We All Disagree (Part One)

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You and Alex are in the same friend group and you're unsure about him at first so he takes you out to get you to warm up to him. 


You shifted in your seat, not quite uncomfortable but unsure, as the bus took you closer and closer into the city, despite you not knowing if you even wanted to go there. With a sigh, you turned the music up, looking out to the see the city rush by.

"Dear, can't you see? It's them, it's not me
We're not enemies, we just disagree
If I was like him, all dissing his pa
He changes his mind, says I went too far
We all disagree, I think we should disagree, yeah..."

You took a deep breath, leaning against the window as you hummed along quietly to the song. You had heard it before, but never listened and focused on the lyrics, the details of the instruments, and you weren't right now either. Your mind was wandering and you couldn't quite believe you'd agreed to spend the evening with Alex out of all people.

Ever since your best friend had brought him to a night out at the pub a while ago, you'd had this odd feeling about him, you just weren't sure if you liked the vibes you got from him and you weren't sure if that was because you didn't like him or because he was just such a mystery to you.

"Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it?"

You glanced up to see there was only one more stop until you had to get off the bus, then walk just a few minutes until you got to the venue, and then you'd meet him. You were still unsure why he'd even asked you to come to a concert with him, there were so many people you knew he'd probably rather spend time with, like your best friend, or any of his other friends that he sometimes talked about that were obviously much more enthusiastic about music, especially a band that you had never actively listened to. But when you'd gotten his text, you hadn't been able to just decline because you were curious, and your best friend had told you to give him chance because she knew you had your doubts about him. But they had grown quite close so you didn't want her to always be in between when you were all out together, because that wasn't fair on her. And you didn't want to be that person that judged people too quickly, by what they looked like and appeared to be at first sight.

"Can't you see I'm trying? I don't even like it..."

You realised there wasn't too much battery left in your phone and turned off the music, putting it on flight mode before shoving it into the pocket of your jacket and getting up as the bus pulled into the lane of your stop. With a deep breath, you jumped off the bus and headed down the street and around the corner, the venue with a long line coming into view.

It was dark already but the light of the sign over the venue and the streetlamps made the usually dull side of town look much more adventurous and a lot cooler than it really was.

Slowly walking along the queue, you let your eyes wander, hoping to spot him somewhere but at the same time hoping that maybe you wouldn't find him and could use that as an excuse to go back home. You still had no idea what to expect.

A call of your name snapped you out of it and you spun around, your heart skipping a beat when you saw Alex wave and step out of the line, approaching you with a smile. His hair was slicked back and he was wearing a leather jacket and black jeans. As per usual, there was a cigarette between his lips and he took a drag when he reached you, blowing the smoke to the side before giving you a quick hug for a greeting. "There yeh are" he said. "I were beginnin' teh fink yeh wouldn't show up."

You bit your lip. "I mean, I said I'd be here" you said, turning to the side to cough when the smoke reached your nose.

"Sorreh, almost done" he said, taking another deep drag before dropping the cigarette to the ground and stepping on it with the heel of his boot. "Reyht ... do yeh want teh grab summat teh eat real quick before the show?"

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