Chapter Thirteen

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Erwin is sitting in his office with mountains of paperwork surrounding him. He stops what he's doing as I come to sit down in front of him. Levi is sitting over by the window, grief has sunken into his face.

"We have some serious matters that need to be discussed."

I look down at my hands. "I know, I screwed up on that last expedition outside the wall."

He reaches his arm across the table to me. "It's nothing to do with what you did. We have an idea on who might be the female titan."

My eyes grow wide as I come to look at Erwin, leaning forward on my seat. "Who do you suspect?"

A small knock comes at the door before Armin walks in. He gives me a polite smile before saluting to Erwin who motions to the seat beside me.

"We have been discussing the female titan, would you like to enlighten (y/n) here about what you have gathered?"

Armin starts his explanation about how he suspects Annie being the female titan and the proof he has gathered over time. He mentions how she had Marco's gear. This triggers me.

I jump to my feet causing Armin to flinch backwards. "She killed Marco." I almost shout.

"That's not what I said but she did have his gear so there is a possibility," Armin explains, his eyes fixed on me.

I go to move and Levi grabs me by the arm, I swiftly turn my head and glare daggers at him. "Don't stop me, I will gut that bitch."

"Calm down, we have a plan in place." He says. "Sit your ass back down and get a hold of yourself."

I grab him by the front of his shirt. "You don't get to tell me to calm down, if she really did kill Marco I want to be the one who watches her suffer."

Levi's face softens as he watches tears well up in my eyes. "I know how you're feeling but charging in is going to cost us more lives than necessary. You will get your justice for him just sit down and we will sort this out." He says calmly.

I break down and drop my head onto his shoulder, sobbing. "What did he do to deserve that death?" I cry out. "And out of everyone, Jean had to find him like that."

Armin places a hand on my shoulder. "You will get your justice, we just need to prove that she is the titan female first. We already have everything planned out."

I lift my head from Levi's shoulder, wiping my tears away. "Where do I fall into this plan?"

"You will remain on top of the wall around Stohess." Erwin states. "And before you can argue with me on this, we need you there just in case she tries to escape. We have multiple backup plans, you are one of them."

"That means you don't take any action until you get the signal. Will you be able to follow orders this time?" Levi asks.

I look between all three men. "I can and I will obey orders this time. I will not intervene without the signal."

"Good to hear, now get ready. We depart soon." Erwin says.

I follow Armin out of the office leaving Levi and Erwin to talk. We walk down to the stables where everyone is getting ready. Jean spots me and rushes to my side. He takes my face in his hands, his eyes moving over every feature.

"You look like you've been crying. Are you okay? What happened?" He asks frantically.

I place a hand on the side of his face. "I'm fine, Jean. Please don't worry."

A small smile creeps to his face. "I will always worry about your crazy ass." He says before leaning down and kissing me.

We linger in the moment before someone clears their throat behind us. We look over and see Eren standing behind us with a disgusted look on his face.

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