Chapter Twenty One

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Cannon fires fill the air around us as we watch, ready, for Rod's titan to get closer. Nothing seems to work on him, not Eren, not canons. Erwin seems a lot more hopeful than me right now, even with his one arm.

"(Y/N), can I talk with you in a moment?" Erwin asks.

I nod. "Of course, Commander."

He walks off and starts discussing something with another scout. Levi, Sasha, Connie, and Jean are standing further down the wall getting everything ready. Jean's eyes glancing over at me, he smiles a little every time I catch him. He really makes this life worth living especially through all those sleepless nights and difficult days.

Commotion from the other end of the wall captures my attention, Armin and Mikasa are holding Eren back from what looks as though he is punching himself. He really hasn't been himself since we recused Historia and him. He seems quieter as though there is a lot going on in his mind, I know he was babbling a lot when we got to him but I never expected it to carry on like this.

A hand lands on my shoulder making me also jump out of my skin, I've been so on edge since we devised this plan. I turn to find Erwin looking down at me.

"What did you want to talk about, Commander?" I ask.

He closes his eyes and smiles. "I'll never get used to you calling me commander." he laughs to himself a little.

"I don't think it would go down well if I started calling you eyebrows as I used to as a child."

He opens his eyes back up. "Erwin is also another choice for what you can call me."

I shrug. "That just seems too easy to me."

"Hard way or the highway for you, right?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way. I like to give Levi a run for his money."

"Who would've thought that that little orphan child that we found, would grow up to be an amazing soldier."

I roll my eyes with a smile plastered on my face as I watch Rod approach. "Are you talking about Levi or myself?"

He squeezes my shoulder. "Both of you." He looks down at me. "Are you ready for this?"

I bring my attention back to him, he has a stern look on his face. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good, now go join Levi and the others and wait for my orders." He instructs.

"Yes, Commander Eye Brows." I wink at him before jogging down the wall.

Once I approach Levi, I realise that Rod has reached the wall. The canons have done nothing to him. He starts to climb up and everyone gets into position. I move to stand behind the others. Jean gives Levi a quick glance, realising he's busy with something else and places a kiss on my cheek.

"Be careful." He whispers.

I roll up my sleeves and smile at him. "I never am, I think that's what keeps me alive."

He sighs, shaking his head before moving back to his position. Levi shoots me a look over his shoulder and gives me a small nod. I return it, my body tense with anticipation.

Rod rises up over the side, his whole face is missing from being dragged through the ground. Screams from people below rise, panic already taking over the town. My hands sweating from a mixture of my own anxiety as well as the heat coming from the titan.

Eren transforms and I'm not far behind him. Barrels of explosives are rammed into Rod's arms, blowing them to bits. His body comes crumbling down, this is our chance. Grabbing the bag of explosives set aside for me, I take off. Eren running to meet me in the middle. My mind is focused on one thing.

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