"Tell me again."

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•Ellie gets blackout drunk lol•
ALSO surprise middle of the week update (; happy pride 💚

     "Ellie come on!" You grinned from ear to ear at your best friend who right now, was refusing to leave the bar and was pouting in the most adorable way possible. The Tipsy Bison hosted a party tonight and you had to drag Ellie here. It was ironic to you that she did not want to come and in her drunken state was refusing to leave.
      "Nooo (YN). If we leave then you go home." Ellie's green eyes were begging you to stay for just a few more minutes. You laughed at her childishness, holding her hand and tugging her off the stool.
"Okay, one more song and then we go home." You promised, Ellie beamed and lead you to the dance floor. The red head pulled you into her arms for a slow dance, her arms on your waist and yours around her neck.
"Do we have to go?" Ellie pouted.
"Yeah El, we're almost the last people here." You pointed out. The bar was empty other than Seth and a few of his friends were here. Ellie frowned even more as you swayed with her gently.
"Stay the night?" Ellie pleaded.
"Of course." You agreed. You could never say no to her, especially drunk Ellie. She was a big softie and really allowed herself to relax once she got enough liquor in her. Once the song was over you and Ellie waved goodbye to them and began to wander towards her house. Maybe it was the alcohol you consumed, maybe it was the humid summer air, or maybe it was just being in the company of someone so brave and beautiful, but you felt brave yourself tonight.
Once you got inside, (you almost had to carry Ellie the entire way) Ellie nearly collapsed on her couch in a fit of giggles. You were out of breath and kind of grumpy as you marched to her kitchen. You were sober enough to know Ellie would need some water and painkillers ahead of time to battle the headache that would surely come in the morning.
You handed her the cup and the two aspirins, only to find her now startlingly silent. Ellie watched your every move carefully, staring at the glass that you extended towards her.
"You sobered up quickly." You sighed as Ellie chugged the water and the pain meds. And immediately threw them back up. All over you. You inhaled deeply, trying so hard not to lose your shit. Ellie just stared in horror at your puke covered state.
"You are so lucky that I love you." You scowled at her, peeling your shirt from your torso and carrying it towards her room. You found a hoodie and some sleep shorts of Ellie's and changed into them quickly.
"Tell me again." Ellie rasped when you reappeared. You froze, processing your own words at last. You confessed your feelings for her.
"Ellie..." You trailed, swallowing thickly.
"Tell me again." Ellie pleaded.
"I love you." You whispered. Ellie stood from the couch, you were almost touching. But you could only stare into her green eyes. Waiting for her to say literally anything.
"Again." She breathed.
"I love you." You felt tears well in your eyes.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that." Ellie sighed, placing a palm against your cheek. You leaned into the touch.
"I love you." You said again. "But if you try to kiss me right now I'll take it all back." You teased.
"Why?" Ellie whined. You couldn't stop the laughter that poured from your lips.
"You just threw up all over me!" You grinned. Ellie scrunched your her nose at you. "Go brush your teeth and get changed, then you can kiss me." You promised. Ellie extended her pinky out to you with raised eyebrows.
"Pinky promise?" She asked. You hooked your pinky up with hers. An old thing you used to do with her when you were children.
"Pinky promise." You swore.

Soon enough Ellie reappeared from the bathroom with clean clothes on and her hair undone from the usual half up half down hairstyle. She marched down the hallway and scooped you up into her arms from where you had sat on her couch.
     "You seriously don't think you'd be sleeping on the couch?" Ellie mused. You felt your cheeks turn pink at her amused tone. She carried you like you weighed nothing.
      "I didn't want to invite myself into your bed." You stammered out, the blush felt permanent on your face.
      "You've always been welcome in my bed." Ellie flirted. You rolled your eyes at her playfully as she set you on her bed, and let you crawl under the warmth of the blankets with a content sigh. Ellie crawled into the bed beside you, laying on her side so she could face you.
     "Plan on keeping that promise or going to sleep?" Ellie teased. You let out a yawn and placed your hand delicately on her chin. You moved closer to her and finally, after months of wanting each other, you kissed Ellie Williams.
      It was like magic. You could taste the mint of her toothpaste and the chapstick she had used with she in the bathroom. Her arm wrapped around your middle as she parted from you. Ellie moved an arm under your head to hold you close to her chest.
      "Goodnight Ellie." You sighed, snuggling as close to her as you could possibly manage.
      "Tell me again. One more time?" She asked. You huffed a laugh onto her collarbone.
      "I love you Ellie Williams."
      "I love you too (YN)."

AN: I did not edit this I just said "lol post it" so if there's spelling errors or bad grammar ignore it 😂

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