"You are a storm."

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•You don't like other people that much, usually you patrol alone. But when Jesse gets sick you fill in for his patrol with Ellie•

"No, Maria please." You scowled at the blonde woman sitting at your dining room table. You worked alone, always have always will. Very few people knew anything about you and in a tight knit community like Jackson, people get scared of what they don't know. It made no difference to you whether or not people were scared of you, it meant more time alone.
      "(YN), I'm not sending that girl out there alone. There's nobody else to take Jesse's spot. Besides, I think you could use a little human interaction." Maria chided. Maria was one of the few people you didn't mind. She was blunt, honest, and she knew your boundaries and rarely crossed them.  You hadn't patrolled with a partner since your last partner died. Refused a new one, you proved you were skilled enough to go out there alone so Maria let you.
      "Do I have a choice?" You asked pouring yourself another glass of whiskey. The sun was setting, though the air was still hot from the summer sun.
       "Not really. I already told her you'd be filling in. Poor thing looked like she was gonna shit a brick." Maria chuckled. You set your forehead on the table groaning dramatically.
      "Just this once. I cant have people in this town knowing I'm human. I kinda enjoy the fact they all think I'm an alien." You joked. Maria rolled her eyes at you, standing and heading for your door.
      "I think it'd be nice if they knew how good you are." Maria shrugged. You stood, walking her out of your home.
      "Ah yes. Nothing says 'be my friend' quite like skilled murder." You scoffed, rolling your eyes at Maria. She just waved goodbye and began the walk back to her home.
      "Don't scare Ellie away (YN)!" Maria called.
      "No promises!"

     The next morning for a moment you were grateful for patrolling with Ellie, you got to sleep in. Usually you left hours before this and you didn't come back until the evening. Your love for the wilderness always won out over your need to go home, going home meant encountering people. You didn't trust the people of Jackson and they didn't trust you. After you lost your last partner due to one of the other patrol being hours late,  it was difficult for you to be able to rely on anyone.
      When you finally dragged yourself out of bed and got dressed, you grabbed your bag and headed for the stables where you and Ellie would meet. Maria was right, she did look like she was going to shit a brick. The nervous girl, despite her obvious discomfort, was honestly striking. Her copper hair and forest green eyes pair remarkably well with her freckled pale complexion.
      "Hey, I'm Ellie. I guess you'll be my partner until Jesse is back up and running." Ellie introduced herself sticking her hand out to you. You looked at it and scrunched up your nose, but shook it regardless.
       "(YN). I'll be your partner for today. After this I go back to my usual schedule." You explained leading Ellie into the stables. You had heard of her of course, she was Joel's prodigy until they had a huge fight or something. She was an alleged firecracker with expert aim, you knew she could handle herself.
      "Okay, what's your usual schedule then? It looks like Jesse might be down for another three days the doctor says he has the flu or something." Ellie said uneasily. You bit back the vicious swears going through your head as you unlocked your horse's stall. Maria owed you big time. Atlas was your stallion, he was the fastest horse you'd ever encountered, and he was the only living thing you truly trusted other than Maria.
      "I leave a couple hours before now and I come back whenever I want. Which usually isn't till sunset." You sighed saddling up Atlas and grabbing your backpack you kept in his stall with all your weapons in it. "Think you could handle something like that?" You raised a brow at where she was saddling her mare. You never knew your horses stayed next to each other.
      "Sure. Are we going my usual route or yours today?" Ellie inquired as she hopped on top of her horse. You followed suit and lead the way out of the barn. You shrugged unsure of if you wanted someone else to know where you spent most of your days. Ellie trotted up next to you, staring into your eyes which was a quick way to make you uncomfortable. You looked away and focused on the path ahead.
       "I guess we'll go my usual route. See if you're gonna be up for three more days of it. I won't make you stay late though." You decided quickly. The idea of being on a path you didn't know with a woman you didn't know made your gut twist.
      "So. Nobody really knows anything about you, they make some pretty crazy stuff." Ellie huffed a laugh. She hadn't said anything since you left Jackson, now you were about a mile away from your first checkpoint
      "Like what? That I'm alien here to destroy Jackson." You asked, a smile tugging at your lips at how tense Ellie got.
      "Well yeah.. they also say that you're secretly a witch here to take over Jackson and use us all as puppets." Ellie informed you. You couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled past your lips.
      "When we get back and everyone asks you what it was like being alone in the woods with me, will you them that's true for me?" You laughed.
      "Why?" Ellie asked. You groaned then, of course she wanted to the actual reason for why.
      "So they'll leave me alone. I don't care for other people very much." You said absentmindedly, scowling at yourself inwardly. Why did this girl have to be so easy to talk to? A snap of a twig had to yanking Atlas to a full halt.
"What?" Ellie asked bewildered. You pulled out your gun frowning at the all too silent woods.
"How fast is your horse?" You asked quickly, not taking your eyes off the trees around you.
"Shimmer is pretty quick." Ellie responded. You nodded, then fired your gun through a bush. Whoever was in these bushes wasn't alone and from the alarmed shout from others you assumed you hit your mark.
"Run!" You shouted. Atlas and Shimmer took off like bullets. You had to admire Ellie's focus and drive as you lead the way through the trees over fallen branches you knew like the back of your hand. But as you lead Atlas to leap over a fallen tree trunk you didn't see the trap set to catch your horses hooves. You couldn't even shout a warning as Atlas let out an alarmed whinny and landed on the trap. It sent him sprawling and flung you off of him viciously.
       "(YN)?!" Ellie yelled, you could hear Shimmer pick up the pace and as you finally were able to force air into your lungs you lunged to your feet, pulling out the gun from your waistband.
       "Ellie don't jump over this tree!" You screamed running to be right in her path. That was the wrong thing to do, while Ellie was struggling to stop Shimmer the horse still leapt over the tree into the trap. You sucked in a breath as Ellie went flying. You rushed to her side shaking her a little bit. "Ellie! Please don't be dead, shit shit shit." You swore.
      "I'm okay." Ellie wheezed. You took her calloused hand with your own helping her to her feet. You aimed your gun through the trees waiting. You and Ellie stood back to back in that little clearing waiting for your attackers to reveal themselves. "Come on you fuckers!" Ellie taunted. You rasped out a laugh, Ellie was a lot like your former partner. Fierce, filled with impatience, easy to talk to you, hopefully Ellie was a better shot though.
      "You bitch!" Someone screamed from the woods. As this man came charging at you with an axe you didn't hesitate to fire a bullet clean through his skull.
       "Son of a Bitch." You swore, you recognized the symbol on his jacket. They were a group of scavengers who you had taken out an entire one of their patrols in exchange for your horse. You'd done that for a long time, took out members of groups in exchange for food or safe passage. It started when you were around 13, ended when Maria and Tommy found you because you had been hired to kill them.
      "You know them?" Ellie asked.
       "Unfortunately." Was all you said before they began charging you and sending arrows flying at you. The slaughter that ensued was enough to make someone sick. You were vicious. You didn't hesitate and when Ellie did you were there. Eventually you ran out of ammo and in that moment one of the archers took advantage of it and sent an arrow through your shoulder. You couldn't leave in your arm so you paused and yanked it out, swearing at the archer. You plucked an axe off of one of the bodies and threw it through the air. It struck its mark with a wet thud. Wherever there was a scavenger there was a means to an end. You were a whirlwind of daggers you had and weaponry they dropped.
       "What the fuck." Ellie gasped from nearby once the carnage has stopped. You turned to her wiping the blood on your hands off on your pants.
       "I'm sure you have questions but I-" you started.
        "You were like a storm, I thought we were dead for sure!" Ellie gestured wildly as she approached you. You tensed when she put an arm around your shoulder. "Teach me how to fight like that." Ellie asked. You stepped out of her reach shaking your head quickly.
      "I don't do partners anymore." You said quietly.
      "I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm asking you to give me a fuckin chance please!" Ellie begged.
       "I'll think about it." You wouldn't.

But the next day when you went to ready Atlas in the stable at dawn, unexpectedly, Ellie was there. Shimmer saddled and receiving love and treats from her rider already this morning.
      "3 days, that's all you get." You warned.
       "That's all I need to get you to agree to more." Ellie grinned at you confidently. She was right, who knew by the end of the three days you might as well just take her from Jesse and make her your partner anyways. You couldn't deny that you liked her.
And she knew it too.

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