Love Birds

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•I couldn't think of a description I just kinda went with the flow lol spoiler for tlou2•

       "(YN). Come on please." Ellie groaned. You only grumbled a noncommittal response back at her. It was way to early for this. Ellie was going out for breakfast with Dina and Jesse, she had told them you'd come with.
      "Ellie, five more minutes please." You whined back at her. Ellie sighed for a moment, and you snuggled back into the blankets.
     "Don't make me do this baby." Ellie warned. You couldn't hold back the scoff that escaped your lips. You could hear her walk out of the bedroom, thankful for the quiet so you could go back to bed. Besides, what was she gonna do?

      "Ellie Williams!" Your shriek echoed throughout the house. Ellie had gotten a bucket of water and threw it on you. The cold had jolted you wide awake, you shoved the soaked blankets off of you and could only stare at your girlfriend, who was dying of laughter in the doorway.
      "Get dressed! We're gonna be late!" Ellie gasped out between laughs. You raised a brow at her and stood up, walking over to her. Plotting your revenge.
      "Are you gonna stand there and watch while I get dressed." You said huskily, her freckled cheeks immediately turned pink as you lifted the soaking wet t shirt. Ellie licked her lips as she took in your bare torso. And you moved like you were going to put your hands behind her neck, once you had the t shirt above her head, you rung it out. Twisting the fabric so water spilled onto your girlfriends head. She squawked in surprise leaping away from you as you doubled over laughing. Ellie scowled at you for a moment and then laughter began to slip past her lips as well.
"Come on, we're gonna be late." Ellie teased smiling softly at you, those emerald eyes so full of love. Love for you. You nodded and kissed her cheek gently before slinging on some jeans and thick sweater with a jacket. Fall was almost over, most nights you spent trying to crawl into Ellie's skin she was so warm. And because of that she now fussed over you constantly. She made you tug a beanie over your head despite you scowling at her.
By the time you and Ellie breezed into the Tipsy Bison you were grateful for your girlfriends fussing. Jesse and Dina were already there waiting for you. Light smiles on their faces, they looked happy enough that it warmed your heart. Ellie helped you out of your coat and hung it around the back of your chair. You gave her a small smile as she pulled the chair away from the table for you, once you sat down she delicately pushed you in.
"You guys are disgusting." Dina gagged. You couldn't stop the startled laugh that escaped you.
"What do you mean?" Ellie grinned at her as she took your own seat.
"The tension between you is thicker than that bloater we saw on our last patrol." Jesse shot at you.
"Whatever. You two are practically glowing right now. So how was your morning?" Ellie quipped back. And by the flush that graced Dina's face she was absolutely right.
"Anyways, tension aside." You elbowed Ellie gently. "Did you order yet?" Dina and Jesse shook their heads quickly.
"What's up." Ellie asked, they definitely were hiding something. You raised a brow at them.
"Hey guys! What can I get started for you?" Your waitress asked. You turned to look up at the woman and there stood Cat. You heard every warning bell peeling in your head at you stared at her. Ellie instinctively hid her tattooed arm under the table, the gorgeous piece you had traced thousands of times done by this woman. Ellie's ex-girlfriend.
You waited as she took Jesse and Dina's order, then Ellie's. The girl was avoiding your intense gaze as you scanned her face for any sign of anything towards Ellie. When she took your order and walked away to the kitchens, you slid your gaze back to Dina's.
"You should've started with 'hey Ellie's ex is our waitress, prepare yourself!'" You huffed a short laugh. Dina and Jesse exchanged a quick look.
"(YN). It's fine, really. She's just doing her job. I had no idea she started working here." Ellie assured you, squeezing your hand under the table.
"One wrong thing and I'm making a scene." You warned. Ellie smiled nervously at you.
"You two are obviously love birds and what not. She'd be crazy to try anything in front of you!" Jesse leaned forward on the table. The morning went quickly, laughing and exchanging stories with Jesse and Dina. They kept exchanging excited glances and acting weird. As you were eating you couldn't take it anymore.
"What's going on with you two?" You asked eagerly. They exchanged those knowing looks and Jesse sighed and nodded. A part of you delighted that you picked up that they had a secret.
"You guys can't tell anyone yet." Dina warned. You nodded quickly, anticipating their news.
"Dina's pregnant." Jesse said bluntly. You couldn't stop the squeak of excitement that escaped you. Ellie grinned at them, her face so open and beautiful. Your heart swelled with love for her and joy for your friends.
"Congrats guys!" Ellie beamed.
"Will you guys be the baby's god parents?" Dina asked nervously. You and Ellie exchanged a look. You could feel her love for you in that moment.
"Absolutely." You agreed.
When you and Ellie were walking home from the bar, you could feel her watching you. You looked over at her, her green eyes were indeed on your face already. You stopped walking, and Ellie stopped with you.
     "What's up?" You asked, concern twisting your gut. Ellie's eyes flickered with emotion as she stared into your own eyes, then she sighed and pulled you into her arms. You were confused but didn't hesitate to nestle into her warm arms.
     "You know I love you, right?" She asked, you pulled away enough to scan her face for any signs of something wrong.
     "Of course. You know I love you, right?" You returned the question with a small smile.
      "Always." Ellie hummed and leaned in and kissed you gently.

     "Out of the road love birds!!" Someone walking past teased.

Ellie x Fem!Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now