"Emily it is so nice to meet you, stand back and Tash will melt the bars so you can get out" Emily stood back.
"errrmmmm bit of a problem Blue, there's no fire around here, do you have any matches or a lighter, because without physical fire I'm useless" Tash threw her hands up in the air with a huff.
"you're not useless Natasha......" a voice came from behind the girls, they all screamed and Blue threw herself on Tash "ahhhhhhhhhh BLUE, BLOODY HELL NOT AGAINNNNNNN" Tash screamed as she hit the floor with a thud, a now terrified Blue was scrambling on top of her.
"calm down Jade" the voice tried to soothe the girls, a woman stepped out of the shadows, she had long white hair that fell to the floor, she wore a black cloak and had piercing crystal blue eyes.
"who are you? how do you know our true names" said Tash as she tried to peel Blue off her "I haven't been called Natasha since I was in foster care and only by one of the carers June" Tash remembered June she was a nice lady always trying to help both her and Blue, she was the only one that called them by their full names and she was the one who always tried to keep the girls together. She was kind more of a mother than a , wow this woman really reminded her of June.
"Well......bloody hell Blue will you get off me for GOD SAKE YOU ARE PULLING MY SKIN OFF" Tash was getting annoyed now, this was the second time Blue had jumped at her and nearly ripped her skin from her bones.
The woman chuckled "you girls don't change do you" she chuckled again, suddenly they could hear loud footsteps overhead, followed by muffled shouting
"CRAP they know we've gone, quick we need to get Emily out and get the hell out of here" Blue whisper shouted as she jumped off Tash.
"I can't get Emily out I don't have fire Blue" Tash looked defeated
"its fine sisters leave me I will be fine, I have been here for a long time a little longer won't hurt, you can come back for me I...."
Blue cut her off "no we go together or not at all" Blue looked at the woman behind them "can you help us, please?"
"stand back girls, Emily stand away from the bars" the girls went behind her and Emily went to the back of the cell, with a flick of her hand the woman spoke "PATENTIBUS"
"open" Blue whispered, she looked at Tash "it means open and I don't know how I know this" she shrugged at Tash who just looked at her in astonishment.
There was a flash and the cell door creaked open, the sounds from above started getting louder and the noise started to move towards the stairs.
The woman turned and said "follow me quickly" without thinking Tash and Blue grabbed Emily and went after the mysterious woman, she went to the second cell, she closed the bars behind them and headed towards the back, all the girls looked at each other extremely confused, then the woman waved her hand again and said "PATENTIBUS" the walls started to move and a door appeared in front of them "quickly through here before they come down and discover us".
They all walked through the door and down a long passage, Tash was behind Blue who was helping Emily to walk and behind Tash was the woman "keep going girls the end is just a little ways ahead" they kept going until they could see light, they headed towards the light and came out in the middle of a forest. The trees where enormous they looked like they were kissing the clouds, yet with all this cover it was still light.
"where, are we?" asked Blue
"You are in the land of Lupita girls, your home, the place of your birth...my name is Mercy and I am your Aunt Blue, and Merida is my sister....im sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, but as soon as I learned that you had fallen through the gateway I came as quickly as I could" Mercy looked at the girls with tears in her eyes "you are both so beautiful and look so much like your parents, Blue you have your fathers eyes and your mothers features and Tash you have your fathers wild red hair and definitely his personality, but you have your mothers soft eyes, I will answer any and all of your questions, but right now we need to get to safety, even though we are out of the cave we are still vulnerable, we need to cross the border and I can then speak to you more."
"boarder?" asked Blue a little confused.
"the nearest pack boarder" Mercy looked at Emily.
Emily's eyes lit up, "could it be the Silvermoon Pack, is that the nearest?"
"yes Emily your pack, I'm taking you home" Mercy smiled at Emily.
Emily hugged Blue as tears pricked her eyes, Tash looked at Emily, even though they had just met she felt like she had known this girl for as long as she had known Blue, she was small in stature and had long Dark Chocolate coloured hair, her face was dirty and you could see bruises and scars around her face, neck, arms in fact the majority of her body was covered in bruises and cuts that had half healed, Tash felt her eyes flash red, how dare they hurt her, that woman kept her locked up for god knows how long, Tash swore she would kill that witch if it was the last thing she did "we will rip her throat out" stated Ember "too right wolfy".
They were now a party of four and they all set off with Mercy leading the way, the forest was cool and calming, the wind blew circles around them and all three girls smiled and closed their eyes, suddenly Emily stopped and sniffed the air "we are here" she smiled and as all of them walked they all felt a sudden surge of power, howls where heard in the distance, the girls froze.
"where hhheeeee errrrrrrrrrre" Tash said in a spooky voice, Blue and Emily looked at her, Blue rolled her eyes and Emily chuckled.
As the howls grew closer and heavy, fast footsteps could be heard, Tash thought, WHAT THE HELL NOW........

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...