Tattoos pt. 3

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Also so sorry for late update, it's worth it. This chapter is the longest one in the book sitting at 2,700 words, I did not edit it so my bad lol 😂


    "I thought I'd impress you. But remember what I said." She leaned in to whisper, her lips tracing the shell of my ear. "It's what's underneath that counts." My breathing hitched and my heart began to race.
        "And what's underneath?" I inquired with equal quiet as we stared into each other's eyes, I swear I felt my soul leave my body when she replied.

Tattoos pt.3

Ellie's p.o.v.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. The air was thick with the tension between us, I almost dragged her out of the bar right now. (YN) simply stared at me innocently as she sipped at her beer.
     "Care for a dance?" She grinned mischievously at me. I didn't even get a chance to answer as she prowled onto the dance floor area, my feet had a goal of their own it seemed as they forced me to follow her. When (YN) turned and saw me following like a damn lost puppy her smile brightened, as if I could resist her. The way her skin glowed from the time she spent outside in the summer, her hair clean and shining in the light, and her eyes. Her eyes so full of light and promises.
     "You are so beautiful." I breathed once she took my left hand in hers and placed her other hand on my shoulder. Her cheeks flushed pink as I pulled her close to me, holding her waist with my hand that wasn't in her grip.
      I let her lead me in the quick paced dance through whatever 80s song was blasting, (YN) let me spin her around and then pull her back to me. Her (EC) orbs were filled such joy it almost made me forget what she had said earlier.


     "What are you thinking about?" (YN) asked as the song ended and flowed into a slower song we could just sway to. She was breathless, wild, brave, she did what she wanted purely because she wanted it.
     "You." I replied honestly. She huffed a laughed and leaned forward, resting her head on my shoulder.
      "You're a shameless flirt." (YN) breathed against my neck making me shiver, she twirled the hair at the base of my neck in her fingers. Tugging gently at it idly as she bit her lip and looked up at me through her lashes. It was like my brain couldn't catch up with my body as I pulled her close to me and kissed her. I could feel her grin into my lips as she kissed me back. I pulled away swiftly as I remembered where we were, I looked around, nobody was staring at us. Nobody was coming to yell-
      "What are you doing?! This is a family function." Seth shouted. Now people gawked at us. Seth was the owner of the bar that was supplying our drinks for this party.
      "What are you doing? Yelling at us at a 'family function'. Get back behind the bar where you can't ruin the night for anyone else." (YN) spat back at him, letting go of me to fling her finger in his face. The old man looked shocked at the outburst.
       "Great. Another loud mouthed dyke-" Seth didn't even finish that sentence before (YN) threw a perfect right hook. The crack of her fist against his jaw was like lightning. Seth stumbled back away from her. "You bitch." Seth snarled as he lunged towards her.
      "Let it go Seth." I warned stepping forward, gripping (YN)'s shaking hand and tugging her backwards a step.
       "Who do you think you are? You just got here. You ungrateful wretch, how-" Seth was cut off a second time by someone beating the shit out of him. Only this time it was Joel. I took the opportunity and pulled (YN) out of the bar, tugging her towards my house.
      Once we were inside (YN) did not move from the entryway. I reached out and held her injured fist.
      "Ellie... I just punched him." She whispered. I laced my fingers with hers and lifted her chin so she was staring into my eyes.
       "Yes. You did. Don't regret it, not for one second. He deserved that." I soothed, my eyes flicking to her lips as her breathing increased.
       "Kiss me, please." (YN) breathed. I didn't need further encouraging, I placed my hands on her hips and backed her against the front door that was clicked shut. I locked it, and finally kissed her.
She tasted like alcohol and it was like I could feel the electricity on (YN)'s tongue. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my mouth that allowed her to take control. Her tongue swept through my mouth brushing against mine, I pressed closer to her, flattening her against the door. (YN) tangled her fingers in my hair pulling me closer I could almost hear her tinkling voice in my head. More more more.
I broke away to kiss down her jaw, down her neck. Marking her in a few places, her whines encouraged me further, I would bite gently on a soft spot making her go absolutely rigid against me, then plaster soft kiss over the spot. We both went still when someone knocked on my door. Urgently. I rested my forehead against hers, laughing lightly. She joined in, I was sure the person on the other side of the door could hear.
"Don't answer it please." (YN) begged.
"They know we're here, they probably could hear us through the door." I giggled quietly, the mischievous grin that spread across (YN)'s face I regretted saying that. Almost.
She pulled me in for another kiss. This one was hot and swift, tongues and the teeth, those damn hands of her wandered down my sides and then she brazenly cupped my breasts over the shirt forcing a moan to escape my throat. The knocking paused, and then continued. Louder this time.
"Did you like that?" (YN) breathed in my ear, making me shiver. I nodded. Not wanting to totally give in to her. She massaged my breasts and then when she could feel my nipples harden beneath my thin sports bra she pinched them.
"I said. Did you like that?" (YN) ordered, trailing her mouth down the side of my neck, one hands still working my tit and the other one groping my ass, pulling me closer to her. I couldn't form words around her sinuous hands, I moaned louder in response. The knocking stopped.
"I hope it wasn't Joel at the door." I said seriously, pulling away from her to place my hand around her throat. Not squeezing just resting there, (YN)'s breathing quickened. "Is this okay?" I inquired, scanning her beautiful face before me.
"Ellie if you don't fuck me im going to go insane." (YN) pleaded. I smirked at her, seeing the need in her face, in the way she rubbed her thighs together, in the way her hands were just itching to do touch me. I turned her around swiftly so her front was pressed against my door, I really hope whoever was on the other side was gone because the moan that escaped (YN)'s lips as I pressed my hips into her ass, was by far the most erotic and angelic sound I had ever heard.
"May I?" I asked messing with the zipper of her dress, she nodded eagerly.
"Yes." She pleaded as I ever so slowly unzipped the dress revealing spans of lovely skin of her bare back. I kissed every inch I unzipped down her spine. When that damned dress finally came loose and I slid the straps off her shoulders, watching as she stepped out of where it pooled at her ankles. She wasn't lying when she said she wasn't wearing anything underneath.
      "You are so beautiful." I sighed against her shoulder, ghosting my mouth against the newly exposed skin. I could hear (YN)'s words become ragged as I nipped at her shoulder blades. "I'm not going to fuck you against my front door though."
     The whine that left her lips made me grin, she turned around in my arms tangling her hands in my hair as she drank in my face.
      "If you're not going to fuck me against the door, where exactly are you going to fuck me?" She breathed as my fingers brushed the undersides of her breasts, trailing to her waist.
      "My bed." I purred in her ear, lifting her to wrap her legs around my waist. (YN) sealed her lips against mine, running her tongue along the seam of my mouth, I denied her the access so I could focus on getting to my bedroom.
       "You are far too clothed for my taste." (YN)'s lips brushed against the shell of my ear making me shiver. A sly grin spread across her face as she pressed her body against mine making a soft moan escape my throat. Finally we got to my bedroom, I slid her gently onto the mattress, her knees bent at the edge baring her dripping cunt to me.
       "You know, every time you tattooed me all I could think about was this moment. When I could finally taste every inch of your skin." I breathed, shedding my shirt quickly. My skin felt too hot under her lidded gaze. I started at her mouth, gasping into her lips as she brazenly cupped my breasts over my bra. (YN) made a frustrated noise before reaching around me and undoing my bra with one hand.
      I bit her lip in reprimand before moving away to toss my bra away from us, leaving marks and bites along her delicate throat. I could feel the vibrations of her moans against my lips, I allowed my hands to travel. Ghosting along her ribs, her hips, teasingly along her inner thighs.
      "Ellie please, fuck." (YN) begged. I never thought I'd hear such an angelic sound. Who was I to ignore her pleas? I allowed a single digit to enter her slick folds, the shuddering moan she let out was a symphony. I added another finger, working inside her curling up and as deep as I could. All I could do was watch (YN)'s face as her eyes squeezed shut and her back arched. One of her hand gripped my hair tightly, she inhaled sharply as I traced my thumb over her clit. I flicked the bundle of nerves every time I slammed my fingers into her, finding the sponge like spot along the top.
     "Right there, please Ellie let me cum." (YN) pleaded, her nails scraping against my scalp deliciously. As much I would have loved to finish her right there, I thought the sight would be better from a different view. I removed my fingers and a guttural sound escaped her lips, soon my fingers were replaced by my tongue. I moaned into her at the taste of her core. Better than I've ever imagined.
       I watched her face as I sucked on her clit harshly and then softly lapping at the delicate nub to make up for the slight pain. I reached up with one hand to massage her breasts, watching her face as I worked her clit with my tongue and then entered three fingers. I moved them quickly, having to stop paying attention to her tit in favor of holding her rolling hips still. A warning cry left her lips and I looked up just in time to see her head tip back and her eyes flutter shut as her release barreled through her.
      "Jesus fucking Christ." (YN) moaned trying to regain her breathing. I smiled and kissed her thighs, up her belly, in between her breast, up her throat, and finally her mouth again.
       "Nope just me." I grinned against her mouth, she huffed a laugh and stared up at me innocently. I could feel my heart soften at the sight of this beautiful woman beneath me.
       "You are too cheeky for your own good." (YN) grinned mischievously, lifting her leg to come between my own allowing delicious friction where I needed it most. (YN) took advantage of the distraction and flipped out position, keeping her leg between mine she allowed her thigh to press against my center. "You still have your pants on." (YN) hummed, disappointment lacing her tone as she pulled away. I lifted my hips to allow her to pull my jeans and my underwear off in one smooth motion. (YN) ran just the tip of her pointer finger up my slit, watching me as a whine escaped my mouth.
       "(YN)...fuck me." It was my turn to beg it seemed. The grin on the beautiful woman's face was enough to make me bite my lip to stop another gasping moan to find its way out of my throat. (YN) did not like this, she wrapped her hand around my throat squeezing lightly forcing the moan out of my mouth.
       "I want all of Jackson to hear you, fuck I want all of Wyoming to be able to hear you as I devour you." (YN) breathed against my collarbone, her fingers travelled down my arms, her nails scraping against the sides of my breasts as she made her way down my ribs and to my hips.
       "Please for the love of fu-" and before I could finish my complaint she dove two fingers into my folds, adjusting her position so she could suck and tease my nipple while keeping her focus on curling and ruining me with her fingers. I arched into her mouth allowing a long, breathy noise to fly from my mouth. I glanced down to find her watching me intently as her thumb began running circles around my clit. I gasped tipping my head back and fisting my hands in her hair, my hips lifting to meet her pace. She removed her fingers but kept the pressure on the pearl, only stopping to quickly replace her fingers with her face. Lifting one of my legs over her shoulders where (YN) knelt before me so she could have more access.
       "You taste like water after a drought in the desert." (YN) cooed up at me, the vibrations causing another breathy sigh to escape me. One swipe of her tongue threw me to the edge of the world, so when she began to be true to her promise of devouring me.  I wasn't sure if I would ever have sex with anyone again. Her tongue slipped inside of me, swirling as exploring as deep as (YN) could get. My back was going to snap at the rate for how much I've arched it into her touch. I could feel her hands snaking up the sheets, she laced her fingers with where my hand had been gripping the bedding. Her other hand held my hips still. Her mouth was like heaven, if the damn place existed.  I could feel the coil in my abdomen begin to tighten almost to the snapping point.
       "(YN), don't stop please fuck." I moaned. If anything my cries encouraged her more, her tongue working inside me and then my clit and then sweeping back inside me made me see stars.
       "Let go Ellie." (YN) hummed. I felt it barreling down my spine, I gripped her hand tightly, arching my hips into her mouth. A long plea escaped my throat as I slowly drifted down from the high. I could feel (YN) lay beside me on the bed, tracing circles along my rib cage.
       "I..I have never experienced anything like that." I breathed, looking at her stunning face to find her grinning proudly at me.
      "I hope we can do this again sometime, I'm not sure how I'll keep my hands off you during our tattoo session." (YN) giggled. I grinned back at her, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.
      "I hope for my sake, that you don't." I winked.

It was the end of our tattoo session after we had sex. One look into her (EC) orbs and I knew no matter how hard Dina knocked at the door after this session there would be nobody to answer. But this time, nobody knocked. For a startled moment I realized it was Dina at my door last night.
My one brush of (YN)'s lips over mine had me forgetting all about it.

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