"I knew it. Youre my soulmate."

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Art done by @hakunette on Twitter
•Soulmate/modern AU! Everyone has a black spot on their body where their soulmate first touches them, once your soulmate touches you it turns into an array of beautiful colors. Yours, is a handprint wrapped around your forearm.•

You couldn't help the sigh that escaped your lips as you made your way towards the coffee shop you worked at a couple blocks from your apartment. It was small, but since it was only you it was perfect. Jackson wasn't exactly a huge town, but it had a few things to do and enjoy. You weren't sure you were cut out for living in the big city, too many people. But living in the middle of nowhere without anyone seemed too quiet. So this little town was just right for you. All your friends had flocked to bigger cities, more people do a greater chance to find their soulmate.
You frowned at the black hand print that wrapped around your left forearm. You knew someday your soulmate would grab you there. For what purpose you had no idea. Most people assumed the worst and apologized when they saw it, but you had hope that your soulmate would be someone good. Whenever you tried to imagine them you could see someone with long hair they preferred to tie back, maybe freckles and warm eyes. A nice laugh.
The door jingled as you opened it up, smiling at your coworkers as you walked behind the counter to the break room to tie your apron around you and clock in. Another day another dollar, you checked and made sure you looked presentable, plastered a fake smile on your face, and began your shift.

Towards the end of your shift, two people walked in. It was just you at the moment as your coworkers were on break or gone. A tall man, gruff looking but kind. A well kept beard and a guitar on his back, he was smiling at you as he wandered the coffee shop. The woman however, when you made eye contact with her you felt a tug almost. Like your heart was about to leap out of your chest. Her red hair was tied back in a pony tail, her freckled cheekbones, she was too far away for you to tell her eye color but still. This was what you imagine when you thought of your soulmate.
"Joel, she's waiting for you to order." The woman laughed, teasing the older man. You thought you were going to pass out. Her laugh was like church bells that rang out on a sunny day after someone got married. Crisp and genuine. Joel sheepishly smiled at you and approached the counter. For the first time today, your smile was genuine.
"What can I get for you today?" You asked. The man scratched his beard absentmindedly for a moment. He didn't seem to know what he wanted.
"I hate to be that guy. But what do you recommend?" Joel sighed. The redhead woman laughed at him and walked up to the counter. You could tell now that her eyes were the deepest green you had ever seen. Like someone had taken the rainforests and hid them in her irises.
"If you're a super coffee guy, which I'm assuming you are, I'd recommend the mocha with an extra shot of espresso. You can get it hot, iced, or blended." You spouted out. He seemed like he was rough around the edges but still like he would enjoy something sweet to brighten his day.
"I'll take a hot mocha with an extra shot." Joel grinned at you. You turned your focus to the extraordinary woman beside him.
"What do you think I would like?" The woman inquired. You tapped on your chin as you drank her in. Average height, a tattoo wrapping around her arm, her eyebrow that she had raise at you had a slit it in from a scar. You nodded to yourself for a moment as you thought.
"You don't like coffee. You're here for something from our bakery and maybe a strawberry banana smoothie." You decided. Now it was Joel's turn to laugh, he patted her on the shoulder as her mouth was slightly open as she stared at you.
"How did you do that?!" She asked quickly.
"I've been making people drinks for a long time. Also when you walked in you didn't even look at the menu just our bakery display." You laughed nervously. The woman shook her head in disbelief.
"I'm Ellie." She introduced herself.
"(YN)." You replied, trying to fight the blush that rose on your cheeks. You rang in their drinks, making them quickly. You slid them across the counter, sheepishly meeting Ellie's gaze.
"You like music (YN)?" Joel asked. You tore your eyes off of her to meet the older man's eyes.
"Love it. I saw your guitar when you walked in, you gonna play for me?" You teased. Joel shook his head quickly.
"Ellie is." He said pointedly raising his brows at a flustered Ellie. She glared at the older man before taking the guitar from his hands. It was only the three of you in the store anyways you didn't see why there would be a problem. Ellie sat at a cafe table a few feet away from you and began to strum the strings, tuning the instrument.
You couldn't keep the soft smile off your face as you listened to her play a familiar song. You swept the shop, keeping busy as expected or your boss would throw a hissy fit. You stopped all together when she began to sing along with the tune. Unsure of how someone could be so perfect. You turned around leaning on the broom to watch and listen. You were mesmerized, she was focusing on the strings and the words, but you were focused on her and only her. You however hesitated, why were you so enamored with her? It's useless to get attached to the idea of her being your soulmate, it would hurt way more if she wasn't. Your heart screeched to a stop when you saw her palm, black as night. She hasn't met her soulmate.
"Talking away. I don't know what I'm to say.
I say it any ways, today is another day to find you shying away. I'll be coming for your love okay.
Take on me.
Take me on.
I'll be gone, in a day or two." Ellie's voice filled the coffee shop. Her eyes flicked up from the strings as she stared into your eyes, you could've sworn something sparked in them as she looked at where your soulmate mark remained.
"I'll be right back." You breathed, rushing to the back room to grab some stock stuff for the front. The girl who was supposed to take your spot so you could leave for the day would rip your head off if the front wasn't completely stocked. As you came back up front you heard Joel and Ellie whispering.
"If you don't ask her out for dinner tonight you'll regret it." Joel advised smugly. Ellie huffed a sigh at him, before groaning in protest.
"I know but what if she says no and thinks I'm a creep?!" Ellie fired back.
"What if she says yes?" Joel asked. Ellie paused for a moment. You felt like your heart was going to explode with hope that she would ask you out tonight. You nudged the door open quickly before setting the box you had brought up on the counter. You shoved treats into their places on the display and stocked all the syrups and toppings.
"Why'd you stop?" You found yourself asking as you stood from where you had been crouching yo shove stuff under the counter.
"Do you want me to keep going?" Elli asked startled. You smiled sheepishly at her, her cheeks flushed pink as you looked at her.
"You have a lovely voice." You replied, scratching the back of your neck nervously. You saw Joel kick her under the table, staring at her intently. Ellie took a deep breath before walking over to the counter where you leaned.
"I'll play for you tonight, if you agree to let me buy you dinner?" Ellie offered. You grinned brightly.
"Sounds like a fair trade. My replacement for the evening will be back here soon so I can go." You beamed, Ellie's relieved smile stuck in your brain for a moment, she was beautiful.
"Where do you want to go?" Ellie asked.
"Surprise me." You winked before continuing to stock the remaining items. You paused to exchange phone numbers and scribble your address on a sticky note. "Here's my address, it's a couple blocks away. I'll need to get changed, meet me there in an hour?" You asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Ellie's P.O.V.
(YN) waved us goodbye, winking at me playfully as we exited the cute coffee shop. My cheeks flushed bright pink as Joel and I began to walk towards his truck. I could feel him winding up to make some remark I would roll my eyes at.
"Ellie and (YN) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Joel teased the second we got in the truck.
"Joel!" I whined. "Come on I don't want to get my hopes up." I frowned. I've never felt like this with someone. The way she smiled at us made my heart melt, she made every rational thought fall out of my head. For only having spoken with her and hung out with her at her coffee shop for a few hours, she really had taken a toll on me. Recently, my now ex-girlfriend found her soulmate and left me. I wasn't actively hunting for my own soulmate, I knew when the time was right we would meet. Something in my chest eased when I saw her, like it whispered to me that it's her. But what if it isn't? We haven't touched yet and I was too nervous to find out if we were or weren't.
I stared at my black palm, frowning. I had seen other people's marks once they met their soulmate. It's brilliant really, the colors are so vibrant and beautiful. Everyone's was so different, like an original work of art, as an artist I could appreciate that more than anything. I know it shouldn't have eased my conscience, but seeing her mark are her arm being solid black did.
"It'll be okay kiddo. The way she was looking at you, even if you aren't soulmates that kind of connection is rare. It'd be a shame not to chase it a bit." Joel chuckled. I groaned again looking out the window. My phone chimed about ten minutes later when Joel and I reached my house.

So, where we going for dinner?
(YN) must've gotten off of work already. I smiled down at the text.

Thought you wanted to be surprised.
I thanked Joel for the ride and the smoothie and jogged into my house to get changed quickly. I pulled on my black jeans and paired it with a nice denim button up. I rolled the sleeves up so my tattoo was visible before brushing my teeth and styling my hair half up half down. I took a deep breath, and headed to the address (YN) had written down.
When I pulled up into her apartment complex I texted her to let her know I was here before approaching her door. I had stopped on my way to grab some flowers, my hands were shaking I was so nervous. When the door creaked open I couldn't breath, (YN) looked stunning.
"Hi Ellie." She smiled, her grin brightening when she saw the flowers. "Are those for me?" (YN) gasped dramatically.
"They are." I smiled back, handing her the bouquet. She delicately took them from my hands closing her eyes as she inhaled the smell.
"I need to put these in a vase, come in." (YN) gestured. I stepped inside her small apartment, well decorated and clean. The entire apartment smelled like she had just blown out a vanilla candle. I closed the door behind me, standing in the entryway awkwardly watching her as she pulled a vase from her cabinet. She was wearing a long sundress, covered in delicate flowers and lace. Perfect for right now as the Summer sun was setting but it's heat remained. She looked stunning.
"You look beautiful." I complimented as she filled the vase with water. She flushed pink as she dragged her gaze up and down my body.
"You look good too." She smiled. I felt my breathing quicken as she grabbed her purse from the counter approaching me. "Where we going?" She asked as she locked the apartment. I smiled at her teasingly, I pointed my car out to her and followed her towards it.
"Trust me. It's gonna be good." I winked. (YN) was watching me more than where she was walking, and turned to ask me another question and she tripped off of the curb. On instinct I reached out and grabbed her arm to catch her.
"Thank you!" (YN) breathed blushing in embarrassment. We both stilled then, realizing what just happened, where my hand rested. Exactly where her soulmate mark was. I swallowed thickly, flicking my eyes to meet her (EC) ones. She was nervous.
"Do it." She breathed. Shaking I removed my hand from her arm.
And instead of black, there were bursts and swirls of the prettiest colors I'd ever seen. I looked at my palm to find the same bursts and swirls there as well.
"I knew it, you're my soulmate."

AN: a long one to make up for the fact that the last one was so short. Also 2 updates in one day!! Proud of myself for this one. Also as a lesbian who drives a Subaru I couldn't help have Ellie drive a Subaru as well 😂
Hope you enjoyed!!

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