Rays of Light (Part Two)

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"Why do I 'ave teh beh 'ere for this again?"

"Quit your moaning, you're helping me" you said, shaking your head at Alex who looked like a confused puppy himself, almost able to compete with Gokú himself.

"Yeh said tha' he 'ates baths, if he sees meh 'ere, helpin' yeh torture 'im, he'll never like meh!"

You rolled your eyes. "Alex, I'm not torturing him" you laughed. "Now's as good time as any, especially because I said nothing when he ate all my bananas earlier."

"Yeh wha'?"

"Whenever the boy is guilty, he squints his eyes and I came home earlier, all my bananas I'd bought the day before were spread out on the kitchen floor. I thought someone broke in or something! But nope, it was just this fella here, I found three more bananas in his bed."

Alex laughed, shaking his head as he sat there on the edge of the bathtub, looking absolutely flawless and out of place while you were in your sweatpants and a lose top that you wouldn't mind getting wet, hair tied back to have out of your face, struggling to open the container of ice cream in your hands. "What're yeh doin'?" Alex chuckled, holding his hands out to offer help.

You finally cracked it open, breathing out with relief. "I'm going to bribe him with ice-cream" you announced. "Anyway, he didn't even eat the bananas, just put his paws on the counter because he thought they looked interesting and then had his fun with them."

"Yehr dog is summat else" he grinned, watching you closely as you knelt down on the ground and called for Gokú who came trotting into the bathroom when he noticed what you had in your hands.

"Lock the door, please, once he comes inside, so he doesn't run off."

"He won't run off..."

"Yes, he will, just please" you laughed, sighing with relief as Gokú came to sniff the ice-cream and you set it down, petting him gently as he started licking at the icy treat while Alex crossed the room with two quick steps and locked the bathroom door.

"Poor dog" he laughed, then sat back down on the edge of the bathtub.

You waved it off. "You have to help me once he's in there."

Alex's eyes widened. "What am I supposed teh do?"

"Just ... while I scrub him, you have to maybe hold on to him."


"Or the other way aroun?"

"I'll 'old him."

You laughed, standing up and pecking his lips gently. "Thank you so much, handsome."

"Wha' now then?"

"Actually getting him into the tub isn't even the hardest thing, he just has to stay there and he doesn't like that ... it's about to become a real mess in here" you warned him with a chuckle.

Alex sighed. "Always wanted a dog but this makes me question if it's realleh worth it."

You shot him a glare. "Alex."

He laughed, rolling his eyes. "Tha knows I'm onleh jokin', I love Gokú. Yeh've got teh admit he's a bit of a drama queen."

"I won't deny that" you laughed. "But it's absolutely worth it."

He nodded. "I kno', I were playin'..."

You waved it off, sighing. "Okay" you said. "Gotta act fast, can you help me lift him? It'll be easier that way.

Alex nodded, rolling up his sleeves, nodding again and standing up, leaning down the way you did and without Gokú suspecting anything, you both wrapped your arms around him carefully and lifted him to carry him into the tub, instantly being splashed with water when he started wagging his tail and you gestured for Alex to keep hold of him while you let go, grabbing the brush and soap and trying to avoid the constant splashes.

"Fookin', he won't stop movin'!" Alex muttered, trying a different angel to grab Gokú and hold him steadier but he just kept moving, turning in the tub and you tried to help with one arm, starting to scrub his fur as fast as you could, every second counted.

"I'll try to be quick" you assured him, having to move here and there so you could actually reach and clean him, but he was in absolutely no mood today, splashing you with water continuously, both of you moving back and forth and around him to avoid getting completely drenched.

"O-Oh, fook..." Alex said, his voice rising higher and you were about to call to him to let go when Gokú turned to move to the other side of the tub but it was too late, Alex was still holding on, leaning too far over tub and losing his balance.

"Alex!" You called, dropping the soap and brush but it was too late, Gokú dragged him into the tub with him and Alex gasped, water splashing everywhere. "Oh, baby..." you sighed, quickly walking around the tub to help him up, help him back out.

He gripped your hand tightly, holding on to the edge of the tub as he tried to climb out, his wet clothes now sticking to his body and you gasped when Gokú being unattended almost jumped out of the tub as well but you spun around fast enough, holding him there.

"I'm so sorry" you muttered but Alex waved it off, peeling his sticky shirt from his chest. "You go change, baby" you told him. "I'll quickly finish here and then I'll make you some tea."

Alex sighed, not saying anything and just carefully making his way out of the bathroom, shutting the door as quickly as possible.

About twenty minutes later, you exited the bathroom as well, soaked as well but also sweating from the blowdryer although that hadn't done much for Gokú and he was now hurrying and wiggling through the place, his fur still damp, his mood more lively than before and you sighed, finding Alex wrapped up in one of the fluffy blankets from your sofa on the sofa, watching TV.

"Didn't 'ave aneh more fresh clothes 'ere" he explained, gesturing to the balcony where he'd hung up his clothes.

You smiled. "I'll get you one of my shirts" you said gently, walking around to the back of the sofa and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks for your help, baby."

He pouted. "Yeh're welcome."

"I'll make you some tea, okay? Or hot chocolate?"

Alex bit his lip but looked up at you. "Hot chocolate, please" he said quickly, jumping a little when Gokú hopped up onto the sofa and placed his chin on Alex's thigh, looking up at him with big eyes.

Despite his grumpy and mopey mood, Alex started petting Gokú gently, ruffling his fur and stroking his fingers through it to the point where you knew he wouldn't get rid of Gokú like this for a while.

You smiled to yourself when you saw Alex smile too and he turned to look at you. "Can I 'elp?" He asked.

You shook your head. "No, love, I'll only be a moment" you said absently as you watched them together while walking to the kitchen, Gokú snuggling closer and Alex starting to relax with half of your huge dog in his lap. You sighed. "My boys."

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