Chapter Forty-Four

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3 Years Later

I stand leaning against the window, watching as Jean fixes his hair in the mirror. I shake my head as I silently judge him. Marco stares at his father with disappointment in his eyes. 

"Can someone please explain to me why I married him?" I ask out loud.

Jean shoots me aside followed by a quick wink and a smirk.

Connie pushes himself up from his position next to me. "We ask ourselves that every day."

"Since we caught you two making out in the basement." Reiner joins in.

Jean stops and looks back over his shoulder at the man sitting at the table. "You know that's one thing I'll never forgive you for."

Reiner chuckles to himself, stretching back in his seat. "You should've seen the looks of terror on both of your faces when I called over Levi."

Jean turns back to the mirror to carry on fixing his hair. "I remind myself every day that Levi tried to kill you as well."

Reiner clears his throat and leans forward, picking up the note from Historia. "God, I can't wait to see her again. I bet she's even more beautiful now."

"She's married now, Reiner," I say.

He lets out a groan, closing his eyes.

"I've told you too many times to stop lusting after a married woman. It's weird."

"You lust after a married woman every day," Reiner snarks.

"That married woman is my wife."

"Why are you even fixing your hair?" Pieck asks. "Trying to look good for someone?" She shoots me a quick smile.

"For all those people who open history books. Can't have my beautiful wife looking like she's married to a slob."

"I think they'll be putting you in a field guide to horses," Reiner states.

Jean stops dead in his tracks but doesn't move to turn around. "It's a shame you got a new lease on life, Reiner."

Marco chuckles to himself avoiding his father's glare. I move away from my spot and wrap my arms around Jean's arm. He glances down at me and I smile up at him.

"You have to admit you missed those horse jokes." 

He shakes his head. "Not in the least. I heard enough when we were training from Eren."

With the mention of his name, we all fall silent. 

"You're talking about uncle Eren, right?" Marco speaks up. "Mom has told me so many stories about him."

"What that he used to beat the shit out of your father every time they made eye contact," Connie says.

"I used to win some of those fights." Jean pouts.

I pat Jean's bicep. "Marco, your uncle Eren wasn't the only person who tried to beat your father up." 

"If I remember correctly, you attempted to on several occasions." Armin comments from his spot at the table, there is a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"What?!" Marco yells, looking between his father and me. "Is that true?"

"When we were younger, we don't anymore," I say.

Marco raises an eyebrow at us. "I heard you two yelling last night."

My face goes bright red and I turn away from the eyes that are on Jean and me. Jean clears his throat and looks up at the ceiling.

"Oh now you two are quiet," Reiner laughs. "C'mon tell us what you two were fighting about?"

I snap around and point a finger at Reiner. "Shut up," I hiss.

This only makes him laugh harder, Connie snickers, even Armin has a smile on his face. Pieck leans across the table smacking Reiner hard in the arm.

Annie walks in. "Paradis is in sight."

I place my hand on top of Marco's head and ruffle it a little. He's really grown since he was last here. 

"You'll be home soon," I say.

The rest of the group start discussing things and I take my son by his hand. I lead him out of the room and we walk out onto the deck. The sun shines down on us and in the near distance is Paradis. 

A smile pulls at the corner of my lips. I haven't been home in a while and I can feel the wall of emotions start to crash down on me. It's going to be good to see familiar faces again, introduce Marco to people who are important to him.

A pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and lips graze the side of my neck. I relax into his arms as he lets out a large sigh.

"We're finally home," He comments as one of his hands come to rest on my stomach.

I gently place my hand over his, giving it a small squeeze. "A home for the four of us..."

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