"Tell me you need me."

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LEMON LEMON LEMON LEMON       anyways 18+ please 😂

"Ellie?" You called into your empty home. You flicked your tennis shoes off and chucked your light jacket into the couch. Fall was almost here, but the warmth of summer still remained which was nice. The house you and your wife shared was dark, it felt empty. It was you and Ellie's one year anniversary of marriage, in total however you've been together for five years.  It wasn't like her to not be out in the living room waiting for you.
     You continued to walk through the house when you found Ellie, sitting at the dining room table with dinner ready. Candles set up and lit along the table and the counters.
     "Hello." Ellie purred. You grinned at your beautiful wife as you took the seat across from her.
     "Hey Ellie." You replied with a soft hum of approval as you took in what she was wearing. A flannel, yours to be specific, unbuttoned dangerously low and a pair of shorts. Her skin still tanned from the summer sun, freckles delicately placed along her body. You adored her, truly.
     "Happy anniversary." Ellie beamed as she began to eat her dinner. You smile knowingly at her.
     "Happy anniversary baby." You replied toasting your glass of wine that Ellie had poured for you. You and Ellie spoke quietly about your days. You tried to get out of patrol today but you were out of luck, Ellie however got to stay home today and plan this romantic dinner, and scandalous outfit. You found it hard to focus as your traitorous eyes dipped to those buttons more often than you'd ever admit.
     "Do you want the dessert I made?" Ellie asked sweetly. You swallowed dryly as you began to blow out the candles on the table and moved the dishes.
      "Ellie you are dessert." You purred, sliding into her lap and sealing your lips against hers fiercely. Ellie buried her hands in your hair tugging gently at your locks, you moaned into her soft mouth allowing her tongue to sweep your mouth.
     "It's been so hard, being here without you all day today. When all I wanted was this." Ellie confessed as her mouth trailed along your jaw, you tilted your head allowing her access to your neck.
     "Take it off." You pleaded as your wife's fingers toyed with the hem of your t shirt. Ellie happily obliged, grinning at you when she found you already without a bra. Ellie stood up still holding you and quickly, but gently laid you onto the dining room table. Laying you bare from the belt up like her personal feast.
"It seems you are dessert." Ellie smirked, you sat up and slowly undid the very few buttons that were buttoned on the flannel. You left a trail of kisses down her chest and the valley between her breasts before Ellie gripped your chin bringing your mouth back to hers. This kiss was sloppy, heated, filled with teeth and tongue. Ellie broke the kiss to remove your pants, leaving them God knows where. She took your hands pinning them to your sides.
"Ellie please." You moaned as Ellie kissed down your jawline, your collarbone, nipping at your neck. You wanted to touch her. Her mouth focused on your left nipple first, sucking and teasing before billing at it gently making you arch off the table.
"Someone's a little wound." Ellie grinned as she pulled away from you. You whined at the loss of contact.Ellie reached out, gently holding your neck and squeezing the sides of your throat enough to make you gasp. She leaned down, her other hand pulling and massaging your right breast, her lips were so close.
"Tell me you need me." Ellie hummed, her voice was like silk. Her tone was so demanding it made the heat between your legs cry out for any amount of friction. Ellie squeezed your throat again as she pinched your nipple making you moan loudly.
"I need you. Please, fuck Ellie please." You gasped out. Ellie tugged your underwear off your legs, leaving you bare to her. Ellie pulled you closer to the edge of the table, and the first flick of her tongue attacked that bundle of nerves. You were already so close. Ellie focused on that then, her tongue moving around your clit as her fingers curled inside of you. You writhed on the table, you couldn't tell if you were moaning or screaming.
      As you came undone at her hands you only took a minute to catch your breath before lunging across the table at her. Connecting your lips against hers as you ripped the flannel off of her shoulders, pressing her against the wall as you kissed and nipped down her jaw and along her collarbone. Spending a little time on the spot on her neck you knew she liked. While your mouth was busy, as were your hands. Undoing her shorts with efficiency that surprised you and Ellie both as you guided her legs to step out of them. Ellie moaned as she arched into your touch, you had switched your focus to her perky breasts. Smooth, pale, freckled, and sensitive.
      Ellie couldn't think around your teeth and your fingers, pulling and tugging at her. When your hand stopped toying with her nipples you looked into her lidded green eyes, she was already out of breath.
      "I fucking love you Ellie Williams." You grinned before diving your nimble fingers under the hem of her panties. Your wife let out a shuddering gasp that was fuel to your fire. With one hand occupied you used the other to toy with her boobs, groping and pinching.
      "I'm gonna.." Ellie managed to gasp out between her moans. The sounds were angelic to your ears, but still you stopped. Ellie opened her eyes confused as you moved her towards the counter.
      "Hold on." You winked, Ellie's back was to the counter she did as she was told and held on. But not even that could prepare her as you gently lifted her leg and began your feast. She was like water in an oasis to a man who had gone days in the desert without water. You used your other hand to slip around and gently thumb the oh so sensitive spot as your tongue explored inside her. Ellie moaned, deep and guttural only letting go of the counter top to fist your hair.  You couldn't stop the moan that escaped your lips as she tugged.
       "Do it." You ordered. Quickening your pace it didn't take long after that for Ellie to find her own release. You stood, staring as Ellie tried to catch her breath.
       "That was incredible." She breathed leaning in to kiss you sweetly as you held her eyes waist, tracing little hearts along her skin.
        "Happy anniversary, to you and to me." You joked. Ellie tipped her head back in laughter, took you by the hand and lead you to the bathroom.
To shower, of course, nothing more...

Ellie x Fem!Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now