"You're scaring me!"

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•Your boyfriend is an asshole and you two get in a fight, you go to your best friend for comfort and a place to stay•
TW:: Abuse/Abusive relationship, slur

"Where were you?" You fought back your groan as you found your boyfriend, John, sitting on your couch waiting for you.
"I told you. I was out with Ellie and Dina." You bit back. You had been with John for about a year and he's been getting more and more possessive and jealous. Somewhere deep down you knew it came from a place of love but you right now, had enough. A piece of your heart cried out at the challenge rising in your chest. You weren't an item or his possession, you were a woman with friends who loved and cared about you.
"I told you to be back an hour ago." John growled. You raised a brow at him. He started trying to give you curfews about a month ago and since you hated the conflict you obeyed. But a few months ago was when you and Ellie had gotten closer. You only disobeyed your boyfriend for her.
"I'm your girlfriend not your daughter. You don't get to give me a curfew." You scoffed crossing your arms at him. You and John had been living together for six months, that was when it really started going downhill. But you knew you loved him, this was just a bump in the road.
"How can I trust you when I don't know where you are?" John raised his voice at you. You curled your lip in response, maybe it was that bit of liquor you and your friends drank but it made you a bit bolder. Made you want to fight for yourself.
"I don't know, maybe shove your pride up your ass and realize I'm not going to cheat on you?" You snarled at him. Johns eyebrows flicked up in surprise as he walked across the living room towards where you stood with your back to the door.
"You are cheating on me. You only get like this when it comes to that bitch Ellie." John bit out her name like an insult. He laughed bitterly as your just furrowed your brows and stared him down. "That explains why you haven't been interested in sex lately, you're a dyke." Fire ignited in your chest, rage roaring inside your skull.
"The reason I don't want to have sex with you is because you are terrible in bed." You said cooly. Surprise and rage lit up John's face as he advanced more on you backing you against the door.
"You bitch. You were nothing without me. Just some annoying, useless, wretch. That's exactly what you'll be without me." John seethed. You flinched at the words. John knew they hit their mark, you had flinched every time he said them to you, which was the only reason he repeated them.
"Get away from me. I'm going to find somewhere else to stay until you can pull your head out of your ass." You spat at him, John caught you slender wrist before you could twist the doorknob and escape. Rage lit up his face.
"You aren't going anywhere." He snarled. Fear settled in you chest as his grip tightened making you wince.
"You're scaring me." You cried out as he grabbed your other wrist so tight you thought it would snap.
"Good." John smiled wickedly. He let go of one of your hands to latch his fist around your neck. Gasping for air you freed your other hand, panic hitting you like a train. Before John could grasp your hands again you reached out jamming your fingers into his eyes. John roared, lurching back letting you go. You couldn't think around your instincts screaming for you to run. Throwing the door open, you were off like a bullet. Air was burning down your throat, you could hear John screaming for you to come back. He was a few feet behind you, you didn't know where you were going until you were stumbling up her porch banging on Ellie's door.
"Ellie please!" You sobbed as John lunged up the stairs at you. When Ellie finally opened her door John snatched your arm in his giant fist.
"What's going on." She demanded as she took in your terror and Johns rage.
"Please." Was all you could say, as more tears spilled down your face. John couldn't even come up with some lie about why you were here before Ellie was on him. Her warm hands pulling you from his grip as she ushered you inside.
"The fuck you gonna do?" John snarled. You watched as Ellie cracked her neck and then her knuckles. "I'll give you the first swing little girl." John teased.
"That's all I'll need." Ellie smirked back at the man. Her fist connected with his jaw at the speed of lightning. The well placed blow had him falling down her stairs and lying limp in the dirt. Ellie locked the door behind her as she turned to find you standing by the window, chewing on your fingernails as you stared at John's form.
     "(YN), what happened?" Ellie asked softly, gently holding your hand and tugging you away from the window. She pulled you down the hall and sat you at her dining room table. You could only stare down at your already bruising wrist. Ellie made you tea as you quietly cried.  When she finally set the mug down in front of you and sat beside you, you met her soft green eyes.
     "He's been getting more and more.... possessive. Tonight I told him I wasn't his object, he got upset." You explained quietly, holding the mug trying to soak its warmth into your very soul. Ellie slowly wrapped her hands around yours.
     "I'm glad you came to me. Stay as long as you need to." Tears welled in your eyes at her kindness. You nodded, pulling your hands away so you could sip away at the tea.
     "Ellie. Thank you." You smiled. She stood up and kissed your hairline.
     "I'll be back, I'm gonna grab you some blankets. Do you want to watch a movie?" Ellie offered.
     "What if.. what if John comes back?" You asked. Your voice shook, you didn't know if you could go back to him after this.
     "I'll take care of him don't worry." And with a soft pat on the shoulder she left you to your tea.

     When you wandered out to the living room you couldn't hold back the smile that tugged on your lips. Ellie had taken chairs and her couch and some blankets and made you a blanket fort. She had put some comedy movie on.
     "Ellie?" You grinned as you peaked under the tent. There she sat, snuggled up under a blanket patting the spot next to her. You gladly cuddled under the blanket into her side. "Thank you." You sighed as she wrapped her arm around you and pressed play on the movie. For the first time in a while, you felt truly safe.

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