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     "She's not coming to save you."
Dark laughter filled the darkness before you, and no matter how often you relived this moment, you were never prepared for the slice of the knife.

You gasped awake, sweat trickled down your spine making you shiver. Sitting up slowly as to not wake your sleeping girlfriend beside you, who you paused for a moment to drink in. Her face relaxed, soft snores escaping her. She was safe and so were you. Ellie did come to save you.
       You silently slipped out of the bed, wincing at the cold floors as you padded towards your living room. You and Ellie moved out here a few months ago, a small cottage just outside of Jackson. The town still in sight in case of any emergency, your home was surrounded by electric fence and trip wires in case of infected. Any visitors were smart enough to know where to avoid them.
      The porch felt like the best place for you to sit and gulp down the chilly fall air. Forcing your lungs to calm down. Your horses whinnied from their place in the stables and the wind whistled through the air. You let these sounds and the bite of the cold pull you back to reality.
       You had gone with Ellie to avenge Joel, and some of those WLFs snatched you away from Ellie and Dina once you walked into their trap. They tortured you and hurt you pretty bad, but Ellie and Dina got you out. You survived. But they still haunted you, the way the laughed, the way they knew how to hurt you the mo-
       "What are you doing out here baby?" Ellie's sleepy voice yanked you back into the moonlight. You couldn't speak, didn't even realize you were sobbing until she sat beside you wrapping half the blanket she carried around your shoulders. Ellie wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you into her waiting embrace. Your cries got louder as she held you, her scent reminding you that you survived. Ellie saved you.
      "Nightmares again?" Ellie murmured. You nodded against the warmth of her body. Ellie's grip on you tightened as she hummed into your ear a familiar tune, rocking you gently. Eventually she stood up, taking you with her.
       "Ellie?" You asked her as she never let go of your hand, pulling you inside the house back towards the bed that awaited.
       "Yeah?" She hummed. You pressed a quick kiss to her lips, lingering with your forehead pressed against hers.
       "Thank you, for saving me." You whispered. Ellie kissed you this time, pulling you to her body in a tight embrace.
       "(YN), there was no way in hell I was going to leave you with them. I was going to tear the world apart to get you back." Ellie whispered in your ear. You felt tears well in your eyes again.
       "I love you. So much." You breathed.
       "I love you too (YN). Let's go back to bed."

        That night in bed Ellie held you close to her, and did not let go. She had nightmares about that day too, and you comforted her similarly. Like hell you'd let each other suffer in silence. Sometimes your make a cup of tea and drink it in silence. Other times you'd sit in the couch wrapped in each other's arms crying in the safety and the life you two built together.
     Love lived in your home, accompanied by dreams and a hope for a better future. One with no nightmares, no past coming to haunt you or Ellie. And you'd be damned to let anyone come and ruin that for you.


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