Chapter Twenty Nine

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Just as Levi starts to help my son and I, another flash of light engulfs the area. Reiner is standing face to face with Eren. My blood runs cold. Levi grabs onto us tightly.

"We need to get you out of here now." He says.

"What about Eren?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "He's the least of my concerns right now."

I hold up a finger. "One last thing," I say as I rip the band off my arm, tossing it to the ground. "Let's get out of here."

Levi pulls me from the ground, I watch as Eren takes down Reiner easily. I look down at the armoured titan, there is defeat in his eyes. In the last couple of years, I've noticed that about him. He has no drive, no passion anymore.

Levi helps me inside the airship that is floating over the city before heading back down to the ground. A familiar face greets me once I get inside. The smallest of smiles forms on his face before he embraces both my son and me tightly. Tears start forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Armin," I whisper. "I've missed you. I missed everyone."

He pulls back. "We've all missed you so much as well. I don't think a day has gone past when we haven't thought about you." He looks down at the small child in my arms. "Looks like a lot has changed for you."

My son starts to stir in my arms, his eyes fluttering open. I brush the hair back from his face. "A lot has changed," I answer quietly.

Hanji emerges from a door. She freezes when our eyes lock. I don't even get the chance to say anything as she tightly embraces me. I manage to wrap my free arm around her. More tears roll down my cheeks. Armin takes my son which allows me to properly embrace Hanji.

She pulls back but keeps a strong grip on my shoulders. She scans over my face. "I can't believe you're here, standing in front of me."

"I can't believe this either." I choke back the tears.

"Mummy, where are we? Where's uncle Zeke?" My son asks.

Hanji's attention turns to my son in Armin's arms. A smile graces her face. "Is he yours?"

I nod as I take him back in my arms. He looks between Armin and Hanji with wide eyes, a little unsure of these strange people.

"We are safe." But I know down below Zeke was killed by Levi. Something I would have to explain to him one day but not right now. "This is mummy's family. The ones I've told you all about."

Armin helps Eren and Mikasa back into the airship. Hanji crosses her arms as she looks at Eren with disappointment. I guess a lot has happened since I was taken away. They don't seem to have the same relationship they did when I left.

Armin turns his attention away from them. "Jean should be back on board now."

I can't stop the tears now. "He's still alive?" I say. "Can I see him?"

He places his hand on my shoulder. "Along with Connie and Sasha as well. I'm sure they will be glad to see you."

We walk through some doors, finally entering a large room filled with people. Armin pushes me forward but does not follow. I squeeze in between people who are cheering. I find a clearing through the bodies and standing before us is Connie, Sasha, and Jean. All of our eyes lock and happiness engulfs me. Connie and Sasha waste no time in grabbing me and nearly squeezing the life out of me. Everyone in the room watches us.

"You're actually alive." Sasha laughs with tears brimming her eyes. "We saw your titan but we weren't sure if it was actually you."

"We thought we'd never see you again," Connie says. "There had been mention that you were living in Marley but that was it."

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