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-Request from l0ad0fbarnacles -

•You and Ellie have a huge fight as you are leaving for patrol. You leave, and Ellie is left in Jackson to think on what she said•

"Ellie!" You called through your shared home with your girlfriend. "Ellie I have leave for patrol soon, where'd you go?" You asked the empty home as you laced up your boots. You were asked to go on an evening patrol with Maria and Tommy to scope out a new trail. You stood up and went to look for your girlfriend some more, only to find her leaving against the doorway with her arms crossed against her chest. Shes been off for a few days now.
"How long." Ellie snapped. You blinked, surprised by her angry tone. "How long were you going to keep this a secret." She raged on.
"What?" You asked confused.
"I talked to Joel." Ellie's breath shook. You furrowed your brow in confusion. Ellie hasn't spoken to Joel in a long time now, not since she found he had lied about they cure. She told you everything when she came back from the hospital.
"Okay, Ellie I didn't know anything-"
"Stop lying. He said that you knew I was immune long before we started dating. Long before I told you." Ellie seethed. You finally connected the dots, and you were going to murder Joel Miller.
"You've been a firefly this whole fucking time? Stationed in that hospital where Joel took me!" Ellie shouted. You flinched at the words, you weren't a firefly, not anymore. But you were in the hospital the day Joel slaughtered everyone to get Ellie out.
"I haven't been a Firefly in years Ellie!" You protested. She scoffed at you, a sneer finding its place on her beautiful face.
"So you admit it! You lied to me!" Ellie shouted.
"I didn't lie to you! Ellie, I did awful things as a Firefly. I wasn't ready to share those things with you." You shouted back. It was a personal dark corner of your past that you weren't ready to share with Ellie. You thought it would change how she saw you and that she wouldn't want to be with you anymore. You didn't want to lose her.
"You know how much that would've meant for me! You could've answered so many of my questions I've had for years that I had to find out myself." Ellie erupted. You swallowed thickly as she began to pace the floors, swearing under her breath as she went.
"I didn't know anything about them! I was just the errand girl. I was sent into the city to scavenge for things and if I came back empty handed they were not kind. So I killed people and worse to get stuff for that hospital." You explained yourself, tears welling in your eyes. You fought the burning in your throat, you did what you had to in order to survive. You wouldn't apologize for that.
"Still! You kept it from me. How could you?!" Ellie shouted. A tear escaped, slipping down your face. You were quick to wipe it away.
"I get it. I hid this from you, but I won't apologize for what I had to do. I have to go. Maria's probably pissed that one late." You sniffled quietly.
"You're gonna leave?! Of course you are. Go ahead then, run away from your problems." Ellie snapped at you.
"I love you." You sighed, then grabbed your pack and left to meet Maria. Only to find her and Tommy standing on your porch.
"That was a lot of shouting." Tommy said warily.
"Joel informed Ellie of my past.. affiliations." You sighed. "Let's go, before it gets too dark." You dismissed the looks of concern on their faces.

Ellie's p.o.v.

      I was still wide awake, reeling from the fight that had brewing in me for days. I couldn't believe she would keep something like this from me. (YN) knows how important that was for me, how angry I am at Joel for hiding this from me, and still she didn't tell me. I sat on our couch, a blanket wrapped around me as I stewed. Not only on what she said, but on what I told her too. I didn't tell her that I loved her before she left, of course I still loved her. Even after she hid this from me.
      The anger inside of my chest grew the longer (YN) was gone, were they really dragging out this new patrol just so she wouldn't have to talk to me?  Concern flickered as well, why wasn't she back yet? What if she decided to stay somewhere else because of the awful things I said to her. Regret hit me low, what if she didn't want me after all this was said and done?
      When the clock struck midnight I couldn't take it anymore. I threw my clothes on and laced up my boots as fast as possible. If anything happened to (YN)... I didn't let myself finish the thought as I raced through the almost empty streets of Jackson towards the stables. I'd go after them myself if I had to. Maria gave me a vague idea of the new path they'd take tonight I could find them, find her.
     "Open the gates!" Maria's voice commanded, panic edged the order. I paused almost to the stable doors, and waited for the gates of Jackson to open. I clenched my jaw painfully tight as I waited.
Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.
     I mentally begged anything for (YN) to be okay. My pleas went unheard as they finally came into view. Maria held (YN) tight to her torso in front of her so she'd stay in the saddle, blood covered both of them, my girlfriend's usually flush skin was now drained of anything but pain. I sprinted towards them as they galloped into town. I got there just in time to catch (YN) as she slipped off the horse.
      "Baby, baby wake up. I'm here." I begged, lifting her  and cradling her in my arms.
      "Infected-" Tommy started and I felt my heart leave my body. There's no way (YN) got bit, they wouldn't have brought her back if she did.
      "I'm taking her to the infirmary." I said, holding her close to my chest and carrying her as fast as I could to the only building other than the Tipsy Bison that was still lit up. When I threw the door open there were nurses already waiting for us, Maria must've radioed ahead.
      "Ellie?" (YN)'s weak voice was like honey.
      "I am sorry baby. I'm so sorry, you have to stay strong. I love you so much the doctors are gonna fix you up." I sniffled feeling the tears burn behind my eyes. (YN) gripped my hand tightly as I lay carried her back to the surgical room, she winced at every step I took.
       "Set her here." The doctor instructed, as soon as she winced against the metal table he was slicing away her shirt, I thought I was going to vomit at the gash, her left hip to her navel was ripped open.
      "Ellie you can only stay here if you can keep her calm, she's panicking." One of the nurses ordered. I immediately took her side, lacing our fingers together. I couldn't do this. She probably hated me.
      "Stay." She cried, gripping my hand tightly as they bandaged the wound. So, I squeezed her hand back and stayed.

Your p.o.v.

  Everything hurt. It felt like your torso was being ripped open from the side. A groan left your lips as you pried your eyes open.
      "Drink." A familiar, tired voice commanded. You watched as Ellie brought a water bottle to your lips, the red head observing your every move like a hawk.
      "Ellie." You sighed in relief at the sight of her. You vaguely remembered asking her to stay with you as the doctors stitched you up. She had been about to leave when Maria brought your half dead form back to Jackson. Ellie's clothes were covered in dry blood, her hands were red like they were scrubbed as hard as she could.
     "(YN). What happened to you out there? You guys were gone for so long I was going to go out there and find you myself!" Ellie asked, furrowing her brows at you in worry from the seat next to your hospital bed. Her calloused hand gripped yours, you could still feel it shaking in your grasp.
      "They came out of nowhere. Infected, so many runners. They came right for my horse and dragged me right off. I ran as fast as I could." Your voice shook with fear as you recalled what happened to you. The terror that shook your very bones, you came so close to dying that night. "I ran for the town hoping to hide in an old building or anything. Then one of them grabbed me and I thought I was going to die. When I threw myself backwards it shoved me  through a glass door. I hit my hip on the corner of something sharp when I was running away. It ripped me completely open as I tried to turn the corner." You explained honestly. Ellie's green eyes filled with tears as she gripped your hand even tighter.
      "You almost died. And I didn't tell you I loved you before you left. I'm so sorry." Ellie sobbed, not looking at you and choosing to stare at the hand she still held like a lifeline.
      "You had every right to be mad Ellie." You said quietly. Ellie let go of your hand to put her face in her hands as she cried, and you felt tears of your own building. You ran a hand through her red hair gently to get your girlfriend's attention. When her eyes finally met yours again, you scooted over in the bed, patting the mattress.
      "You're hurt-" Ellie began to protest.
      "You're exhausted, I don't know how long I've been out but I'm sure you've stayed awake and let guilt eat at you the entire time. Now come here." You pouted. Ellie sighed and crawled into the hospital bed with you. Cradling you to her chest as much as she could without it hurting you.
      "I love you. So much." Ellie whispered into your hair. And before you could reply she was already passed out.
       "I love you too." You smiled into her chest as her even breaths lulled you to sleep as well.

       "Ellie Williams. I can do it myself!" You protested. The doctors didn't want you on patrol or moving too much in general so not to disturb the delicate stitching. And your girlfriend was insisting on babying you through everything.
      "Doctors orders babe!" Ellie scolded. It's been two weeks of Ellie doing everything while you either laid in bed or sat on the couch. Your girlfriend took all your patrols so when she wasn't there she had someone stopping by to make sure you were dead.
       "Ellie please let me." You pouted up at her. You were currently stretched across the couch and you wanted to make dinner, and your girlfriend was not having it. She stood next to the couch, observing you closely as she had every second possible.
       "You can help make dinner. Key word help." Ellie gave in. You grinned standing up on wobbly knees and followed her into the kitchen.
      For a while there everything felt normal. Ellie humming in the kitchen, the summer air filling the house, you chopping vegetables while Ellie seasoned the chicken she was planning on cooking. You were focused on your precise chops when Ellie wrapped an arm around your uninjured side and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
       "I love you. But you know I worry, I don't want you to push yourself too hard."Ellie rested her chin on your shoulder, watching your cuts.
       "I love you to El." You smiled pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth sweetly. Ever since you almost died she told you she loved your very chance possible, and you adored it. You'd never admit it, but having Ellie dote on you constantly made you feel loved and warm.
       "Even if I was a firefly?" You blurted out. Ellie turned her head looking into your eyes.
       "Even if you were a firefly right now and didn't tell me yet, yes. I'd still love you." Ellie promised. You pressed a kiss to her sweet lips.
        "Thank you." You whispered.
        "Anytime babe." She winked, turning away from you and continuing to hum a happy tune as she cooked. And in that moment, the kitchen painted gold with the summer sun and Ellie's voice rising into the clouds, you knew this moment would live on in your heart forever and ever.

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