Royalty pt. 3

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     "Did you just propose to me?" You beamed at her, lacing your finger together with hers. Ellie sputtered out a laugh placing her other hand on your cheek.
     "Is that a yes?"

Your Wedding Day

      It's been six months since that day. Six months of planning, and between picking colors and flowers with you betrothed, Queen Ellie of the neighboring kingdom of Jackson stole you away from meeting to take you to a hillside filled with wildflowers to have a picnic. No one around except sometimes Ellie's right hand man, Sir Joel.
      After you told your father of your engagement, he exploded in rage at you. His voice boomed until a coughing fit racked his lungs and he could no longer scream at you. You and Ellie stood at the end of sickbed, holding hands stone faced at your father's miserable state. But after that day, Ellie packed you up and brought you to her kingdom of Jackson, however awful your father had become, you didn't hesitate to send him an invitation.
Today was your wedding day, people from both your kingdoms were invited to attend the ceremony in a chapel near the border between Jackson and your kingdom. Just like with normal wedding customs you weren't allowed to see Ellie the day of the wedding, so you woke alone. Even though you were married, you and Ellie shared a bedroom in her castle. Jackson was not as strict in its rules, but its people did seem happier.
The people in Ellie's city all knew her, and she knew every single one of them. Exchanging smiles and swapping stories, she introduced them all to you as her future queen. Not a single person seemed displeased or uncomfortable with your presence. Today all of those people would be joining you at your wedding.
"My lady? Are you awake yet." Your lady in waiting, Dina, called as she knocked on the door. She and Jesse moved with you to the palace after their own marriage. You sat up in bed stretching your arms up with a sigh.
"Come in." You smiled as your best friend opened the door, she approached your wardrobe as you climbed out of the monster sized bed Ellie insisted on you having for the night.
     "Ready?" Dina beamed at you as she held your wedding gown.

     Everyone was waiting for you inside the chapel. Your father was nowhere in sight, in his invitation you had asked him to give you away. He didn't show up. Tears filled your eyes as you stood alone, waiting for them to open those chapel doors and you'd have to walk alone. The organ reached a crescendo and the doors creaked open. You couldn't move your feet, Ellie was waiting for you there, and she was breathtaking. Her smile was brighter than the sun, she was filled so much love. The chapel was filled with people from Jackson and from your own country. They were more than ready for this union.
      You inhaled and began the walk towards her, you made it all of one step before Joel was jogging down the aisle to you. You could only stare as he took your arm, smiled at you in understanding, and began to walk you down the aisle. You were so overwhelmed with emotion tears freely fell from your beautiful eyes. Ellie made her way down the steps gently taking your hands and lacing your fingers with hers. You stood side by side at the steps to the altar.
     "You may reveal your bride." The priest announced. Ellie lifted the veil from your face and you could clearly see her own tears, you reached up wiping them away.
     "Ready?" You asked quietly.
     "I've never been more ready for anything in my life." Ellie beamed, and guided you up the stairs to the altar. You looked out to the crowd, waving at your citizens who had crammed the left side of the chapel so full once you entered they filed into the hallway for some room. All of them smiling, crying, waving at you. Their beloved princess, now their beloved Queen.
     "The brides have written their own vows and will now present them." The man announced. Ellie cleared her throat quickly, squeezing your soft hands gently, bring your gaze back to her emerald green eyes. Those eyes you have loved.
      "(YN) (LN). I knew from that first ball, the way you looked at me from across the ballroom, I knew you would be my wife. Your laughter brings tears to my eyes, your beauty unmatched like a million glittering stars in the sky. I vow to always protect you. To rule by your side as your equal. To love you, forever and always, in sickness and in health, in life and in death." Ellie pronounced her love to you, and to the world. The priest gestures to you. You took a deep breath squeezing Ellie's hands as she had done yours.
      "Ellie Williams. I remember when we first saw each other. I truly believe it was love at true sight. Your soul is brighter than any forge. Your beauty and kindness as great as the sun. I vow to always protect you. To rule by your side as your equal. To love you forever and always, in sickness and in health, in life and in death." You repeated. You and Ellie had worked together on the vows so they would coordinate. After a few more lengthy speeches from the priest he finally said those magic words.
     "I now pronounce you wives! You may kiss your bride!"

It was the happiest day of your life.

Many Years Later

     "Tommy!" You called after your child. Attempting to get the little boy to slow his sprinting through the castle halls. Your oldest boy, named after Joel, often joined your second son, named after Tommy, in shenanigans throughout the castle. Your eldest adopted daughter, Marlene, was often the one to keep them in line at the ripe age of 10 she was already proving to be a fighter to the core. All three of your children were adopted from orphanages as they were only babes when you and Ellie took them in. You sighed as Tommy and Joel's laughter echoed throughout the castle and made your way to Ellie's office, where she was usually in counsel with a citizen or working a budget or other boring things.
      You knocked on the large office doors before peeking your head into your wife's office. Her red hair was plaited down her back, her brow was furrowed as she stared at the document before her. However when she looked up and saw it was you who knocked at her door she immediately put the document away.
     "You need to get your boys under control." You grinned as you approached her desk lazily before seating yourself on the desk. Wiggling your eyebrows at your wife teasingly.
      "How is it that they are only my boys when they are getting into trouble?" Ellie asked as she stood up, placing her hands on your waist.
      "Because they get it from you." You reasoned with a bright grin. Ellie rolled her eyes at you before taking your face in her hands and kissing you sweetly. You could feel her smile into the kiss as you arched into her.
      "Oh my, what would the servants think." Ellie chastised as she pulled away.
      "They would think you are getting a well deserved break from all your hard work." You lowered your voice, fiddling with the collar on her fancy suit  jacket. She always looked so formal while you preferred to wear your loose sundresses.
      "I suppose I could use a...break." Ellie smirked.
      "Good." You grinned pulling her down to kiss you. Life was absolutely, positively, perfect. Your kingdom now thrived as one, your family thrived as well. The sun seemed to smile at you every time you left the castle to play with your children outside.
      "Ewwww!!! They're kissing!!" Marlene's little voice came from the doorway follow quickly by the door slamming shut. You and Ellie burst into laughter for a moment before she looked at you seriously, gripping your chin.

      "Now. Where were we?"

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