Pet Names

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•Ellie prefers the classic 'Babe' and you want to test out a few other pet names to see what feels right•

The woods were quiet this morning. Not that you and your girlfriend minded, your laughter from whatever lame joke she said sometimes ruffled a bird or two up in the trees but nothing else jumped from bushes to attack you. A quiet patrol for the first time in a long time.
"Babe!" Ellie called from where she and Shimmer had trotted ahead. You kicked your horse into a trot as well to catch up with her.
"Yes doll?" You grinned cheekily at her.
"Doll?" Ellie asked quizzically, raising her scarred brow at you. You laughed nervously, unsure of how she would react to your little experiment.
"I'm trying new nicknames or whatever they're called, I just want to see if there are other options than 'babe'." You explained. Ellie rolled her eyes.
"Okay babe. Look at that." Ellie pointed. You followed the direction of her pointing and your jaw went slack.
"No way." You gasped. There weren't very many flowers growing around Wyoming, maybe some thistle and a couple other wildflowers/weeds. But here, on the side of the worn path, a rose plant. A few buds here and there not yet in full bloom. You adored flowers of all colors and sizes, often Ellie drew you bouquets since it could be difficult to find flowers in the area.
      "It's beautiful, like you." Ellie flirted cheekily as you hopped off your horse for a close inspection.
       "You're too sweet, sweetheart." You winked back at her as you crouched down to look at the thorny bush. The blooms were almost opening, the red petals still mostly closed.
       "I can't believe one of these is really here." Ellie murmured, jumping off of Shimmer to crouch next to you. You only hummed in response reaching out and running a finger along a soft leaf.
"We have to come back here tomorrow for it." You pleaded. Ellie laughed as she stood reaching her hand to you to help you up as well.
"Of course." She grinned. "Maybe there's an old pot or something you can plant it in." Ellie mused. You couldn't help the smile that plastered itself on your face. Ellie smiled down at you as you held her hips pulling you to her and pressing a kiss to her sweet lips.
"Thank you darling." You smiled. Ellie rolled her forest green eyes at you before taking your face in her hands, tilting your face up to hers. The sun warmed your skin making your eyes flutter shut as you relished the feeling.
"You're stunning." Ellie whispered before sealing her mouth against yours. You kissed back greedily. You had only been together a few months, but you didn't think you'd ever grow tired of the wanting her. Not just her body, but her very soul seemed to match yours so perfectly you don't know how you ever survived without it.
"We should get back." You pulled away, trying to catch your breath. Ellie raised her brows smirking at you. Laughter bursted from your lips at the suggestion, you shoved her playfully.
"We definitely should go back. See what kind of nicknames you come up with when we get there." Ellie winked. Your cheeks heated up quickly at the thought. You rolled your eyes before hopping back onto your horse.
"Ellie Williams, the scandal! Can you imagine the way they would react if we were to become romantically attached!" You gasped, pretending to faint on the back of your horse. Ellie laughed at your dramatics, her smile brighter than the late spring sun. You couldn't help but stare at her.
      "What are you looking at?" She teased. You smiled at her softly as your horse began to continue down the trail.
       "You are so beautiful honey." You complimented. Her freckled cheeks flushed pink.
       "So far I think that ones my favorite." Ellie mused. You looked at her questionably.
       "Honey?" You raised a brow at her. Ellie nodded keeping her eyes in the trail before her. You couldn't stop the laugh the built up in your chest.
        "I liked it better than 'doll'!" Ellie protested. Your laughter increased. You knew Ellie would call you 'Babe' till the end of time, but you didn't expect her to like 'honey' the best.
        "It makes sense. It's sweet, just like you. Honey." You added pointedly. Ellie scoffed at your joke. You could see her trying to fight the smile that tugged at her lips. "Oh come on! Don't be mad, you know you love me." You teased.
        "I do actually." Ellie stated. You paused. You and Ellie haven't said that to each other yet. Those three words that seemingly change everything.
       "You do?" You asked.
       "Of course I do. You're wonderful, and beautiful, and kind. You make me feel free, babe." Ellie smiled nervously. You grinned at her, you couldn't stop the butterflies that erupted in your stomach.

     "I love you you too, honey."

Sorry it's short!! I just started working two jobs it's pretty bleh. But we hit 13K reads!!!! Incredible, I'm truly grateful for each and every one of you.
Thank you!!!!

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