Chapter Three

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Hanji has a grin plastered on her face when we all arrive. As much as I admire the woman, she sometimes frightens me. There is a glint in her eyes meaning trouble as no one knows it apart from me.

"Glad you could make it (y/n)." She cheers, wrapping an arm around my shoulders stopping me from catching Jean. "Let's put these new ones to the test."

A grin grows on my face as I wiggle my eyebrows at Jean. "They don't even know what's coming their way."

She moves away from me, clapping her hands together. A couple of people jump at the noise, Jean shoots me a look of concern and I just wink at him.

"Are you all ready?"

No one answers, this will only add to her crazy fuel. I learnt that one the hard way.


"Do you like titans, little one?" Hanji asks.

I look from her over to Erwin who is ignoring our conversation and is speaking with Levi. I only just stepped foot back into safety now this crazy lady is asking me if I like titans. She laughs a little at my silence, making me jump. There is nowhere for me to go.

Hanji lurches forward and grabs my hands with great force. Her eyes glint with mischief. "I think we are going to be great friends."


"That's the spirit!" She yells. "We are going to be training with 3D maneuver gear. I know you went through this as cadets but as Survey Corps members we have to keep on top of our game."

She pats me hard on the back making me cough. "(y/n) here will be showing us how it's done."

I shoot her a look. "I really thought I wouldn't be doing anything." I groan as I walk over to the edge of the forest.

"(y/n) here has been using this equipment since she was 9 years old. Well advanced by the time she came under our care, better than most of our own." Hanji announces.

I take a deep breath in and exhale loudly. "Way to put on the pressure," I call back.

The grappling hooks fire into a nearby tree and I'm gracefully pulled from my spot on the ground. Swinging through the trees dodging branches as I'm pulled through the air.

"Any one of us can do that." Reiner taunts from the edge of the tree line, his arms crossed over his chest.

I drop down, hanging so I'm face to face with him. "Fine then. If someone can catch me, I'll take cleaning duties from that person for the next month."

Reiner chuckles. "Easy." He says getting ready.

"Prove it. C'mon, guys, I can't be that hard to catch." I taunt back before launching myself back into the trees.

Everyone chases after me, I drop and rise as people fly past me. A few choice words slip from their mouths as I glide in opposite directions. I land on a branch as Sasha and Jean come at me. Throwing my weight back, I flip down before swinging to safety.

This carries on for a good half hour before most are out of breath or simply have given up. Only one remains, Jean. We stand on different ends of a tree branch facing one another.

"A whole month of doing your cleaning duties for you."

His eyes narrow in on me. "You're fast."

I shrug. "Not really, I just know how to avoid incoming advances. Everything I know, I learnt from surviving. Fast doesn't stop a titan from grabbing you."

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