Chapter 22

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Blue had just taken a shower, she hadn't seen Tash, she must still be busy Blue smirked at herself in the mirror, right she thought hair, clothes then food mmmmmmm, right on cue her belly growled.

She quickly dried her hair and left it down and wavy, she went into the wardrobe and chose a maxi dress that was white with sunflowers on the bottom of the hem, which touched the floor, she wore silver flip flops, she looked at herself in the mirror "it'll do" she giggled and walked out of the door.

She managed to find her way to the entrance of the packhouse, there she saw Jason, he looked very casual in his grey linen trousers and white vest top, you could see his eagle tattoo clearly now, he also had a half moon on his right arm and some sort of tribal print on the bottom of the other arm that trailed down to his wrist.

He looked over and smiled "hey gorgeous"

"hey their yourself" she smiled back

"you hungry" again on cue Blues stomach growled, "was that your stomach or you" Jason grinned.

"both I think, I'm starving let's go eat, we've always had our food brought to us so coming down for it is a novelty" Blue was really excited to see more of this place.

Jason laughed he grabbed hold of Blues hand "well I'm treating you, we are going out, out.."

"out, out where?" she enquired

"there's a little tapas bar down in the town, my auntie and uncle own it, they do the best arancini around, seriously" he smiled widely at Blue who jumped up and down and squealed "OH MY GOD I LOVE TAPAS WEEEEEE"

"well then let's go" Jason said pulling Blue to his side, they walked out of the packhouse and down into the town, Blue really loved this place, the air was clean, there were no cars or busses on the road, it was calming and really pretty.

She and Jason chatted comfortably whilst walking into the town, like what's your fav colour, what's your fav food, books etc. they were laughing all the way there and Blue hadn't even realised they had arrived at their destination.

It was a small building with vines intertwined with flowers arching over the doorway, "beautiful" whispered Blue

"it is isn't it, my Auntie and Uncle have lived here all their lives and have owned this place for half of it, let's go in" Jason placed his hand on the small of Blues back and guided her in through the door.

As soon as Blue entered the smell hit her nose, "oh my god that smells amazing" Blue held her nose up in the air "mmmmmmmmmmm"

Jason chuckled, "I told you it was good."

A woman pretty similar to Jason with those blue eyes came running over, she threw her arms around him "my little chicken, your home" Jason rolled his eyes at Blue as he was trying to steady his feet as the lady was literally hanging round Jason's neck. "Hi Auntie Nani"

A deep gruff voice came through from the back of the bar "jeez woman put him down, you'll embarrass the poor lad" a tall man with jet black hair and hazel eyes came strolling up to Jason, he peeled his Auntie off him and gave him a manly handshake and a pat on the shoulder, "good to see your back son" Jason smiled "thanks Uncle Milo, it's been a long time".

Suddenly all eyes were on me, "Auntie, Uncle this is Blue..." but before he could say anything else his Auntie flew at Blue and wrapped her arms around her for a real bear hug, "oh my goodness is so nice to meet you Blue, it's about time my little chicken found his mate"

Both Blue and Jason looked at each other wide eyed, "no Auntie Blue's Hunters Mate.."

"Hunter....the Commander..that Hunter....." she looked at Jason with an eyebrow raised and a look of confusion

"yes Auntie...Blue is Hunters mate" he smiled at her and me.

His Auntie seemed to snap herself out of it and placed a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry for the confusion, but you too seem like a really cute couple" she shrugged her shoulders.

Jason's Uncle cleared his throat, "nice to meet you Blue, let's get you two seated, you want the usual J?" his uncle asked Jason

"yes, please Uncle, I've dreamt of the food from here ever since I left" he laughed.

"right we will be right back chicken" his Auntie smiled and walked in the back of the bar with Jason's Uncle hot on her heels.

Jason sighed "I'm sorry about those two, they can be a bit much sometimes"

"it's ok they are lovely and at least I now know what nickname to use for you....." Blue winked at Jason, who looked really confused.

"ah its ok CHICKEN......" Blue burst out laughing, Jason looked horrified "you will not use that name anywhere apart from here, got it, if the guys got hold of this then I won't ever never here the end of it.." he looked at Blue pleading with her.

Blue sighed "your no fun.....fine, fine I won't mention it CHICKEN.." She grinned and Jason just face palmed.

"can I ask a question Jason..." Blue looked down playing with her fingers, she didn't know how to approach this subject.

"sure, you can ask me anything Blue" he smiled

"I heard that you found your mate, but he rejected that true.." she looked up at Jason who just shrugged.

"it is true, when I came back and went to the welcome home party, I met be honest I understood why he rejected me, it was more of a mutual rejection to be honest...."

Blue looked confused "a mutual rejection, so you both agreed to it.."

Jason sighed "well I didn't really have a choice, so yeah I call it mutual, he didn't want to be mated to a guy.."

"so, are you into guys...?"

"errrmmmmm well yes and no, I don't see someone's gender, all I see is someone I like, whether male or female, if the moon goddess has chosen this person for me who am I to reject her choice, well that's my view anyway...obviously it wasn't his" he shrugged again.

"do you still feel it...the mate pull I mean.."

"no not anymore, I actually saw him come in through the front of the packhouse before you came down and well....he looked a mess and I felt nothing.....which kinda made me smile....ARGH does that make me a bad person??..."

"oh my god no absolutely not, you my friend are amazing, anyone would be lucky to have you as their mate and you never know you may get a second chance" she smiled at Jason, he was such a lovely guy and Blue felt extremely comfortable with him.

Jason's Auntie came over with their food, "wow this all looks amazing" Blues eyes nearly popped out of her head when several little plates of food were put on the table in front of Blue and Jason.

Jason pointed to the arancini "try this it's amazing" both her and Jason took a ball each and bit into it they both moaned loudly.

"this is AMAZING I AM LITERALLY CUMIN IN MY PANTS MMMMMM" Blue threw back her head and moaned as she took another bite, she looked up and Jason and the majority of the bar had all stopped eating with their mouths open, one lady called Jason's Auntie over:

"I'll have what she's having".

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