Pinky Promise 🌈

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You (NB reader) meet Alex's parents for the first time. 


"I think I'm going to be sick."

Alex eyed you from the side, raising an eyebrow at you. "Realleh?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

You laughed it off nervously, shaking your head. "No, no, I'm just ... very nervous. What if your parents don't like me?"

"That's crazeh, of course they will. They've been asking meh teh bring yeh teh dinner for ages, babeh."

You took a deep breath. "I know, we've been together way too long for us to not have met each other's parents."

He smiled. "It'll beh alreyht. I'm reyht here and I'll do whatever I can so yeh won't feel out of place, or shy, or aneh of the fings yeh're worried about."

You swallowed, looking at him with a sigh. "Promise?"

"Pinkeh promise" he said, squeezing your hand and holding his other hand up with his pinky raised.

You giggled, linking your pinky with his for a moment, caught off guard when he pressed a soft kiss to your lips at the same time.

"Okay. Okay" you said and inhaled deeply once more before ringing the doorbell. "Thank you, Alex."

He gently pulled your arm up with his and pressed a soft kiss to your hand.

You heard steps approaching the door and before you knew it, Alex's mum was standing in front of you with a large smile.

"There you are!" She called and Alex squeezed your hand again before letting it go and stepping forward when his mum wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him gently. "I missed you, darling!" She said. "I'm so happy you're here."

"It's good teh see yeh too, mum" he said lovingly, rubbing her back with his hand before stepping back again.

"And it's wonderful to have you here too, finally!" She said, moving forward to hug you as well, making you feel more welcome instantly. "I have been waiting to meet you, Al talks about you whenever I speak to him."

You blushed, hugging her back. "He's told me only wonderful things about you too" you said softly when you both stepped back.

"Come on in" she smiled and opened the door wider, gesturing for the two of you to step inside.

Alex took your hand again and led you inside, taking your jacket and hanging it up before taking off his own.

"This is a beautiful house, Mrs..." you started.

Alex's mum stopped you, shaking her head. "No, call me Penny" she said with a smile.

You smiled, pressing your lips together for a moment before starting again. "It's a lovely house, Penny" you corrected yourself.

She laughed. "Thank you."

"There they are..." you heard a male voice and looked up to see Alex's dad coming down the stairs. "Finally got the honours, do we?"

Alex rolled his eyes and gave his dad a quick hug. "Hey, dad" he smiled.

Alex's dad patted his back before pulling back and extending his hand to you. "It is very nice to finally meet you. We've heard loads about you."

Once again, that made Alex blush and you couldn't help but look over to him lovingly. "I'm really happy to finally meet the two of you as well" you said politely as you shook his hand, once again introducing yourself.

"Call me David" he said with a smirk and you figured he'd heard you being far too formal with his wife.

"Would you sit down with them? I'll be right out with the food" Penny said to her husband and he nodded, gesturing for you and Alex to follow him.

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