Chapter Twenty Three

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Jean buries his face into the crook on my neck as we both start to wake up for the day. He had crawled in beside me at some ridiculous hour this morning. He hadn't knocked like usual, just crept in and found his place beside me.

"Do we need to get up?" he mumbles against my skin as his arm tightens its hold on me.

I run my fingers through his messy hair, noticing how long it's getting now. I like it. "You need to get up, I have files to read through today so I can stay in bed if I wish."

He peeks up at me with narrowed eyes. "Trade places?"

"Do you even know what I'm looking for in those files?"

"An excuse not to follow after Eren for a day?"

I jab his cheek. "That's why you want out but I'm looking for some clue to my abilities. I know I won't find the answer in the reports but there might be something worth noting down."

"Do you think Erwin can make it a two-person job?" He groans.

"Ask Levi that question."

He drops his head back down, letting out a long irritated groan. "This sucks."

"Maybe one day, when we are old we can lie in bed all day," I whisper in his ear. "And just let the day fall away."

"I'd love that. Every time I touch you, I don't want to let you go. I want to hold you for the rest of my life, to be by your side."

I bring his face out of my neck. "I'll always be by your side." I kiss his forehead. "Now get up before Levi finds an excuse to kick my door down."

He moves to hover over me, his eyes looking down into mine. He doesn't say a word as he cups my face in his hand. His thumb gently brushes over my cheek. I place my hand over his, curling my fingers under into his palm. I close my eyes and press our hands into my face breathing in his scent.

"You're amazing," Jean whispers to me.

I open my eyes. "You're just as amazing."

He kisses my forehead before gently moving off the bed, his hands slides out of mine and I'm left in bed alone. He picks his shirt up from the floor.

"Stay out of trouble especially with Levi and Eren," I warn him.

He looks back over his shoulder with a grin. "I can't promise anything with Eren. The aim with Levi is to stay out of sight, out of mind."

"As long as you're with me, you will never be out of sight, out of mind with that man. He probably thinks about you more than I do."

Jean shudders in response. "I won't be able to look at him the same today. Thank you for that."

Levi opens the door without knocking, looking between the both of us. He seems somewhat satisfied by the distance and the amount of clothing we are both wearing. That look of satisfaction quickly changes to disgust as he looks at me.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed." He warns.

"I'm not coming with you today, I have those reports to go through," I argue back, this makes Jean obviously uncomfortable.

"You're not doing them in bed. Get up and get changed, Erwin is waiting for you in his office. Don't make him wait for you." He says before closing the door.

"So much for an easy day," I mutter getting out of bed.

Erwin is sitting at his desk once again doing paperwork. This man has a lot to do, he seems to write a report on everything. Hanji on the other hand, if it's not related to her studies or experiments, writes about three sentences before calling it quits.

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