Chapter Seventeen

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The door opens and Jean walks in with an armful of sacks. I move away from the window I've been cleaning and help him out. Eren whips his head around at Jean, glaring at him.

"Did you wipe your feet before coming in? You know how Captain Levi gets." Eren scolds Jean.

In response Jean rolls his eyes, sighing as he dumps a sack on the bench. "No, I didn't. If you hadn't noticed I was a little busy when I walked in."

"He'll kill us if this place isn't spotless. He's given us plenty of time to clean it up and then you stomp in here with your dirty boots and ruin it all."

"Look, Jaeger. I don't need another mini Levi in my life or my case right now." Jean sneers back as his arm snakes around my waist.

This really starts up Eren and he starts having a go at Jean. The two start bickering like usual. Out of the corner of my eyes, I spot Sasha slips a bread roll into her bag. I'm not the only one who sees this. Armin catches her out and another argument breaks out.

There is no such thing as a boring day with these people.

Jean lets go of me to intercept our disagreeing friends. I lean up against the door frame with a smile as I watch them yell at each other while Eren waves his broom around.

Levi walks in, shooting me a brief look before wiping his hand under the bottom side of the table. Pulling it back out, he narrows his eyes at his fingers. Probably at a tiny spec of dirt that no one else in this room would be able to see apart from him.

"Oi, brats. I gave you plenty of time to clean this place up." He sneers.

Everyone freezes mid-argument to stare in fear at Levi.

"What did you really expect from us?" I snort coming to stand beside him.

"I'm surprised anything actually got done between Jaeger and Kirstein." Levi comments. "Eren, (y/n), Hanji wants both of you to get some practice in with hardening."

"(y/n) already has plenty of practising with hardening Jean so Eren should be no problem for her." Connie cracks.

The room falls silent. My eyes are wide from shock, Jean's face is bright red. Sasha snorts loudly with laughter breaking the silence in the room. Jean launches himself at Connie and Armin has to jump in to hold him back. I can basically feel the hatred pouring off Levi as I sneak a glance at him. His eyes are narrowed in on Jean, Connie, and Eren.

"I don't get it. Jean can't harden, he's not a titan." Eren suddenly says.

Levi's face twitches in disgust. "Hurry up and get ready. I'll be outside." He says darkly before walking out the door without another word.

Armin is only just holding back Jean from ripping Connie limb from limb. Sasha is whispering something to Eren, this couldn't get any worse. Mikasa and Historia give me a pained look.

Eren lets out a choking noise and a pure look of disgust crosses his face as he makes eye contact with me. "Why would you even want to touch Jean like that (y/n)? That's disgusting."

My face flushes hot and now everyone is staring at me. This is not a subject I wanted everyone to start discussing. As far as Jean and I were aware, no one knew of what we had been getting up to.

"I refuse to stand here and have this conversation." I put my hands up. "I'll be outside waiting with Levi." I exit before anyone can question me further.

Perched on a cliff above a clearing, we all watch as Eren fails to shift again. He really isn't having a good day. His titan body is barely forming to its full potential. And for some reason, Levi is punishing me for Connie's earlier comment. Every time I suggest I have a go, Levi avoids all eye contact with me and snaps a no.

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