"What do we do now?"

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•part 2 to "I knew it, you're my soulmate."•
We both stilled then, realizing what just happened, where my hand rested. Exactly where her soulmate mark was. I swallowed thickly, flicking my eyes to meet her (EC) ones. She was nervous.
"Do it." She breathed. Shaking I removed my hand from her arm.
And instead of black, there were bursts and swirls of the prettiest colors I'd ever seen. I looked at my palm to find the same bursts and swirls there as well.
"I knew it, you're my soulmate."

Your P.O.V.

You couldn't stop gaping at the whorls of color now on your arm. The world seemed to click in place for you, your heart practically singing at the touch. You looked up at Ellie who was also staring at her palm. You felt your heart begin to race.
"What do we do now?" You breathed, meeting her green eyes. She furrowed her brows, focusing on you. You almost had to look away from the intensity in her gaze.
   "Do you still want to go on that date?" She asked nervously. Happiness bloomed in your chest.
      "I do." You grinned.

Two Years Later

"Ellie!" You called through your home. "Babe, we're gonna be late." You whined when your fiancé didn't come down the stairs. Joel had invited you and Ellie to a nice dinner with Tommy and Maria for your birthday. They were your family, and for your birthday you had a gift for them actually, Ellie didn't even have a clue at what you were hiding.
      "We'll be fine! I'm almost ready." The red head called back to you. You tapped your foot impatiently. You wore a pair of black dress pants and a (FC) silk blouse, accompanied by your favorite jewelry pieces Ellie had bought for you over the years. Your soulmate constantly doted on you, regardless of your protests. Speaking of your soulmate, you couldn't help but stare at the handprint on your arm. Still so vibrant and swirling it was like a portal to another world. Finally Ellie appeared jumping down the stairs, and launching herself into your arms laughing as she took you down.
       "I told you I was almost done!" Ellie grinned as she stared down at you. The you were trying to catch your breath between laughs.
       "Finally! I thought I'd be in labour before you came down." You joked, then you realized what you said. You and Ellie had selected a donor and decided you would carry their first child. It had been unsuccessful so far, until about two weeks ago when you realized your period was late. You cried on the bathroom floor, realizing you and your fiancé's dreams were coming true. You originally had wanted to wait till after you got married but then you babysat for Dina and Jesse and neither of you could wait.
       "What?" Ellie gasped down at you, scrambling off of you and pulling you to your feet.
       "I was going to tell you at dinner-" You started, but we're cut off by Ellie's lips sealing against yours.
       "We're gonna be Moms." She breathed, tears spilling down her cheeks. You wiped them away quickly reaching for her hand.
        "Yeah, we're also gonna be late." You laughed tugging her out the door to where her car waited. Ellis held your door open before climbing into the drivers seat, she didn't let go of your hand the entire drive to the restaurant.
       When you arrived Joel immediately engulfed you in a hug, followed quickly by Tommy and Maria.
       "Happy birthday kiddo! You look great." Joel beamed as you sat down. Sometimes you thought he was more excited you were Ellie's soulmate than she was. You couldn't wait to tell your baby you and Ellie's love story and how someday, they'd have one of their own.
        As dinner progressed, Ellie got more and more fidgety. She wanted to tell them so bad she was almost going about to combust. You giggled at her bumping your shoulder with hers.
       "It's kinda untraditional since it's my birthday, but I have a gift for each of you guys." You beamed. Ellie had brought in the three boxes you hid in the car, leaving hers to open later.
       "What? It's your birthday." Maria said pointedly. You laughed and handed each of them their respective boxes.
       "Open them!" You insisted. They opened them at the same time, Joel cracked open the box and immediately leapt back from the table.
       "Get outta town!" He shouted. Everyone stared at him. Maria saw hers and gasped, Tommy hesitantly opened his after seeing their reaction. Ellie had her arm along the back of your chair protectively. Joel pulled the t-shirt out of the box holding it up to his torso.
"Worlds Greatest Grandpa!"
       "Surprise!" You beamed.
       Tommy and Maria's matched saying "our niece loves us." You had taped a sticky note on that so it said niece/nephew with a smiley face. Joel walked around the table pulling you into a tight embrace.
        "How far along are you?!" Maria asked eagerly, tears in her eyes. Your face hurt from smiling so much at them.
        "8 weeks. I only found out a couple weeks ago and I wanted to tell everyone today." You felt tears of your own swell in your eyes.
       "You guys are be such good moms." Tommy smiled gently at you and Ellie. You leaned into Ellie's side, letting your head fall on her shoulder.
       "Damn right we are." Ellie's grin made your heart fill with love for her, and for your baby.

       Her victory cries filled the delivery room. Your daughter, finally here at last. Ellie didn't let go of your hand the entire 16 hours you were in labour. Not even when you almost broke her fingers from gripping them so hard when war cries of your own filled the room. When the nurse laid your daughter on your chest while you caught your breath. Ellie cried silently as you stared down at your beautiful little warrior.

       "Hello Sarah Anna Williams."
And with Ellie's hand holding yours and your daughter gripping one of your fingers for dear life. You had never been happier.

AN// lmao lmk if you get the name (': I love all the comments and everything I see. There will be a part two to "I regret a lot of things..." next. I'm hoping to have it up by Sunday! I appreciate all the readers and votes, have a good day!

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