The Ultracheese

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You come home from a trip to lie down with a fluffy, sleepy, tipsy boy.


Your head was spinning, your body shivering. Your skin was ice cold, damp clothes sticking to it uncomfortably and your boots squeaked on the floor as you entered the apartment, quickly stepping out of them and pulling your socks off along with them, setting down your bag and wiggling your toes to warm them up some but you could barely feel your feet, silently closing and locking the door as fast as you could and stepping onto the fluffy carpet, taking off your soaking coat, hanging it up and peeling your longsleeve shirt from your body, pulling it over your head as you made your way further into the apartment.

The place was dark, but Alex's phone lay on the table, his chelsea boots stood by the sofa and you were relieved he was home, had hoped he would be because it was quite late and you could never help but worry about him when he stayed out late, even though you knew he could take care of himself and there was no need to be concerned.

There was a hint of smoke in the air, the door to the balcony left ajar and you hurried to close it carefully before continuing to the bedroom, leaving your bag in the hallway to take care of later, in the morning once you were warmed up and more energised.

When you reached the dimly lit bedroom, you could make out Alex's silhouette in the bed, the outline of his body under the covers, his messy curls sticking out on the pillow and you tiptoed into the bathroom, closing the door quietly and stripping out of your wet jeans, dropping it into the dirty laundry along with your shirt.

You then grabbed a fresh towel to dry your hair, not wanting to risk waking Alex by showering or using the blowdryer so you settled for returning to the bedroom with damp hair, shivering as you were now in just your underwear. You quickly discarded it and slipped into a fresh pair of Alex's boxers and the first shirt of his you could locate in the darkness.

You'd only been gone for four days, but you'd missed him terribly, pulling up the collar of the shirt as soon as you'd done up a few buttons, breathing in the scent of his aftershave, his spicy cologne, a hint of smoke. Looking around, you made sure that you hadn't forgotten about anything so that once you'd crawled under the covers, you'd be able to stay there.

Contently, you lifted the covers, tried not to stir Alex by the shift of your weight on the mattress but as soon as you'd shuffled to lie down, you felt him moving, turning from one side to the other to face you. You could hardly make out the features of his face in the darkness, the only source of the light the tiny fairylights you'd hung up to dangle from the window, the battery running out as some had already gone out, some flickered occasionally.

Your heart skipped a beat when you heard his voice break through the silence, merely a soft whisper of your name, his hand searching until it found yours, intertwining his long fingers with yours, his large hand covering yours almost completely and he brought it to his face, pressing little kisses to it and you shuffled closer to him, overwhelmed by much you really had missed him already.

He smelled better than you'd remembered, pulled you clumsily into his arms in a way you could never even dream of because the thought of it would never do justice to the real thing. "Am I dreamin'?" He mumbled and you giggled, his soft words slurred and you could smell a hint of booze on his warm breath.

He pressed his body up against yours, kept your fingers entwined between your bodies and you reached up to brush back his hair, his messy locks falling into his eyes. He was so warm, his soft bare skin like your own personal radiator as he was merely wearing a pair of boxers. "You're not dreaming, baby, but I did try not to wake you..." you whispered. "Go back to sleep."

the ultracheese (Alex Turner fluff one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now