"Who did this to you."

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•You went out with Dina for girls night, some asshole decides to get a little handsy.•

     "Bye baby!" You called to your girlfriend. It was girls night, Ellie was always welcome to come, in fact she usually did. But tonight she said she had a headache and told you to go have fun.
     "Be good (YN)!" Ellie called back. You laughed at that and Ellie walked towards where you stood in the doorway. "I mean it." She warned.
     "I make no promises." You mused before kissing her sweetly. You could hear Dina gagging from where she stood in the street waiting for you.
      "Okay just try not to come home plastered please." Ellie whined. You grinned up at her pulling her into an embrace.
     "I'll try." You winked kissing her again before walking into the street to meet Dina.
     "I'll keep an eye on her!" Dina waved at Ellie, who nodded her thanks. You linked arms with your best friend, blew a kiss to your girlfriend who caught it dramatically, and began the walk to the Tipsy Bison.

     Dina had left you alone for five minutes tops to go use the bathroom. The longest five minutes of your life, a man who had always had a thing for you took the opportunity to talk to you.
     "Hey (YN)." John greeted sliding into the seat next to you in the booth Dina had snagged for you.
     "Hello John." You said bored. Maybe if you acted disinterested he would leave you alone this time.
      "I see Ellie isn't here with you tonight, I take it that you're free for the evening then?" He wiggled his eyebrows at you. You scoffed biting back the gag in your throat at the idea of him.
     "No, I'm never going to be 'free for the evening' whether or not Ellie is with me or not." You snapped at him. John had this poor habit of never taking no for an answer. You always had to make a scene to get him to leave you alone or have Dina or Ellie rescue you. John sighed and put him arm along the back of the booth seat effectively trapping you in.
     "Come on. I don't even know why you're with the red headed bitch anyways! You could be with me instead." John shook his head angrily. You curled your lip at him in disgust.
     "Don't talk about Ellie like that. You know damn well she could kick your ass to the moon and back. Get out of my booth." You snarled at him. You'd had enough of his persistence, no matter how many times you said no he wouldn't leave you alone.
     "Thank goodness she isn't here then." John said acting like he was scared. He moved closer to you now, his face inches from yours.
     "Get off of me!" You raised your voice, panic starting to settle in your chest.
     "No. Dina is talking to Jesse and probably won't be back for quite some time, I suggest you lower your voice." John threatened. You could feel his breath on your face and you tried to shove him away but he caught your hands swiftly.
      "Get away from me!" You shouted struggling against the huge male desperately trying to kiss you. The bar quieted for a moment and you looked up to see Dina and Jesse marching over towards you.
      "I warned you." John hissed yanking you out of the booth. You fought against him striking him in the back of the knee sending him flying to the ground. John still had a hold on you so you went down with him. You fought back a cry of pain as you landed on your wrist at an odd angle. It took John seconds to pin you to the hardwood floors.
     "Go get some help!" You heard Dina yell.
      "You bitch." John yelled raising his fist and as Jesse lunged forward to stop him he struck you. You felt your head bounce off of the floor and you saw stars as your vision flashed. The weight on top of you vanished. You sat up slowly, Dina helped you to your feet.
     "I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone for so long-" she frantically apologized. You shook your head at her, holding onto her arm.
     "It's not your fault he's a prick." You needed a bath after this. Maybe your girlfriend would join you.
     "You okay?" Dina asked quietly, you met her concern filled dark gaze.
     "I think my wrist is sprained and I'm assuming there's gonna be a huge bruise on my face. But it's okay." You said amused, watching as Jesse held John pinned to the floor as Joel and Tommy Miller entered the bar.
     "What? It's not okay!" Dina protested. You met her eyes again smiling slightly.
     "She's gonna kill him." You smiled at John who was spitting curses up at you.
      "Holy fuck. Ellie is genuinely going to murder him for this." Dina gasped. Joel bought you a drink while Tommy took John to their make shift prison. You sat with him and Dina explaining everything that happened. Joel let out a sigh shaking his head once you finished your story.
     "I'm glad he didn't kill ya kiddo." Joel patted your hand gently. "Want me to walk you to the infirmary to get that wrist looked at?" He offered.
     "I'm sure it's just a sprain. I just want a bath if I'm honest." You groaned leaning back in your seat.
      "Yeah that bruise is starting to show, Ellie is gonna have a field day with this one." Joel mused. You laughed lightly at that. Your over protective girlfriend was surely going to flip shit on someone who deserved it deeply.
     "Speaking of Ellie, she's probably worried. I'm usually home an hour ago." You sighed standing up.
     "I'll walk you home." No arguing with that tone. Dina stood with you embracing you quickly.
     "I'm sorry again (YN). I'll take your patrol tomorrow, get some rest." Dina offered. You hugged her a second time.
      "It's not your fault Dina, get home safe. Make Jesse walk you home he seems to be waiting for you." You winked at your friend.
      "Shall we?" Joel motioned towards the door, you nodded trying to ignore the ache in your skull as you silently walked with him down the street to where you and Ellie lived.
     "Thanks Joel. Make sure you get home safe too old man." You teased as you approached your house. Sure enough there was a lamp on in the living room, you could hear the TV playing one of Ellie's favorite movies.
     "Goodnight kid." Joel waved goodbye to you. You waved back at him slowly dragging your self up the porch steps. You opened the door taking your shoes off in the doorway, keeping your head down.
    "Where were you?! Usually you're home an hour ago!" Ellie raised her voice from where she sat on the couch. But when you finally raised your head to look her in the eyes, she gasped in horror.
"I didn't think it was that bad." You shrugged. Ellie furrowed her brows and walked towards you. You stood still as she held your chin and gently moved your face to the light so she could examine the growing bruise.
"Who did this to you." Ellie demanded quietly. You winced as her fingers grazed over a tender spot on your cheekbone.
"John." You whimpered, you could feel the wrath coming off Ellie in waves.
"Did you kill him?" She asked seriously. You huffed a laugh pulling out of her grasp.
      "No, Jesse tackled him and then Tommy took him to the jail." You explained softly. Ellie took your hand and tugged you to the kitchen. You took a seat at the table, the pounding in your head growing. Ellie left and came back with a first aid kit and a glass of water.
     "What happened?" She asked calmly handing you aspirin and the water. So you told her your story of the night as she cleaned your face gently. Your seemingly calm girlfriend wrapped your wrist for you staying silent the entire time you were talking. When you finished she placed a delicate kiss on your forehead.
      "Thank you El." You murmured, scared to speak any louder otherwise to break the calm facade Ellie wore. Ellie pulled you to your feet and then into her arms. She held you tightly, you could feel her hands shaking as she stroked your hair.
     "I'm going to kill him." Ellie hummed. You squeezed her a middle a little bit.
      "Can it wait till tomorrow? I think I need a nap." You yawned. Ellie pulled back and kissed you softly, and to your surprise she nodded.
      Ellie helped you change into some pajamas and then laid in bed with you, curled around you like you would vanish.
       "You're gonna sneak out after I'm asleep aren't you?" You mumbled as sleep began to crash over you. Ellie kissed your shoulder and left her head there for a moment.

Ellie x Fem!Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now