hands.

"TASH...TASH" she heard Blues scream, she turned to look at her, Blue had managed to get the wolf off her, she was staring at her wide eyed, Tash suddenly felt the energy drain from her, everything started to go black and as she fell towards the floor, she saw another huge wolf jump at Blue, then all went black.  

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