"You're not my girlfriend anymore, remember?"

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•3 months after Ellie breaks up you, at a party in Jackson a man starts to harass you and Ellie steps in•
!!!!!!!TW!TW!TW! Sexual harassment and  assault!!!!!

      The hardest 3 months of your life. Ellie had broken up with you and you were finally starting to believe that just maybe things would be okay. Maybe you'd be able to survive watching her from across the town. But you still had those nights where all you could think of were her freckled cheekbones and the way her head tipped back just a bit whenever you made her laugh at sometime stupid. Those nights were shitty. But Jackson was having a fun gathering to celebrate the end of the summer. The last hot night for a while more than likely. You couldn't help but be relieved at the thought of no more tossing and turning in the heat of the night.
     You stood at the corner of the barn they had decorated with fair lights and beautiful flowers here and there. You sipped your beer leaning against the wall watching everyone dance to the music that blasted over the speakers. People you had grown up with singing their hearts out to old music, it warmed your heart a little to see them so happy.
      "You look bored." A man greeted you. You had been so busy watching people dance you hadn't seen John, an old acquaintance at most, approach you.
      "I'm not." You said dully. Entertaining him would be more trouble than it's worth. You ignored the way his eyes roamed your body, usually you'd spit in someone's face for that, but a certain red head was dragged in by Dina. Ellie didn't look happy to be here at all, probably because she knew you'd be here.
     "You are striking, one of the prettiest faces around here you know." John flirted. You scoffed at him rolling your eyes taking a long drink from your beer.
     "John, I'm going to be honest with you. You'd be better off flirting with Seth than me. Leave me alone, I'm sure there's plenty of other girls who would love for you to flirt with them." You sighed. This didn't seem to deter him though . He stepped closer to you now, sipping from his beer as well. He reeked of alcohol.
     "Listen (YN), it's been months since you and Williams broke up. I bet I could make you forget all about the mouthy bitch." John slurred, it definitely wasn't his first drink of the night. His words sparked anger in your chest as you looked up at him, curling your lip.
     "Don't talk about her, ever again. Do you hear me? I'll cut your tongue clean out of your mouth at least then you wouldn't be able to annoy me anymore." You snarled at him. John took the last swig of his drink tossing it in the garbage. He slammed his palms into the wall next on either side of your head caging you in.
     "If I didn't have a tongue how would I be able to do this." He smirked leaning down, puckering his lips at you.
      "Get off of me." You hissed, panic rising. John was a much bigger guy than you, taking him out at this party also didn't seem like a great move. You ducked under his arm but he still caught you. Gripping your upper arm tight enough to bruise.
      "We are going to have some fun, I can make Ellie disappear." John scoffed pulling you to him,
      "What part of no isn't getting through that meathead of yours? Fucking let go of me." You raised your voice. You'd cause a scene, maybe not hand him his ass on a silver platter in front of everyone, but this would work. John twirled your hair in one hand, his other hand drifting lower. No matter how hard you struggled he wouldn't let go of you.
     "Come on you know you want to."  John smirked. Dread took over your whole body. You mentally begged for anyone to save you, when you opened your mouth to tell a familiar voice  yelled at John for you.
      "Hey fuckface! She said no you obsolete dick swab." Ellie snapped, gently but firmly pulling you out of John's grip. You and Ellie hadn't spoken since the breakup. Ellie cracked her knuckles and her neck as John curled his lip at her.
      "Thought you two broke up." He snarled
      "I'm going to beat the fuck out of you for touching someone without their permission. Would you rather it be here in front of everyone or outside?" Ellie asked coolly. She was pissed. You placed a hand on her shoulder.
      "He's plastered, Ellie stop." You warned. Everyone was watching the three of you. It made you want to hide, all their gazes and the way they all scrutinized you.
      "Let's fight right here." John shrugged. "I can't wait to kick your ass and then take your ex girlfriend-" before he could finish Ellie hit him. As hard as she could based on the way John stumbled back into the wall holding his jaw.
      "Don't you fucking dare talk about her that way." Ellie snapped at him. When John reeled his fist back to really get the fight started Joel and Tommy appeared. While they were busy controlling the drunken man, you grabbed Ellie's wrist and dragged her out of there.
     "Ellie. What the fuck was that?" You asked raising your voice as you both walked towards your house, now separate from Ellie's.
      "He wouldn't leave you alone and then nobody was sticking up for you. I couldn't just stand there!" Ellie shouted back at you.
     "What do you care anyways? We haven't talked since you dumped me!" You felt all the confusion and anger about tonight coming out at the wrong time. "You're not my girlfriend anymore, remember?" You cried out, tears welling in your eyes at the thought. You still loved her more than anything and anyone, but she was the one who broke up with you.
      "I know! And I stay awake every single night regretting breaking up with you because you are the best thing to ever happen to me!" Ellie argued. You stopped walking grabbing her wrist staring into her green eyes.
      "Oh fuck it." You caved into your need to touch her again. You grabbed her face, and kissed her soundly. Ellie held onto your waist as she kissed you back.
      "So I'll take that as a yes you do want to get back together?" Ellie asked sheepishly as she pulled away, still holding onto you.
      "Yes you, what did you call him again? Ah yes I'll be your girlfriend again you obsolete dick swab." You teased. Ellie scoffed at you kissing you again before holding your hand and continuing the walk back to your home. And that night you held onto her just a bit tighter than necessary.

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