Doesn't Time Fly 🌈

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You (NB reader) are married to Alex and are on tour with AM and your band. Alex asks you to sing Four out of Five on stage with him.


 "Arc-tic Mon-keys! Arc-tic Mon-keys!"

You clapped along with the chants of the large crowd as you stood backstage, watching the boys get ready to get back out on stage for their encore.

Alex looked over at you as he secured his guitar over his shoulder, chuckling when he saw you clapping along, mouthing the chants into his direction and tilting your head to the rhythm as well. Despite having known him for so long, having seen so many of their shows, him having played so many private sessions for just you, you would always be his greatest supporter. You'd even told him so in your vows.

He walked past you and as the other three headed up the stairs and back on stage, he paused and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before following them.

You stood there with your eyes closed for a moment, your lips tingling from the kiss. When you heard Alex's voice again, talking to the crowd, telling them they had three more songs, you opened your eyes and moved to the side so you could have a better view of the stage.

You loved watching them play and even night after night, it didn't get old. It had been so long, because of the long hiatus and while you'd been on the TLSP tour with him as well, you had missed him playing with the Monkeys. And watching him get so excited about the album while it was still a work in progress, making sure that everything was perfect from the lyrics to the design, to the vocals and the cinematography of the videos, it was so good to see the final product and how proud it made them.

Just a few days ago, he had shown you the video to Four out of Five which had easily become one of your favourite songs ever and you had been singing it all the time and absolutely everywhere, in the shower, while you were eating, even last night it had been playing in your head while you'd been in bed with him.

Normally, they played it pretty early during the set but tonight, you hadn't heard it yet and you hoped he'd still play it. Maybe he was saving it for the very last song of the night.

You smiled to yourself as you watched him dance across the stage, it was almost magical to see him perform, the way he got so lost in the music. It was like there was nothing but the song for him, like he forgot there was a huge crowd in front of him, like there were words he had to remember, chords to play, it all came to him naturally and you loved watching that pure passion taking over him.

You clapped along as they finished their second song of the encore and saw him glance back at you where you stood, giving you a wink.

He then stepped forward again as the clapping slowly subsided to allow him to speak. "So ... for this last song ... maybeh yeh've all been wonderin' where it'd been ... but trust meh, I 'ave a vereh good reason for savin' it..."

You saw him turn around to look back at you again. Was he going to say something about you? Despite everyone knowing you were married and you having been asked about him many times, there wasn't a lot that was public about your relationship.

"It's been me partner's favourite song and they're singin' it everehwhere and as yeh all 'eard earlier, they've got an amazing voice..."

Your eyes widened. While you'd been on tour with him several times, this was a whole new thing. You hadn't song on stage together before.

"He's gonna ask you to sing Four out of Five with him" one of the other members of your band who had appeared behind you said.

You turned around, your eyes widening. "I-I ... I don't know if I..."

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