Chapter Twelve

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A hand touches my shoulder and I cuddle into my pillow more. My body isn't ready to wake up yet. I can't do another morning of early training. I just one morning where I can sleep in.

"Jean, please five more minutes." I groan. "I'll make it up to you if I can get five more minutes."

The hand shakes my shoulder and I roll over to find Eren smiling down at me. My face flushes hot as I stare up at him wide-eyed.

"Gross," he says. "That is something I can't erase from my mind."

I push him aside and get out of bed. "That's your fault for coming into my room uninvited."

He sits down on my bed. "It could have been Levi or even Hanji."

"See that's where you're wrong. Levi usually kicks me or throws something at me and Hanji will generally jump on me." I grab my uniform.

"We have the day off before you get changed." He says. "Does that mean Jean just slips into your bed?"

I shake my head tossing my uniform aside and grabbing casual clothing. "He knocks most of the time. But that alerts Levi that he's coming into my room so we need to rethink that one."

"Probably a good thing. We don't want him reproducing."

I throw my Survey Corps jacket at his head which he catches with ease. "Why are you in my room anyway?"

"We are heading into the woods to hang out, away from all of this. It's about time we had a break." Eren says standing. "Are you in?"

"Of course I am. I'll be out soon."

"Great, meet you out by the stables."

Eren walks out. I quickly get changed and head downstairs where everyone is gathering. Levi grabs me out of nowhere stopping me in my tracks.

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" He asks.

"Day off, I'm going to hang out with my friends. Blow off some steam." I say, he raises an eyebrow at me. "Not literally blow off steam, just relax."

He internalizes it. "Okay, just stay out of trouble."

I slip from his grip already halfway down the stairs. "Can't promise anything," I call up to him. "See you later."

He mutters something but I'm already out of range as I bump into everyone else heading out. Jean catches me around the waist pulling me into his side.

"(y/n) is riding with me," Jean announces.

"Pretty sure she'd rather be riding you." Reiner cracks.

"At least someone wants to ride him." I laugh as I walk up beside him. "How're things going with Christa?" I whisper, flicking my gaze over to Ymir and her.

His face falls. "Good comeback." He claps me on the back, a smile growing on his face.

Everyone doubles up on horses apart from Bertholdt who rides alone. He has a pack strapped onto the back of the horse. I look up at Erwin's window and see Levi and him watching us. I give a small wave which is returned.

After riding for about half an hour we find ourselves out in the middle of nowhere, trees surround us. Jean gets off first and holds a hand out to me.

"What a gentleman," I comment, taking his hand. "Once upon a time you would've pushed me off the horse."

He rolls his eyes as he helps me down. "That would've been something you'd do to me."

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