Royalty pt. 2

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Nobody asked for this I'm only writing this because I wish I was a princess 😂

Queen Ellie did show up for lunch. Her advisor, Joel, insisting on being there. You couldn't blame him, his Queen was wild, free, flirtatious, strikingly beautiful, and was supposed to have an unsupervised lunch with a future Queen. You suppose you should've brought someone higher up in the ranks to keep an eye but you brought Dina. She could smell bad intentions from a mile away.
After the lunch it was your lucky day because she appeared at the ball you planned that very same night. Stealing your first dance, and your second this time. She did this for a week, held you in her arms every night and twirled you to whatever music the orchestra trilled. The Queen had warm calloused hands and always made you giggle and smile. You knew whispers of romance between you and Ellie would swell, and honestly you didn't care. Because there was romance swelling between you and the red haired woman. In secret moments in a lonely hallway Ellie would tell you how beautiful she thought you were and sometimes you two would dance to a silent song. Your laughter echoing down the corridors. Of course Dina knew, and she was happy for your joy and swore she wouldn't tell anyone. You could only hope she kept your secret.
You were walking down one of those halls on your way to visit your father. A few envelopes of mail in your hands you'd reply to as you visited with him. You gently knocked on the door and entered. And there sitting in your usual chair next to your father's bed was Ellie's advisor, Joel. You curtsied quickly feeling the panic rise in your chest.
"Sir Miller. I didn't expect to see you here forgive me for intruding." You apologized formally.
"Actually Princess it is a good thing you are here. We were just discussing your future as Queen in relation to Jackson." Joel said, clearing his throat a bit. You finally met your fathers eyes, quiet sorrow filled them but a cold anger was hidden in those eyes.
"When I told you to fall in love, I didn't mean with some wild woman." Your father snarled lowly.
"Actually your highness, Queen Ellie Williams of Jackson isnt some 'wild woman'. She is brave and brighter than any star in the sky. An alliance between our kingdoms would be most formidable. I suggest you speak about my lady much kinder next time you open your mouth." Joel warned cooly, the threat clear in his voice. Your father curled his lip at the man who was sitting in your chair.
"Get out. Leave me to speak with my daughter alone." Your father raised his voice at Joel. Joel stood bowed and walked towards where you stood in front of those massive closed doors.
"Will we see you tonight at the ball Princess?" Joel asked you quietly. You nodded trying to swallow your panic as he left you alone with your father.
"I refuse to let my bloodline die with you. You will find a man to marry, a powerful one. One worthy of my throne. You will not marry this Ellie woman." He shouted, coughs racking his chest as he shouted. You kneeled on the ground next to your fathers bed trying to shove down the anger and panic.
"Father. She is a Queen. You have to admit that the idea of ties between our kingdom and Jackson is quite attractive, it's power. And love, both of best worlds. And as of your bloodline we could adopt a baby as soon-" You tried swaying your father, but he wasn't having it. He shut you up with a hard slap to the face, your head snapping to the side.
"How dare you suggest to litter our family tree with a peasant! I will not approve of whatever you think is going to happen with this woman, find a man and bring him to me so I can approve of a marriage myself. You have two weeks or I'll pick someone for you." Your father raged. Tears pricked your eyes and spilled down your face as you absorbed his words. You stood brushing off your skirts quickly stepping out of his reach.
"If I was marrying a King you would be ecstatic. However, even though Queen Ellie is just as powerful as one you won't have it. How dare you threaten me with a meaningless marriage and a miserable life. Mother would be ashamed of you. You're supposed to be my father first, king second." You shouted back at him.
You couldn't believe him, your mother even though you never met her, you had heard she was kind and lovely. The woman was loved by her kingdom and her husband, and she in turn loved them back. You could feel it in your heart that she would be proud of you for standing your ground for what you love.
"I ORDER YOU TO-" He began to shout but two loud knocks cut him off, and the doors creaked loudly as they opened and revealed Queen Ellie Williams gracing the sick Kings bedroom. Her face was emotionless. Rage flickering in those green eyes as she took in your tear stained cheeks and the faint outline of fingers on your face. She bowed to your father quickly.
"I supposed since you are bedridden it is acceptable you don't bow back to me." She raised her chin. The rage in your fathers eyes was world ending, but Ellie didn't flinch.
"Who do you think you are." The king snarled.
"Queen Ellie Williams of Jackson. My advisor tells me his conversation went poorly with you so I decided to grace your quarters myself." She said cooly. You could only watch in awe as Ellie stared down the man evenly. Here was when you got to see that she could be a serious Queen and not just a best friend.
"What do you want Queen Ellie Williams of Jackson." Your father mocked.
"I want her hand in marriage." Ellie said boldly. The king tilted his head back and cawed a laugh.
"No. She will be marrying a man of my choosing since she wants to act like this." He denied. You felt your heart sink.
"Then I shall take her back to Jackson to be my Queen and you will have whatever time you have left squabbling to find a suitable heir." Ellie shrugged. The king was spitting mad as he tried to leave his bed, his atrophied limbs failing him miserably.
"Stay away from my daughter you-"
"Choose your words wisely your highness. I am not some Queen put on the throne for throwing parties and punching out heirs. I come from a long line of matriarchs and war. We may be in your bedroom but our rank is the same." Elle threatened, acting as if she was bored.
"Father please, I love her. I want to be happy more than I want your approval. But it would be easier if you bless our marriage, please." You begged. You father let out a sigh, looking up at the ceiling muttering to himself. You felt a familiar warm hand on your back, steadying you.
      "Get out." The King said tiredly. You opened your mouth to object but Ellie steered you out of the bedroom. Once in the hallway she didn't remove her hand even with servants watching.
     "Are you okay?" The Queen asked softly. You felt your bottom lip wobble and tears prick at your eyes once more.
     "No." Was all you could muster. Ellie stopped walking and pulled you into her arms, hushing you softly as you sobbed.
     "Come on, I have something to show you." Ellie cooed, pulling away to wipe your tears before taking your hand and leading you through the castle.
     "Where are we going?" You asked looking at the gorgeous red head as she determinedly lead you through the halls.
     "It's a surprise." She grinned mischievously. You laughed a little bit as excitement stirred in your chest. Ellie was a beacon saving your day from absolute ruin. Once outside the castle walls Ellie quickly crouch and began to sneak you through your city.
     "Why are we being sneaky?" You giggled quietly. Ellie turned back to you, feigning a shocked gasp.
      "Two unmarried women of royalty on an adventure unsupervised? Imagine the scandal!" Ellie grinned. You rolled your eyes at her.
      "You're very beautiful." You mused, staring into those enchanting eyes. Her freckles cheeks turned pink at your sincere words, her flustered nature gave you the courage to lean forward and place a light kiss on her cheek.
      "Careful Princess, if you keep that up I might fall in love with you." Ellie warned. You felt your face heat up at that. You were sure you were already in love with her. Ellie took your hand again and began to lead you through the alleyways and down darker streets you never knew. She was leading you out of the city.
      "Don't worry, you won't have to try very hard to get me to fall in love with you." You said absentmindedly. Ellie turned around quickly catching you off guard. You stood chest to chest, you could feel her breathing quicken.
      "Fuck it." The Queen swore. Before you could even react to her coarse language she pulled you into an alley pressed you against the bricks and sealed her lips against yours. And you, father forgotten, kissed her back. Once Ellie pulled away, her cheeks pink, you could only stare at her in shock.
      "Promise you'll do that again?" You breathed.
      "Only if you marry me." Ellie gasped out, you beamed up at her stepping forward close to her again
       "Did you just propose to me?" You beamed at her lacing your fingers together. Ellie sputtered out a laugh placing her other hand on your cheek.
      "Is that a yes?"

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