Evil Twin

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Alex takes you on a motorcycle ride with his friends. He's cocky, arrogant and a little douchy. Possessive and jealous. But deep inside, very soft.


The sun was high in the sky above the dry outskirts of the city, illuminating the sand whirled up by the tires on the dirty road. You kept your eyes wide open as the desert landscape rushed by and you left it all behind, the loud noise of the roaring engine having become calming now that you'd gotten used to it, to the wind in your hair but never to that exhilerating feeling that you thought was like flying.

You wrapped your arms tighter around Alex's middle as you reached a particularly sharp turn and leaned in with him, the tires scratching the sand underneath you. Each time, that sound made you feel like you were going to slip and crash. But each time Alex brought the bike to ride upright again, you weren't surprised either. He was in full control.

Despite having asked him to finally meet his friends, you were still surprised that he'd arranged for it to happen after all. You didn't know why but it had seemed to you like he didn't really want you all to meet and you were confused if it was because he didn't want them to meet you or if he didn't want you to meet them. Was he ashamed of either? So far the guys had seemed nice, and to be honest, had spoken much more to you than him.

The thoughts you'd been trying to push to the back of your mind to enjoy the ride crept up on you again. He'd barely said anything to you when they'd picked you up, just introduced you and then you'd gotten on the back of his bike and had been riding ever since. Maybe there was nothing to it, the chance just hadn't come up.

When you realised everyone was slowing down and getting ready to stop and take a break, you grew more worried, afraid that Alex would just continue to concern you by being absent. But you also didn't want to ask him, you were too afraid to be pushed away. As he stopped and caught the bike with his foot on one side, you decided to play it cool.

He gestured for you to get off first and you slowly let go of him, your hands having become sweaty on the leather and you wiped them on your jeans before carefully swinging your leg over to the other side, attempting to climb off.

"'ere, love, let me 'elp yeh..."

You felt a hand wrap around yours and managed to hop off the bike, looking up at one of the other guys.

He pushed his bandana down from his mouth and took off his shades, smiling. "Yeh, alrehyt?" He asked.

You struggled to take off the helmet you were still wearing, fumbling with the climb underneath your chin. Now that you were standing, your legs wobbly and no more wind rushing around your head, you felt like you desperately needed air, you probably looked horrendous under that helmet, your hair sweaty, your face scrunched up because it was so tight.

You heard him chuckle. "Let me 'elp yeh" he said and reached out to undo the strap. "Now pull it like this..." he said, making a motion with his hand.

You'd already found it particularly difficult to put it on so carefully pulled the helmet up the way he was showing you, letting out a sigh of relief when it was finally off. The cold breeze instantly cooled you down and you tried to adjust your sweaty hair with one hand, pulling the tie out and brushing your fingers through the damp strands to look presentable somehow. "Thank you" you said, finally remembering his name. "Thanks, Matt."

He waved it off. "No worrehs, love" he said. "Give yehr 'elmet teh Al and let's go sit wif the others."

You turned around to look at Alex who had secured the bike, also taken off and stored his helmet and unzipped his leather jacket. "Yeah, just fuc-..." he mumbled but stopped himself, shaking his head but taking your helmet from you to also put it away.

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