Chapter 3

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They stepped outside of the flat, it was dark outside and the streets where bathed in moonlight, Tash closed and locked the door and they both headed towards the pub, it wasn't too far from their home, it was near the cliff's and so it was a hot spot for bird watchers and general day trippers, on hot sunny days it was packed, but tonight it was deathly silent.

The cool breeze flowed in from the sea, it whipped round Blues body making her hair stand on end, Tash never felt the cold she was always warm, when they were little and Blue was cold she would always climb in bed with Tash and would instantly feel warm and fall asleep. Blue looked over at her friend, she didn't know what she would do without her, she was her family, her sister from anotha mista, she smiled to herself as she thought of all the fun times they had had when they were little.

She could see them now, running around smiling, laughing, she remembered Tash always stuck up for her, she remembered one time some of the boys that they lived with stole her dolly, it was a beautiful dolly, it was made of cloth, it had a brightly coloured dress, brown stringy hair and big brown button eyes, it had been given to her by one of their social workers a nice lady called June, she had a warm smile and she was always kind and ALWAYS brought them some sweets, even Tash liked her, her dolly was very special to her and those horrid boys stole her, they were dangling her out of the window, she tried to get her, but the boys where too bog and too strong, she cried and cried, she shout and screamed for them to give her back, suddenly the door swung open and their stood Tash her hair wild and her eyes burned with anger.

Tash stormed over to the boys who coward under her intense gaze, she grabbed the dolly from their hands handed to Blue smiled, turned around to the boys and smacked the biggest one right in the nose, blood gushed from it and he crumpled to the floor screaming in pain.........

Blue was brought out of her thoughts as the air changed around them, Blue felt it as well as Tash, they both stopped and looked around "Tash what's going on, the air has turned stale?" Blue whispered.

"I don't know Blue, but it's not good, we need to search near where you fell, show me".

Blue went over to the broken chairs "here this is where I was, but I don't see anyone around" Blue looked around and couldn't see anyone, where did they go? She wondered.

She looked on the ground and saw nothing, no blood, no bits of clothing, nothing, if it wasn't for the broken chairs and the table it would have looked like nothing had happened, she hoped Tash believed her and didn't think that she had made the whole story up, just so that they didn't have to move again. She started to pick the bits of chairs up to see if she could see anything under them, any scrap of evidence.

Tash started to walk over to the edge of the cliffs, she had a bad feeling about what had happened to Anthony, she peered over the edge and was relieved to see nothing. Something caught her eye a flash, it came from the bottom of the cliffs. She looked around and found Blue picking up the broken chairs, "Blue, we need to go down their" she pointed to the bottom of the cliff.

Blue looked confused "why Tash" Blue looked at her friend and then it dawned on her "oh god do not tell me you think he's down their Tash" Blues eye went wide and tears pricked her eyes and threated to fall.

"I don't know Blue, but we must look, even if we find him, we need to know" Blue sighed and followed her friend.

There was a path that would take them down through the cliffs to the bottom, it was very steep and Blue nearly slipped a couple of times, but the girls were determined to see the bottom, suddenly Tash slipped, Blue went to grab her hand, but Blue lost her footing and went with her, Blue realised that they weren't slipping they were falling, "what the Helllllllllllll" Tash screamed as they kept on falling, both girls desperately tried to grab anything, branches, rocks, earth, anything that would stop their decent into this black hole.

Tash opened her eyes she tried to adjust to the darkness which engulfed her and the reality of what had happened hit her, she tried to move, she looked up and couldn't see where they had come from, all that lay ahead was darkness, she tried to get up but fell, she tried again, but her chest burned and her back cracked she just managed to drag herself up, she fumbled around in the dark when she stumbled and fell over something, "oh my god Blue...... Blue...." Tash started pushing and pulling Blue "Blue please, please wake up come around please" Tash was getting frantic now, Blue then moved and moaned.

"ohhhhhhhh whattttttt theeeee......"

Blue opened her eyes she could see Tash's worried face in front of her, "what happened Tash, where the hell are we, oh my God my head, my back, where is this place, how did we get here......oh wow I can bloody see in the dark..." Blue could see so clearly her friends face the shape of the walls, the dirt on the ground, the bugs....

"OH MY GOD BUGS BLOODY BUGS EVERYWHEREEEEEEEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHH" Blue screamed and jumped at Tash, she stumbled and fell backwards.

"BBBBLLLUUUUUEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOO" the girls screamed as they fell further down the dark tunnel, they rolled through some leaves, broke through a wall of vines and crashed into some icy water. 

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