Tattoos pt. 2

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Last Part:
      "You saved me." She said quietly, almost in disbelief. Of course I saved her, I couldn't just leave her there. Those men would have wrecked her, that sort of pain is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
"I did." Was all I said though, all I could managed honestly. The way she tilted her head to observe me made my heart stumble. (Gay panic lmao).
"Thank you. My name is (YN)." She gave a small smile, I returned it brightly.

"Well (YN), welcome to Jackson."

Tattoos pt. 2
      "Stop twitching Ellie." You scolded half heartedly. The red headed woman mumbled an apology. This was your third tattoo session with Ellie, you'd been living in Jackson for a couple months now. Once you were well enough, Ellie begged you to give her a tattoo. She said she didn't care what it was or where, she just admired your sleeve enough she wanted a piece of your art inked into her skin.
      "When did you learn how to tattoo?" Ellie asked. You found the time passed and eased her focus on the pain better when you both spoke. You had hung out with Ellie and all her friends at the Tipsy Bison a couple times but mostly kept to yourself.  The people here were warm and inviting.
       "I think I was 11 or 12. I had been traveling with this super old woman, she had tattoos everywhere she could reach. She taught me how, purely so I could tattoo where she couldn't reach. She told me that if I looked mean enough, that maybe other people would leave me alone." You told her softly smiling as you remembered the woman. You travelled with her for a very long time, but once you completed her back piece, she died.
       "That's insane." Ellie breathed. You hummed in response, you were adding to Ellie's forearm tattoo with the fern and the moth. You added twisting vines, a snake wrapping up her forearm, some flowers and some smaller moths so the piece was tied together. You wiped your brow, pulling back to look at Ellie's face.
       "Who did this one?" You asked, tapping on the moth. Ellie shifted her seat uncomfortably.
       "My ex girlfriend, Cat did it for me." Ellie sighed. You raised your brows at the sliver of information Ellie laid bare before you.
        "I did a tattoo for, I wouldn't say an ex-girlfriend, but like ex-romantic partner. She loved it so much she threatened to kill me if I didn't complete an entire leg sleeve for her." You chuckled. You and a girl named Melissa up in Washington had hooked up a couple times and stayed up late talking. Only when she could sneak away from her patrol with the military group she stayed with inside Seattle was when you'd see her. You stayed around for a month or so before she threatened to kill you and you killed her instead.
"Did you do it, the leg tattoo?" Ellie frowned. You tilted your head back and laughed a bit.
"No. I don't take kindly to threats like that." You hummed before continuing the tattoo. You were currently working on another leaf pattern.
"Why did you stay with that group for so long then." Ellie asked another question, you flicked your gaze up from the needle you were currently using to meet her intense gaze.
"They offered me a chance at survival in exchange for something I love doing. Yes I hated them, but they weren't a threat I could take out on my own. With the girl I knew I could kill her and get away, but my hands were tied with them." You explained focusing on the veins of the plant forever inked into Ellie's skin. "What's with all the questions today Ellie?" It was your turn to ask her a question.
"I guess, I'm curious about you." Ellie chewed on her lip nervously. "I've never met someone like you." You smiled to yourself, hoping the blush on your cheeks wasn't as bright as you thought it was.
"I've never really done a tattoo that I liked. When I tattooed for that group all they wanted were like skulls and shit. I've always wanted to do a sleeve like this, its almost the sister to mine." You rambled. You flicked your gaze up to Ellie to see she had her eyes closed and was biting her lip. You would be lying if you didn't like she was beautiful, but you had only been here a short while and didn't know if she had a girlfriend or anything like that. Ellie was trying so hard not to twitch, you could see her concentration. You pulled the needle away, watching her open her eyes in confusion.
"Why'd you stop?" Ellie pouted.
"I thought you were gonna pass out you were trying so hard not to twitch." You grinned at her. "I think we're done for today." Ellie opened her mouth to protest but you already stood from your short stool, stretching your limbs as your joints popped.
       "Hey, there's a party tonight. In the barn, I'm sure you've heard of it. But I was wondering if you were going tonight?" Ellie asked nervously, chewing on her lip as you cleaned and wrapped her arm. You looked up into those lovely green eyes. During the time you'd spent alone with her, so close you could feel the heat radiating from her skin, you had gotten close with the woman.
        "I think I will, I wasn't but then you asked." You winked at her cheekily. Your smile widened at her flushed cheeks.
       "Wear something pretty." Ellie teased, trying to fluster you obviously. You took the step so you and Ellie were sharing the same breaths.
        "It's not about what I'll be wearing, but what's underneath. Hm?" You hummed, your voice was barely a whisper. You smiled slyly to yourself at her increased breathing.
       "I would have to see about that for myself." Ellie whispered in your ear huskily, sending shivers down your spine. You flicked your gaze down to her lips, breaking the eye contact Ellie seemed to do the same. You opened your mouth to reply when someone knocked on the door to your house. They had an available home with an extra bedroom you had used for a tattoo room, so far Ellie had been your only client. Neither your or Ellie moved to answer the door, the knocking became more persistent. You huffed a laugh tracing your fingers absentmindedly down Ellie's non tattooed arm, from her inner elbow to her wrist.
       "I suppose I should answer that." You rolled your eyes stepping away from Ellie, much to your heart's protest. The damn thing was about to beat out of your chest. When you opened the door, you weren't surprised to find Dina there.
      "Hey (YN)! Is Ellie here still? I know she mentioned having a tattoo session with you today, I just need her help with something." Dina rambled, wringing her fingers nervously. The dark haired woman was stunning, her skin warm from the setting summer sun and her espresso eyes glittered with anxiety. At the end of every session with Ellie it was like she had a timer set, she would knock on your door to retrieve Ellie to 'help her with something'.
      "Come in Dina." You smiled softly, stepping out of the doorway so she could pad into your home. Mostly empty except for now; you had a bed, a dining set, some chairs in your living room, and a smaller chair and table set up in the extra room for tattooing. You found Ellie sitting at your dining room table which ended up being your base of operations. You had a few sketchbooks you had found and filled scattered across the table along with loose sketches for Ellie's sleeve. The red haired woman was flipping through them, her mouth slightly open.
       "It's rude to look through things that aren't yours." You teased from the doorway. Ellie flushed pink and shut the sketchbook she was looking through. Her mouth opened and closed as she stumbled for something to stay. Then she saw Dina behind you who waved shyly.
       "Hey Dina." Ellie greeted, standing from the table. "Sorry (YN), I couldn't help myself. They are amazing." She said to you sheepishly.
       "Hey Ellie, I was just swinging by to grab you to see if you could help set up some stuff." Dina smiled hopefully up at Ellie. You knew Dina was a huge flirt and usually got what she wanted, it made your heart falter as Ellie dragged her gaze from yours to hers.
       "Sure." She huffed, turning her gaze back to
you, those emerald eyes were conflicting. "I'll see you tonight, right?" Ellie asked.
       "Yeah." You said quietly, watching as Ellie lead Dina out of your home. Once you were alone you sprinted for the shower, after all Ellie did ask you to look nice. And you're not one to disappoint.

Ellie's p.o.v.
       "Your tattoo looks nice." Dina commented as we walked towards the barn where the party would be held tonight.
       "Thanks, I love it so far." I smiled at the delicate art inked into my stinging skin. I'd sit through hours of the sting of the needle if it meant I'd get to listen to (YN)'s stories.
       "Hello? Earth to Ellie?" Dina laughed waving her hand in front of my face. I felt my face turn pink at being caught day dreaming about (YN).
        "Sorry, I was just thinking." I fumbled out. I knew why Dina showed up at the end of every tattoo session, it was specifically because of what happened at the end of this one. Dina and I had liked each other on and off for years, we just never got the timing right. She knew that. If Dina hadn't showed up when she did, (YN) and I wouldn't be going to the party at all. The way she shivered when I whispered in her ear made my mind run wild.
        "Got a date for the party tonight?" Dina asked, not so subtly. I bit back a frown, I should've asked (YN) to be my date.
        "Not a date per say, but it's (YN)'s first party with us. I told her her I'd go with her." I explained simply. Trying to gloss over the tension that built in those few minutes, my mind wandering the the way her fingers trailed my arm.
        "Oh." Dina seemed to deflate. She could tell, I mean even Joel could tell I liked her and maybe she liked me back from the way Dina sighed.
       "She would totally be down to give you a tattoo, you know. Her art is amazing, I think something even you would enjoy." I smiled at her, Dina peaked at my arm. She examined the nature wrapping around my arm and made a face.
        "I don't think I'm cut out for that if I'm honest." Dina sighed again. I bumped my shoulder into her playfully trying to get her to lighten up.
        "Come on." I smiled as we approached the barn holding the door open for her.

        The party was finally set up. Lights strung up everywhere, food and drinks displayed, and music playing through the speakers of a boom box Eugene had fixed up before he passed. People started to filter in through the doors, then I saw her. It felt like the world slowed down, I did tell her to wear something nice but fuck. She was wearing a dress. Where she found one I'll never know, but it came down to her knee, a slit going up the side to reveal her leg. Tiny daisies embroidered on the light fabric, a square neckline that dipped dangerously low with the spaghetti straps that held it up. She looked like Summer personified, from her dress to her brilliant smile. I made my way to (YN), gently taking her arm and leading her to the bar.
        "I know I said wear something nice, you really knocked it out of the park." I breathed, ordering us a couple drinks. (YN)'s tinkling laughter filled the air around us.
        "I thought I'd impress you. But remember what I said." She leaned in to whisper, her lips tracing the shell of my ear. "It's what's underneath that counts." My breathing hitched and my heart began to race.
        "And what's underneath?" I inquired with equal quiet as we stared into each other's eyes, I swear I felt my soul leave my body when she replied.



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