You Could Meet Someone You Like (Part Two)

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The busy shuffling in the café in the background, the smell of freshly baked pie and buzzing of the coffee machine, all those things made the situation quite real to you. The face you saw when you turned around to look over your shoulder on the other hand – very surreal.

You had no idea how you had gotten yourself into this situation because as far as you were concerned, one didn't end up in the back room of their job on their lunch break, having a little coffee date with their idol. And certainly not you. And yet, here you were.

You placed the cup down in front of him, smiling and sitting down. "You really didn't have to ... come here in my break. We could've set up a proper time to meet." You couldn't believe what you were hearing yourself say. How had you gotten here? Alex Turner insisting to meet you so soon that he couldn't wait until you were off work. Yes, you were too busy to meet Alex Turner. Okay, you really needed to chill.

"Well, yeh didn't seem teh 'ave time anehtime soon" he said with a smile, shrugging.

This was so casual for him, he clearly didn't even mind. Your heart was racing and he was just sat there, lounging comfortably in one of the old chairs in the back room, looking so out of place that it still seemed like a dream to you. His tinted glasses were on the table next to his steaming cup of coffee and his beige coat was hung over the back of the chair. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up and the top buttons were undone. He pushed his hair out of his face absently every now and then, scratching his beard. Fuck. Snap out of it.

"Yeh alrehyt, space girl?"

You laughed softly. "Is that my name in your phone?" You asked.

Alex chuckled. "Don't know yehr real name yet, do I?"

You smiled, caving and telling him your name.

"Beau'iful..." he commented, his voice low, his accent killing you. He took a sip of his coffee, flashing you a smile.

You blushed, shaking your head. "I'm sorry I've been so busy. I promise I'm not playing hard to get, there's just a lot going on."

He nodded. "No worrehs, love, I kno' exactleh 'ow tha' feels. Yeh said yeh 'ad another job then?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I also work at a bar. And I walk my neighbor's dogs. And I try and tutor my best mate's cousin."

His eyes widened. "Wow..." he said. "And tha's ... what ... um..."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Hmmm?"

"If yeh don't mind meh askin', what is it tha' yeh're doin' all this for? What're yeh ... are yeh savin' up for summat?"

You smiled. "Yes, I want to go travel the world. Well, not the world exactly. But the places that I have on my list of places to see."

He nodded. "Yeh, I love travelin'..." he said. "Big perk of tourin'. Sometimes weh don't get nearleh enough time teh look at everehfin' weh want."

You took a sip of your coffee but stood back up when you heard the beeping of the microwave behind you. "I'm sure it's amazing though. Touring the world."

"It's pretteh great, yeah..." he said.

You took the two slices of apple pie out and placed them on a plate each, coming back to the table and setting them down and sitting. "Here you go. I baked it this morning but I think it's much nicer when it's warm" you said.

He smiled. "Yeh're amazin', yeh kno' tha'?" He chuckled. "It smells heavenleh..."

"Don't exaggerate" you laughed, waving it off and grabbing a fork, starting to eat, the soft mixture of apples and pastry melting on your tongue.

He also tried it and shook his head. "Definiteleh not exaggeratin', love" he said.

You blushed again, looking down. You still couldn't believe it. "Damn..."

"Wha'?" He asked.

"Um..." you said, realising you'd said that out loud. "Just ... still can't believe that ... you're ... here."

He chuckled, shrugging. "I need me coffee like anehbodeh else" he smirked.

You sighed. "Yeah but ... what are the chances ... of ... you walking right into the café I work at and ... sending me a text after that weird move I made with the number?"

He shook his head. "No, love, tha' was loveleh" he said. "I didn't 'ave the balls teh ask yeh for yehr number so yeh're much more confident than meh there."

"Which is strange in itself" you laughed. "You'd think an international rockstar would feel more confident than a fangirl making coffee?"

"There yeh go, tha's me self-esteem for yeh."

Your eyes widened. "Now, come on."

"When it comes teh pretteh girls like yeh, at least" he smiled, sipping on his coffee again.

Once again, your cheeks were pink and you couldn't believe it. "Just a huge coincidence" you mumbled. "Especially because I had your song stuck in my head and all, was replaying that video. It was so beautifully shot."

Alex smiled proudly. "Thank yeh. Weh worked realleh 'ard on it. I'm so 'appeh wif 'ow it turned out."

You grinned, loving how passionate he got instantly when talking about something he loved and was proud of. "It really showed" you smiled. "And you looked great in it, of course."

He laughed it off, shrugging. "Tried all them clothes teh get the perfect outfits for the shoot."

You laughed too. "You chose the right ones" you grinned. "I really love the new style you're taking with the music too though."

"How long 'ave yeh listened to our music?" He asked curiously, sitting up and leaning closer to you.

"Oh, boy. I think since ... Suck It and See? But I did get the old albums first" you told him.

He smiled. "Which one's yehr favourite?"


He laughed. "Tha' were quick."

You shrugged. "It's my favourite by far. The lyrics and all ... like ... I have no words" you laughed. "I can't even believe I'm talking to you about this. In my lunch break. In my workplace."

He laughed. "Yeh're cute."

"Stop" you said with a nervous laugh.

"When yeh've got time, can I take yeh out on a proper date though?"

"What? You don't want to keep come seeing me in my lunch break for half an hour?"

Alex laughed. "As loveleh as the pie and coffeeh are, I'd like teh spend more time wif yeh, believe it or not."

You sighed. "Why?" You asked, genuinely still confused.

"Because yeh're ... I don't know. Yeh caught me eye?" He laughed, also seeming a little nervous now.

"I guess I have to accept how lucky I am then."

He waved it off. "I'm the luckeh one, space girl."

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