"Dont shoot."

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•You used to live in Jackson until for whatever reason you were kicked out. 2 years later you want to return, and run into Ellie on your way back•

!!!Small spoilers for TLOU2!!!

You hated them, you decided that long ago. It's been two years since they forced you to leave Jackson, leave everyone and everything you love. You had spent too long hiding in abandoned buildings, crawling through bushes, you haven't slept through the night a single time since they kicked you out, didn't even give you your horse. Fuck the Millers and their fucking secrets. You were tired of living in fear, tired of walking everywhere. So you packed your very few things, and headed for Jackson. For home. For Ellie.
You were heading to Ellie's house, a bag of coffee in your hand to deliver to Joel on the way. When you knocked on his screen door and he didn't answer you debated leaving the beans on his porch. Ellie had invited you over for dinner and a movie date to celebrate 6 months of you two dating. But the old man wouldn't be too happy with that, and you wanted to stay in his good graces. You opened the door, assuming he was just taking an afternoon nap you were just going to leave them on his table with a note. But as you walked towards the dining room you could hear hushed voices, Joel and Tommy.
"She doesn't know?" Tommy asked. You stilled, they were talking about Ellie. You should leave but you knew if it was something that could hurt her you'd tell her.
"Shes never told me otherwise. I don't intend on telling her either. If she found out she's the only immune person, and that I rescued her instead of making a cure? She'd hand me my ass." Joel huffed a small laugh. You felt the blood drain from your face. Ellie was immune. Joel was right, whatever his story is, Ellie should know it. This would definitely hurt her. Rage bubbled in your stomach at the secret kept from you, but mostly because of the secret kept from Ellie.
"What the fuck?" You snapped now standing in the doorway coffee beans in hand. Joel and Tommy stood quickly, startled by your presence. "What. The. Fuck?"
"(YN) what did you hear?" Joel raised his voice at you. "What are you doing here?"
"I was dropping off your stupid fucking coffee beans. I heard enough. You have to tell her." You yelled at him throwing the bag of beans onto the table.
"No. You can't tell her either." Joel demanded. You scoffed at that. You didn't keep secrets, especially not from Ellie.
"I don't keep secrets like that from the people I love Joel." You turned to leave to go to Ellie to tell her everything, but you paused. "Either you tell her. Or I will." You threatened. Joel sucked in a breath and grabbed your arm.
"Pack your shit. Your leaving, you can't tell her." Joel commanded, you froze. Leave Jackson? Alone? You would die out there.
"If you want me to leave you'll have to put me in the dirt." You snarled at him. Joel inhaled through his nose deeply, looked at Tommy and nodded at his brother.
"I'm sorry." And then everything went black.

You were seething at the memories. When you woke up they had given you your backpack stuffed with supplies and clothes and weapons. You were outside of Jackson already, far out of Jackson. And they left you there. Told you never to return and the scared kid you were, you listened. Now, you'd force them to let you in if you had to burn those gates to ash to get in. You spent so long away mostly because you figured Ellie had moved on. And out of fear they'd shoot you down the second you were in view.
She was the only reason you'd ever come back. And finally you had the guts to do it. You wondered what lie they fed her to convince her you left on your own terms. What if they told her you died? The thought made you walk just a little faster.

It took days to get back to Jackson, the woods felt familiar. The summer sun peaking out from behind clouds, it almost felt like home again. But the anger that lived under your skin now, it had never called Jackson home. A twig cracked nearby, you snapped the safety off your gun and aimed through the trees. Unable to see anyone, you put the gun away. You got another three steps before you were tackled to the ground, a gun in your face now.
"Don't shoot!" You begged, shutting your eyes. If you were going to die you just wanted to see her, to tell her how much you loved her. Your Ellie.
"Who the fuck are you?" A familiar voice asked, violence lacing her every word. You opened your eyes slowly, looking around the barrel of the gun to meet an emerald green stare.
"Ellie?" You asked. Confusion rippled across her face. The gun disappeared, and Ellie hauled you to your feet.
"(YN)? Please say it's you." Tears welled in her eyes. You sniffled, fighting back tears of your own, and nodded.
"Holy shit." She breathed and crushed you into a hug. You held onto her like your life depended on it. It felt like finally being safe. "Where have you been?" Ellie asked.
"Didn't they tell you what they did to me?" You asked, the rage turning in your stomach again. The fucking Millers and their fucking secrets.
"They? We can talk when we get back to Jackson, I've missed you so much." Ellie reached for your hand to tug you back to Jackson, but you didn't move.
"Did Joel and Tommy tell you what they did." You asked again, clarifying more. Ellie stilled, turning back around to face you. Anger sparked in her eyes.
"What are you talking about?" She asked, you shook your head looking up at the sky. Of course they didn't confess.
"They forced me to leave that night. Told me if I ever came back they'd kill me." You stated, lifting your chin. Ellie blinked and took in your words.
"Why?" It wasn't a question, but a demand from the striking woman who stood a few feet away from you.
"I know, about your immunity and I fucking hope Joel told you about the 'cure.'" You were blunt. Ellie didn't like when people sugar coated things anyways. She just stared at you, waiting for you to elaborate on the bomb you just dropped. "I was dropping off Joel's coffee that night before I went to your place. I over heard him and Tommy, I told him if he didn't tell you I was going to. They didn't like that answer. They knocked me out, took me deep into the woods far away from Jackson, gave me my backpack, and left." Tears burned your eyes as you cried. It wasn't fair. They shouldn't have left you out there.
"I had to find out about Joel on my own. I went to the hospital a while ago, found out on my own." Ellie sighed, there was a promise of violence in her eyes as she stared at you.
"I missed you. Every damn day." You confessed, those hard eyes softened just a little bit.
"Come on. We're going home."
And those were the most beautiful words you'd ever heard.

When those wooden gates creaked open, it was like you couldn't move. It didn't feel real, to be here where you just knew it was safe. Ellie gripped your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. She turned to you, giving you a tight smile, and you began the walk into Jackson. People stared at you of course, whispering. But nobody shot you down immediately, nobody shouted at you, the coil of fear in your chest loosened with every step you took.
"You okay?" Ellie asked.
"I need a bath for sure, but other than that. I'm good." You choked out a small laugh.
"Glad we can agree on that, you smell like shit." Ellie teased. You feigned hurt at her honesty, gasping slightly.
"My lady you wound me." You joked. It was like those two years apart hadn't happened. It almost felt normal for those few seconds, then you made eye contact with Joel who was walking on the opposite side of the street. He stopped hitting Tommy, his eyes didn't leave yours. Ellie watched as you bared your teeth at them.
"Bath first, then we'll fight with those two dickheads." Ellie said lowly, dragging you back to her. You nodded, and kept on walking.
When you and Ellie were inside her home it felt nice, cozy even. She really filled this place with all her style. Ellie left you on the couch while she ran you a bath. So delicate yet fierce as she was before. Something about her was sharper, angrier. But you suppose the same could be said about you.
Once your bath was done and you donned Ellie's clothes and padded down the hallway. She was sitting there at the dining room table, you took the seat next to her. She slid you a cup of tea, held onto your hand for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Tell me everything."

I've decided there will be a part two to this so don't panic lol. I hope your day/night is going well and I'm glad people are enjoying these! Thank you so much!

Ellie x Fem!Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now