Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A bright flash engulfs the area. Reiner stands beside me as the Armoured titan and the female titan crouches before us. Who would've ever thought that we would one day be fighting together?

I stretch out my limbs, they crack as I look at the two other titans. We must look like an intimidating bunch. The Armoured titan who brought down Wall Maria, the female titan who slaughtered scouts like they were rats, and me. The titan shifter who was raised by insane Survey Corps soldiers.

Reiner motions to us with a small upwards notion of his head. Annie stands, ready to fight. We turn our backs on one another, creating a triangle of defence. This is only going to work if we trust each other.

This is something I agreed to, something Jean and Reiner tried to talk me out of doing. 

A couple of small figures swing into view, thunder spears at the ready. I swipe my arm out, stopping them dead in their tracks. Blood covers my hands and I pause for a moment, just staring down at it.

The blood of those I once called comrades. 

Those who once fought alongside me but now who pose a threat to my family.

I'm no better than the other titan shifters that stand beside me. I've got the blood of the innocent on me. 

Hesitate and be killed.

My mind jolts back to reality as more Yeagerist's join the fight. Coming from every direction, attacking us. I see the shock in some eyes as they spot me. 

Armin's plan of labelling me as a traitor has come into plan. Exposing my true identity as a Marleyan.

I block out the faces of the Yeagerist's as they start their attack on us. I don't hold back, I don't hesitate as I fight back.

One Hour Prior

We stand around in a circle, discussing what needs to be done. I hold Marco close to me, I can't take him into battle with me and I can't stay back to protect him. I will have to leave him behind and hope someone will protect him.

Annie looks over at me, there is guilt in her eyes. "Are you willing to fight alongside us?"

"Anything to end this," I state. "What do you need me to do?" I ask.

Reiner steps forward, crossing his arms over his chest. "You don't need to do this. You don't need to fight with us."

I shake my head. "That's not an option. Three of us will be more effective than just two." I argue back.

"You can fight just as well as a human," Jean adds.

I sigh, not wanting to look at him. I stare down into Marco's eyes who watches me with wonder. "I've barely fought over the last couple of years. I will do better as a titan."

"You're staying by my side. Don't argue about this." Jean snaps.

My head shoots up in his direction. My eyes are cold and hard. "Jean," It comes from my lips sharply. "If I fight by your side and we both die, then Marco is left without parents."

His face falls and silence is shared among the group. Reiner clears his throat and Annie approaches me. 

"So, I'm going to fight alongside them. One of us is going to return to Marco. I'm not letting our son live without us both." I say.

Jean gives a small nod. "Okay but promise me, you'll come back to me."

"I'm not making promises like that right now. All I can promise you is that I will fight until I can't move anymore. I will fight until my dying breath and I hope you will do the same."

He walks over to me, placing his hand on the side of my face. "Are you mentally deficient?"

"Jean!" Someone says from beside us but our eyes don't leave each other.

"I love you, too," I respond before looking at Annie. "What's the plan?"

A loud explosion sounds from beside me. The bastards are letting off thunder spears. I kick my leg out, taking a few people out with it, destroying a nearby building.

Mikasa swings and lands on Annie. She seems to be saying something, pointing over to the ship. Annie's eyes move over to me, she nods before Mikasa takes off. I have no idea what's going on but people start running towards the ship.

The Yeagerist's turn their attention to them and away from us. Big mistake. Thunder spears are released and Annie manages to use her arm to stop them. I grab someone mid-air and toss them aside like a ragdoll. 

Reiner jumps in front of me as more thunder spears are released. His face takes the brunt of the explosion but he's still able to move. He protected me even after everything that has happened. A grunt leaves him and I move back into action.

Jean flies past my head and we lock eyes for a split second. A Yeagerist goes for him and I snatch at their cables, yanking them back towards me. A roar leaves me as I use them as a weapon, wiping out a few more people.

An explosion rings from my shoulder, I stumble to the side and realise that my arm is missing. A few more thunder spears are embedded in me and before I have a chance to think, more explosions take over.

I collapse, not far from Reiner and Annie. There is not much left of them either. I try to get back up but my body is nearly at its limit. I snap at bodies flying past me but I'm no longer a threat to them.

Scouts drop down and start fighting in our place. My eyes race through the sky searching for Jean. Blood paints the buildings as shots are fired. Bodies fall from the sky like raindrops. 

I raise my arm to help out only for my leg to be blown out from underneath my kneeling form. My huge body sways just a bright flash lights up the area. A titan emerges from the rumble. One I've never seen before. It starts fighting, snapping and breaking anything it sees.

Something tingles on the back of my neck as my body crashes forward, no longer capable of holding itself up. Rumble lands on my broken body before everything floods to black...

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